He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a call from his cousin Xiao Lin.

Click to connect.

"Hello, is this Xiao Ye?" Xiao Lin's voice came from the other end of the phone, and there was a trace of deep exhaustion in his voice, as if he hadn't had a good rest for a long time.

Hua Ye nodded: "Well, it's me."

"Is Xiaoye free at night?" Xiao Lin asked, "If you are free, go and see Kang Na at night, she has been a little unhappy these two days..."

Visiting Connor?

That blue-eyed baby dragon has Thor by his side, and he is also a world-killing force. Even Godzilla can only be her shoe-handler. Who can make her unhappy!The consequence of making her unhappy is that it will be treated as a snack, the chicken tastes crunchy!

Hua Ye was puzzled, "What happened to Kang Na?"

"That's right." Kobayashi sighed, his voice a little helpless, "Kangna's primary school held a sports meeting this week, and she wanted me to join her, but I recently took on a very important project, and every day They are all so busy that they can only get home after ten o'clock in the evening, and they really don't have time to go to the sports meeting...then Kang Na is not happy."

It turned out to be the case.

Even a hamster has a temper. If he ate an empty melon seed, he would hit someone with a melon seed shell to express his anger. That blue-eyed baby dragon has no problem with losing his temper.

Compared with other bear children, as long as there is food, the blue-eyed baby dragon can be quiet for a whole day, and it will not make noise or act like a baby without food. It is already super cute.

She actually lost her temper this time, it seems that she regards the sports meeting as very important.

"Thor said that Kang Na treats me like a mother...but I haven't even been in a relationship, how can I know how to be a mother?" Xiao Lin's tone seemed to have a hint of resentment.

About falling in love...

She is a three-no-glasses girl when she doesn’t drink, but she becomes a drunken Lich King after drinking, she doesn’t like makeup or dressing up, she would rather lie at home all day than go out for half a step during the holidays… Do you think it’s impossible to fall in love Whose reason is it!

Especially now that you have Thor, the dragon maid, beside you. Dragons have always been very possessive. For example, even Thor cannot touch the treasures collected by Thor's father... You are now under Thor's control. , who dares to hit you, Thor will definitely burn the opponent to slag with a mouthful of dragon flames!

So not only can you not fall in love now, but you will not be able to fall in love in the future.

It is impossible to fall in love in this life.

The remaining choices are nothing more than being a dragon knight, or being ridden by a dragon.

This is really a sad story.

Chapter 651 Thor is not happy

Hua Ye put away his phone, turned around and walked towards Xiao Lin's apartment.

Mr. Hawking once said that women are creatures more elusive than the universe. Fortunately, the blue-eyed baby dragon is not a woman, but a young girl, so as long as you buy some delicious snacks and feed them, your mood value should quickly increase. come up.

Soon, he walked near Xiaolin's apartment and bought some snacks that Kang Na usually likes to eat in the supermarket on the side of the road. Hua Ye raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door opened with a "click".

"Hey, Lord Xiaoye?"

Thor leaned forward and looked through the door with his probe. Under the action of gravity, Thor's extraordinary chest made a "puyo puyo" sound.

The maid dragon moved the door aside and beckoned, "Come in, come in!"


When Hua Ye walked into the entrance, he could see the blue-eyed young dragon sitting on the sofa watching TV, and the duck-egg-headed Yingyouzang who was in a daze with Maruko... It was like a grandpa and grandson having fun in summer. picture.

Kang Na didn't speak, but lay on the back of the sofa, looking over without blinking.

Hua Ye raised the snack in his hand and said, "Baumkuchen."

"To eat."

The blue-eyed young dragon got up from the sofa, ran to Hua Ye's side with bare feet, and sure enough, even when he lost his temper, he was still a foodie.

Hua Ye handed the snack in his hand to the blue-eyed baby dragon.

Kang Na went back to the sofa and sat down, holding the Baumkuchen with both hands, eating with her mouth puffed out, and continued to look at Chibi Maruko.

Although he didn't speak, his feet were swaying slightly, and he was obviously in a better mood.

Hua Ye said: "Mission accomplished."

"Why did Xiaoye come here today?" Thor asked curiously, "Didn't you come here on weekends before?"

Hua Ye said casually:

"Xiao Lin called me just now, saying that Kang Na was unhappy, and asked me to come and take a look."

"I see." Thor nodded, then turned around and took a bottle of drink from the refrigerator and handed it to Hua Ye, saying, "Xiao Lin has been super busy recently, and it was already eleven o'clock in the evening when he came back. When she took a bath in the bathtub at night, she fell asleep after washing..."

Wouldn't falling asleep in the bathtub just be your thing?

You can take a bath together, or sleep with Xiaolin in your arms!

"Don't worry about Kangna, Xiao Ye and your girlfriends will go cheer for Kangna together."

Your sister, what are those girlfriends, I don’t even have a girlfriend, okay!And this time I just came here to feed, and I didn't promise to watch the elementary school sports meeting at all!

Thor hesitated for a moment, and leaned forward to get closer to Hua Ye. A scent of good-smelling shampoo came to his nostrils. The maid dragon said in a low voice, "I overheard Xiao Lin's mother calling Xiao Lin last night, saying She is not young anymore, and it just so happens that there is a man in my hometown who is in good condition in all aspects, let her go back and have a cup of coffee together..."

"Is this forcing a marriage?" Thor half-closed his eyes, a stern light flashed in his eyes.

Hua Ye thought for a while, and said, "The exact way to say it is a blind date."

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