When I went to Alice’s house to celebrate her birthday, there was also a special car to pick me up and I lived on the food delivered to my door on weekdays. I only walked a few steps a week!

"Hurry up." Gabriel shook the corner of Hua Ye's clothes, like shaking the reins of a horse, "You lead the way ahead, drive~~"

Are you still addicted to playing!

It seems that you will be honest if you have to teach you a lesson like you taught that black-bellied girl!

With a dark face, Hua Ye wrote down the account in a small notebook for the time being, then reached out and grabbed Gabriel's little hand, and pulled her forward.

Even though it was summer, the little hand of this crippled angel seemed a little cold. It seemed that he had been cultivating immortality for a long time. In addition to symptoms such as physical weakness, weakness of limbs, lack of concentration, etc., there would also be clinical manifestations of cold hands and feet.

After being held by Hua Ye, Jia Baili struggled a little, seeing that she couldn't break free, she followed Hua Ye, but hid herself in Hua Ye's shadow, and let Hua Ye lead her away to save money. physical strength.

"Walk slowly...it's all your Hundan's fault, your feet are so sore now."

Sore feet are the reason you haven't exercised for too long, what does that have to do with me?

Hua Ye snorted, "Then do you want me to hug you?"

"Go away, it's a great mercy to let you hold hands, if you get any closer, I'll blow your head off with a punch." Gabriel said fiercely, but it's a pity that her weak and lazy appearance has no deterrent effect at all , "If you are seen by Wei Nai and the others, you will die!"

In other words, as long as Wei Nai and the others 'acquaintances' don't see it, it doesn't matter what other people say?

After walking two steps, Gabriel said again: "After I go back, I will reward myself."

It’s just that you’ve walked a few more steps than usual, but you’re still ashamed to reward yourself?

When did you get so thick-skinned?

"Tomorrow at noon I will eat crystal shrimp dumplings, beef in sauce, sweet and sour sea bass..."

The more Hua Ye listened, the more something went wrong: "Why are you telling me this?"

"If I don't tell you, how do you do it?" the crippled angel asked confidently.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly:

"You treat yourself, why do you want me to cook?"

"Because I couldn't play the game last night, I missed several copies... No matter how you look at it, it's all your fault, so give me a delicious apology."

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "Why is it my fault again?"

"Hmph." The useless angel pursed his mouth, eyes disgusted, "Antarctic glaciers melted, global sea levels rose, the water city of Venice ran out of water, and ewes screamed in the middle of the night... In short, it's all your fault!"

Chapter 609

Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face:

"Your ewes are barking?"

There is a fable called the wolf in sheep's clothing, but the one who barks is actually a dog in sheep's clothing!

"Why not?" Gabriel argued forcefully, "In the movie "Pan's Labyrinth", the big monster Pan can speak. It's not difficult for him to learn how to bark like a dog, right?"

Is Pan Shen the one who is barking emotionally?

Now the truth finally came to light. Why did the [-]-year-old lady sleep naked on the street, and why did hundreds of ewes scream in the middle of the night?

God Pan was originally an old man with the image of half man and half goat, so he was interested in both the human granny and the ewe, so he must be the real murderer.

Hurry up and report to the scp foundation, let them send people over to control the containment, otherwise there will be more old ladies and goats being tortured physically and mentally!

While bickering, the two stepped on the cold moonlight and walked slowly through the crowd, but under some subtle emotions, Hua Ye's pace slowed down a lot.

I don't know if Gabriel noticed it, but she didn't urge Hua Ye to speed up in the end anyway.

But not long after, there was a low, distressed hum from behind.

Hua Ye stopped in his tracks: "What's wrong?"

"It hurts." The crippled angel frowned and complained pitifully, "Probably the shoes don't fit well. Now that I've walked so far, my feet hurt..."

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and analyzed:

"The reason for the lack of fit may be..."

"To shut up!"

The crippled angel immediately clenched its pink fist and punched Hua Ye in the abdomen, but unfortunately the fist was weak and was similar to a massage.

"Talk nonsense and you will die!"

However, the fact will not depend on your will. If you sit there cultivating immortals all day without moving, and you like to eat snacks and drink carbonated drinks, you will definitely gain weight!

Hua Ye cleared his throat and said solemnly:

"Actually, kissing can help you lose weight. After you went back that night, did you feel lighter?"


Gabriel clenched her silver teeth, and with a murderous look, another holy angel's punishment came.

You want to kiss me again, don't you?

Don't think that you will agree to it just by saying that!

And the kiss was only for a few minutes that night, how could there be an immediate effect!

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