Gabriel tossed a can of Coke over.

"Thank you Gabriel-senpai!"

Tapless clasped it in both hands, with a happy smirk on his face.

(It's the drink specially chosen by my senior sister, it must be delicious, right?)

(It's all from Gabriel-senpai's thoughts, so you have to drink it slowly!)

However, Taplis soon discovered that the canned Coke did not have a cap that could be twisted. She hesitated for a while, looked at the Coke in her hand twice, and felt that the tab should be the opening, so she carefully stretched out a white slender , fingers like the root of an onion, apply a little force

After a soft "chick", the tab was easily pulled away.

"Sure enough, it was opened like this..."

Taplis just had a hint of surprise on his face, and then he was shocked to find that a large piece of white foam gushed out from the mouth of the bottle, and even flowed down the bottle onto the tea table. Similar to the effect of Corrosion and Annihilation...


Gabriel was playing a game, when she suddenly heard a strange sound, she turned her head to look, and was startled.

"Tap sauce, what are you doing?"

For some reason, Taplis knelt down on his knees, posing in an Orz's frustrated forward bending posture, and the painting style became black and white.

"Senior Gabriel, don't, don't kill me!" Taplis burst into tears.

Gabriel was relieved immediately:

"Huh? When am I going to kill you?"

When Hua Ye heard the movement, he looked from the kitchen to the living room, and happened to see Taplis raising his small face, like a farmer begging the lord for forgiveness, with an extremely wronged expression on his face: "I, I have already found out... But even if such a gentle and kind-hearted Gabriel-senpai poisoned her, she must have been coerced by that big devil..."

"Poisoned?" Gabriel scratched her hair, quickly found the problem, pointed to the coffee table and said, "You mean these foams?"

"It's hard, isn't it?" Taplis twitched his little nose, "Even the table can be must be red!"

Your sister's crane is red!

Do you think this crippled angel is planning to kill you with the red crane poison?

However, Hedinghong is just commonly known as arsenic, except that it can turn the silver needles black, and there is no foam at all!

"When you shook the Coke just now, the foam came out." Gabriel's face was full of black lines, and she took a sip of the Coke, "Coke is originally a soda, it will get a lot of gas when you shake it, it's not poisonous at all !"

The useless angel handed the Coke forward, squinted and said, "I've already drank it, it's your turn."

"Huh?" Taplis had already changed back from the black-and-white painting style, his little face was blushing, and he tapped his fingers gently on his chest, "But, but..."

"No but, hurry up and drink!" Gabriel ordered.


Taplis hurriedly stood up straight, held the can of Coke in both hands, and took a sip with a blushing face.

"Is this the taste of Coke? It really tastes good... No, that's not the point. The point is that Gabriel-senpai just drank it just now. Isn't it, isn't it just an indirect kiss?"

Gabriel half-closed her eyes, looking at Taplis, who was blank and smirking, "I always feel like you're thinking about something strange..."

"No, no!" Taplis hurriedly shook his head like a rattle, "I'm not thinking about indirect kissing with Senior Sister Gabriel..."


A bolt of lightning strikes down.

Taprice's painting style has changed to black and white again.


After a short silence, Gabriel said nonchalantly:

"Tch, it's just drinking the same can of Coke, what kind of indirect kiss? There are so many people breathing the air under the same sky, and no one is embarrassed."

"No, that's right." Taplis breathed a sigh of relief, gradually thawed from the petrified state, and muttered to himself, "Gentle and generous-sister Gabriel will definitely not care about such trivial things..."

You guessed wrong!It's not that I don't care, it's that I have done things more profound than this many times, so I don't care about drinking the same cup of Coke!

Hua Ye coughed lightly: "Actually..."

"Shut up!" Gabriel hurriedly interrupted, her face flushed, and she threatened ferociously, "Go cook your meal! Or I'll blow your head off!"

Chapter 632 There is a price to pay for eating

Time passed quietly.

In a blink of an eye, it was the beginning of the Chinese lanterns and the time when the lights were dimmed.

Hua Ye untied his apron, wiped his hands and walked out of the kitchen: "It's time to eat."

"Okay, okay!" Taplis quickly stood up from the sofa and raised his right hand, "Shall I serve the food?"

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded, "By the way, bring the rice cooker and bowls and chopsticks as well."



There are only three people for today's dinner, Hua Ye didn't cook many dishes, one fried pork slices with bamboo shoots, one tempura fried shrimp, one seafood soup stewed with bamboo shark as the main ingredient, adding scallops and other seafood. Had a mapo tofu.

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