
You should at least say a polite word to keep me, if you don't say a word, I don't want to lose face!

"OK then."

Igarashi snorted softly, folded her arms (actually she didn't): "Since you sincerely invited me, I will reluctantly agree to you."


"Then, teacher Aijiang, please sit down for a while?" Wei Nai was speechless, and smiled, "Hua Ye and I are going to prepare the dishes..."

Igarashi Ai unexpectedly agreed to stay for dinner, but it was really nothing, it was just an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks, anyway, she seemed to eat very little, as for the teacher and students would feel restrained when they were together... Igarashi really didn't have one.

There is a certainty, the teapot spout, a legal loli, it doesn't look like a teacher at all.

"Wait a moment!"

Ai Igarashi walked to the door of the kitchen with an expression of "I have something to say".

Wei Nai had already picked up a scallion and was about to wash it. Hearing this, she turned her head and said:

"what happened?"

Igarashi stood three meters away from Wei Nai, refusing to take a step closer.

As a star with poor breasts, I will instinctively be hostile to all guys with more breasts than myself.Although Wei Nai's breasts are not very big, they are still at the development level of a normal high school girl. As for Rafael's, it is actually a special case of fouls.

"I don't eat certain ingredients." Ai Igarashi raised her clean chin and said, "For example, I absolutely don't touch the internal organs of various animals."

Hey, you are a picky eater!

What happened to the animal guts?

Haggis soup and beef offal soup are both made from internal organs and offal. Once you eat a bowl, you may not be able to stop at all.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you want to eat French foie gras?"

As one of the three major cuisines in the world, French cuisine, the most representative delicacies are caviar, foie gras and truffles. Of course, while it is famous, the price is more expensive than the other, and it is difficult for ordinary people to consume. rise.

"Of course I won't eat it." Igarashi said with a curled lip, "I've seen the feeding methods of those big geese that specialize in foie gras. I feel super uncomfortable, so I definitely won't eat it."

French foie gras is different from ordinary foie gras on the market. The former is several times larger than the latter. The reason is the cruel feeding process that is protested by most animal protection... Simply put, it is "stuffing geese".

Wei Nai was not angry, but said: "Don't worry, there are no animal offal at noon."

"That's good." Igarashi nodded and continued, "Also, I don't eat heads, claws, or blood..."


Hua Ye said he wanted to hit someone.

If you don't eat this, then don't eat it, you eat a chicken!

That useless angel only needs a little snacks and drinks every day. Do you still want to eat dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder?

By the way, dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder can also be regarded as animal offal, and they are not included in your feeding diet!

"Gone with the wind~~"

Rafael appeared lightly behind Igarashi, imitating Igarashi's tone and said, "Don't worry, Hua Ye, I'm actually very well supported."

This black-bellied girl looks like Conan behind Mori Kogoro, and said solemnly: "As long as I have a pearl, emerald and white jade soup, add a bowl of rice, and Hua Ye's 'love', I can be full of energy." Live every day."

"You, what are you talking about!"

Igarashi jumped forward, looking at Raphael shyly and angrily.

"Don't think that I don't know what 'Pearl Jade White Jade Soup' is. It's basically a mixture of leftover rice, spinach and tofu!" Igarashi complained, "Only the beggar emperor likes to eat it!"

Rafael stretched out a slender finger, and nodded his chin with a smile: "Yes, after eating Ai Jiang, maybe you can also get the blessing of luck in the dark, and then be crowned queen."

"I don't care!"


Ignoring the bickering two people, Wei Nai had already walked back to the kitchen and started chopping onions.


Gabriel, who was doing homework, finished eating the pine nuts, picked up a pen and barely wrote a few words, but turned to the second page, and sighed suddenly when she saw the blank page full of it.

"With so many students and so many homework assignments, even if the homework is accepted tomorrow, the teacher will only write one 'reading' at most, right?"

"For a teacher's reading, my wrists are sore, I feel like an idiot..."

Gabriel, who fishes every day, said that she can no longer hold a knife... no, she can't hold a pen.

The useless angel rolled its eyes, looked at Ai Igarashi, and then waved quietly.

Ai Igarashi looked at Gabriel with some doubts, and was about to ask, but saw Gabriel put her finger to her mouth, and gave a soft hiss.

This legal loli hesitated for a moment, walked up to Gabriel, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing? And don't call me Ai-chan!"

Gabriel asked weakly, "Is Ai-chan here to make biscuits this time?"

When Ai Igarashi came to the door for the first time, she met Gabriel, so naturally she had nothing to hide, she nodded and said, "That's right."

"I remember that after the biscuits are made, Ai-chan can only take half of them?" Gabriel continued to ask.

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