"Don't let go." Hua Ye shook his head and refused, "Ok, why did you suddenly pinch me?"

Wei Nai was ashamed and angry, half-closed her eyes, trying to make Hua Ye confess her guilt with sharp eyes: "Who made you so obscene!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "Who is obscene?"

"It's you who is dirty!"

Obviously, it is very serious and serious to prove that you are actually super sensitive. How can you say obscene about scientific research!

After all, Wei Nai was too thin-skinned, and it was already embarrassing to be bitten by Hua Ye's ear, but now Hua Ye grabbed his hand again, and Thor and Xiaolin sitting next to him also looked over subtly, wanting to find a way to drill go down.

"I won't pinch you... let go."


"I'm so angry!"


Hua Ye silently let go of his hand.

Then Wei Nai moved to the side, gritted her silver teeth, said with a frosty face, "Don't cross this line!"

Hello, are you a primary school student?

What kind of trouble is it to use such a naive method to divide the territory!

Hua Ye reluctantly picked up the phone, ready to continue fishing, but saw Xiao Lin quietly put up a thumbs up: "My cousin is amazing."

Thor blinked his eyes, hurriedly followed suit, and also gave Hua Ye a thumbs up. The small canine teeth at the corners of his mouth were shining in the sun: "You are amazing, my little Ye."

Hua Ye: "???"

What's great?

It was just to prove that Wei Nai is super sensitive, why both of you are so weird!


Time passed quietly.

Before I knew it, the morning game was over, and it was time for lunch break.

"Now it's lunch break time, students and parents are invited to eat together, drink enough water, and be careful not to suffer from heat stroke..."

After a female teacher finished explaining the precautions on the radio, the lunch break officially began.

"Little Lin! Master Thor!"

Kang Na ran over.

This young blue-eyed dragon wears a red hat on its head, a white short-sleeved sportswear on its upper body, and a pair of shorts on its lower body, revealing two suet-like jade-like... small thick legs.

"Kangna, you worked hard in the morning game." Xiaolin reached out and touched Kangna's head, smiling and praising, "You should work harder in the afternoon."


With sparkles in Kang Na's eyes, she nodded seriously.

"Kangna-chan, come on." Wei Nai reached out and pinched Kangna's chubby face.

Probably because she was in a good mood, Kang Na didn't look disgusted this time and said not to pinch her face.

The tablecloth is unfolded and spread on the ground. You can't go to the restaurant for lunch, so you can only solve it on the playground. However, it is a rare experience for a family to get together to eat bento.

The tablecloth was not big, and although five people could barely sit down, it was undoubtedly a bit crowded. Wei Nai was still sulking, but now she had to sit beside Hua Ye.

The bento was placed in a specially purchased incubator, and now that it is taken out, there is still a slight residual temperature.

"Konna, this is your portion." Thor handed over a bento.

"Thank you, Master Thor." Connor caught it with both hands, "It looks delicious."

"Actually, it still smells the same, it just looks cute."

Hua Ye complained, took a bento and handed it to Wei Nai.

Wei Nai said with a pretty face, "I don't need your help, I can take it myself."

Xiao Lin raised his hand and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and decided to send a wave of assists: "Vina, are you two having a fight? If so, let Xiaoye apologize to you."

Sure enough, Wei Nai couldn't hold it anymore, and stammered and explained with a blushing face, "No, there's no trouble, it's just, it's just what I can take..."

"The same goes for Xiao Ye." Xiao Lin coughed lightly, "Eat well, both of you, don't make me worry."

Wei Nai had no choice but to agree aggrievedly: "Got it, cousin..."


Not long after eating the bento, little Lolita Caichuan ran over and clenched her fists: "Kangna sauce, come on this afternoon!"

"Well, come on." Kang Na nodded seriously.

At this time, a childish voice full of surprises suddenly sounded: "Hey, Oni-chan?"

Hua Ye followed the prestige, and saw a little girl with a ball head and a pink carving looking at him in surprise.

"Xiao Ye, do you know him?" Xiao Lin asked curiously.

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