Trying to trick me into doing my homework again!

It's hard enough for students to go to school, but they still give out such hateful things as summer homework, it's simply anti-human, okay!

Smart people are smart even if they don't do their homework, but even if they don't do their homework until eleven o'clock every night, they can only survive myopia and get hungry!


I wish the summer vacation would never end so that I would never have to go to school.

The useless angel rolled its eyes, sat upright and said, "I see, Wei Nai-chan, you go downstairs to pet the cat... I want to retreat and cultivate immortality... No, it's homework!"

Wei Nai immediately saw through Gabriel's plan, half-closed her eyes, and said lightly: "Then I'm going out, and I happen to have a lot of things to do at the beginning of school, so I'll call classmate Hua Ye to help..."

"How, how can this be!"

Gabriel's body, which had just sat upright, immediately collapsed again.Her previous plan was to ask Hua Ye to help with homework. Although Hua Ye might not agree to it, at least she was easier to talk to than Wei Nai, and she would never refuse to let herself copy...


How can you say copying the matter between students and homework?

Obviously it is the relationship between reference and reference.

The crippled angel returned to its lazy, salted fish appearance, threw away the homework in its hand, put its hands behind its head, and whistled, "I'll write together when he comes back, don't worry."


Wei Nai stretched out her hand to cover her forehead, sighed, and said speechlessly:

"alright, you win."

Gabriel sat up and stretched out her little hand: "Then give me the homework?"

"I won't give you homework." Wei Nai shook her head, "But when Satania and Lafite are coming over, we will write together, learn from each other, and promote each other. At least it will be useful..."

"Hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth, change your clothes, and comb your hair... I'm going to classmate Hua Ye's room first!" After finishing speaking, Wei Nai left the room with lingering fear.

There is no way, there are still Xiaoqiang haunting Gabriel's room, the longer Wei Nai stays, the more afraid she becomes, that kind of dark, flying horror creature is really scary.


So on the day before school started, Hua Ye suddenly found that his room was bustling like never before.

Social sister Gabriel: "Hey, did you finish your homework? What, finished? That's right, I haven't finished my homework yet, please help me with it."

Silly meow: "Aide, I forgot to do my homework, please lend me a copy!"

Liuhua: "Brave man, brave man, I want to copy too... no, engrave it."

"So the three of them are fine, and it makes sense that they didn't do their homework." Hua Ye looked at Raphael and Alice, and couldn't help complaining, "What are you two doing here?"

"Doing homework is hard work, so I have to help Xiaojia and the others to cheer up." Raphael put his hands together and said with a smile.

Hua Ye was unmoved, and said with a straight face:

"to be frank."

"Woo~~" The black-bellied girl immediately showed a pitiful expression, "Because I haven't eaten the food made by classmate Hua Ye for a long time, so I really want to eat it."

This vile angel has really restrained herself a lot since she was kissed by Hua Ye that night, and she doesn't dare to come to the house alone to make trouble.

Hua Ye turned to look at Douding Alice: "Are you also here to eat?"

"No, that's not it!" Alice blushed, turned her head suddenly, her twin ponytails flashed a dazzling arc behind her, and snorted in a standard arrogant posture, "I just came here to stare at you, and I won't let you Just bullying Lord Baiyu!"

(It’s true that I really want to eat the food made by this guy, but I won’t say it out loud, and before coming here, my mother also said that I want to get closer to this guy...)

(What, it's obviously a pervert who loves to bully people.)

(Getting close or something is impossible in this life!)

Wei Nai smiled and asked, "What would Alice like to eat?"

"Sweet and sour pork ribs!"

Subconsciously blurting out the dishes she wanted to eat, Alice's face flushed suddenly, and she hurriedly turned her head to look out the window, with a subtle style of "I didn't say anything just now".

Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye and said, "Then Hua Ye remember to make a sweet and sour pork ribs later?"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said speechlessly:

"Aren't you here to do your homework?"

"Doing homework doesn't hinder lunch, right?" Wei Nai rolled his eyes at him, "It's not like you don't eat lunch at noon... I'll just help you when the time comes."

"I want to eat crystal shrimp dumplings." Sitting on the sofa, Gabriel shouted without looking back.This useless angel came here to do homework in name, but in the end, he was playing "Monster Hunter" with a handheld in his hand, and it seemed that he was determined to carry the salted fish to the end.

Satania raised her hand and said, "I want to eat meat, beef in sauce! It's the one I ate on the island last time. It tastes super good. I can't forget to say it now!"

Shut up, aren't you a taste idiot, don't you firmly believe that pineapple buns are the best in the world, just let you eat buns!

Liuhua followed suit and raised her hand: "Braised pork, and no green peppers, no tomatoes."

Green peppers and tomatoes are vegetables that are beneficial to the human body, don't look down on them.

Rafael stretched out a slender finger, and said with a smile: "I just want a braised eel, thank you Hua Ye. (*^▽^*)"


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