What does he want to do?

Is it to brush up favors?

Soul pale!

If you dare to attack Taplis, go and blow his head off!

"No." Taplis shook his head, "Senior said that Senior Sister Wei Nai caught the doll, and he just handed it over..."

Taplis blinked and asked curiously:

"It's strange, is the relationship between Senior and Sister Wei Nai also very good?"

"Not only Wei Nai, Hun Dan and Lafite also have a very good relationship!" Gabriel turned her head to look at the screen, her voice filled with murderous intent, "Sure enough, we should kill him, right?"

"Hey, why did Gabriel-senpai say that the senior is, is that?" As a good boy, Taplis said that he couldn't say anything about his dull soul.

"You don't need to know." Gabriel clattered on the keyboard, "Aren't you going back tomorrow morning? Go to bed quickly, or you will lose energy."

"But I don't need to take a car, I stand on the teleportation array and go back in the blink of an eye."



Silent all night.

It was past seven o'clock the next morning.

A knock on the door suddenly broke the silence of the corridor.

Hua Ye opened the door, and saw Taplis, who had changed into the uniform of the Angel Academy, standing outside the door, with short blond hair fluttering in the wind, and a bag of... trash?

After seeing Hua Ye, Taplis showed a bright smile very happily, and shouted in a crisp voice: "Good morning, senior!"

"Yeah." Hua Ye responded, "What's wrong?"

"Because I'm going back soon, so I specially made two paper cranes last night..." Taplis spread out his hands a little shyly, and whispered, "One paper crane is for Senior Sister Wei Nai. , and give the other one to the senior."

Hua Ye looked down at the two paper cranes.

It is obviously not an ordinary paper crane, but a paper crane that has been prayed and tainted with the breath of holy light. It is somewhat similar to a magic weapon that has been consecrated by an eminent monk. Of course, it does not have the ability to help people prevent disasters and replace them with death. This idiot Although the junior girl is very beautiful, her ability is much weaker, and she can't make props of that level, but if she is with her, she can still make people feel peaceful and free from filth.


But Wei Nai's true identity is a devil, so it's really good to give her something full of holy light!

Hua Ye reached out to take it and said, "I accept it."

"Hee hee. (*^▽^*)" Taplis put his hands behind his back, his big eyes bent into two beautiful crescent moons, "Then I'm leaving, see you next year, senior."

Hua Ye nodded, glanced away, and suddenly saw that the useless angel was not sleeping soundly, but brushing his teeth feebly there. He moved and said, "Do you want to eat ramen?"

Chapter 635 The Tap Girl Who Loves Ramen

"Eh, eat, eat ramen?"

Taplis blinked, and didn't answer immediately, but shyly stretched out two index fingers, tapped gently on his chest, and looked down at his toes.

(Why did the senior suddenly invite me to eat ramen?)

(Are you going to continue what I didn’t finish last night?)

(I heard that it would be a pity to come to the world and not eat a bowl of authentic ramen... What should I do? Do you want to agree?)


Why eat ramen?

Of course, it is to achieve some unknown "achievement of eating ramen for all staff", otherwise, by the time this handsome school girl enters school next year, this book might have already been finished!

Hua Ye just mentioned it casually, seeing that the idiot school girl was twitching, she naturally wouldn't force her, and said, "If you're in a hurry to go back, then forget it."

"Actually, actually..." Taplis pointed with two fingers and whispered, "I'm not in a hurry to go back."


Yan Yi Xuemei: Taplis. Foodies.

The identification is correct.

"Senior Gabriel." Taplis turned his head to look at Gabriel who had two dark circles under his eyes, "Senior said he would invite me to eat ramen, shall we go together?"

The reason why Gabriel is still awake at this point is because she practiced immortality all night yesterday and waited until she saw the morning light at five o'clock in the morning before she finally ended her liver explosion.

As a result, when he was about to go to bed, Taplis just woke up, and then sat there alone with his knees hugged and waited for dawn.

Although this useless angel has embarked on the road of no return called cultivating immortals, and will never return to the holy angel shining with holy light, at least it is still pink when cut open.

So at that moment, my indestructible conscience was suddenly touched a little, and I felt that it was not good to just leave the idiot school girl alone and go to bed by myself, so I called Taplis to sit beside me, and the two of them together Watched a movie.

After reading it, the time has come to this point.

"Do you want to eat ramen?" Gabriel looked up at the sky and thought for a while. She didn't even give her breakfast, so she sent her junior away and asked her to help take out the trash. It seemed a little bad?

So the useless angel yawned, and said weakly, "I happen to be hungry too, let's go eat together."


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