you sir!

From before to now, your mouth has never stopped!

From snacks to cold drinks, from desserts to lunch, now even butterflies are not let go!

The so-called real foodie is you!

Does it make your mouth keep eating for a whole day, and you won't refuse!

and many more……

Hua Ye suddenly remembered that this blue-eyed baby dragon seemed to be a dragon with a strong sexual desire after it became an adult... So now it is because of its young age that its desire is more reflected in its strong appetite?

At this time, a family of three happened to pass by Kang Na. The little girl was wearing a white princess hat, her face was flushed, and she looked very happy.

Kang Na stood beside her, watching the little girl pass by blankly, then ran to Hua Ye and tugged on his sleeve.

"Hat, beautiful, I want it."

"Where is there?" Thor stood up and looked on tiptoe. The two unknown objects on the chest suddenly shook. They were turbulent waves that could drown the bravest sailors, but she didn't realize it. "That The hat, it should be caught in the claw machine, I have seen it before..."

Hua Ye's eyes were unconsciously attracted by it.


What's the use of having such a big chest!

It’s okay if you can’t see the shoelaces when you squat down, and you will feel chest tightness, shortness of breath, sore shoulders, and stiff muscles!

Hua Ye was complaining in his heart when he suddenly noticed a slightly sharp gaze.

Looking back, I saw Wei Nai turned her face away, drinking water silently, only the ends of her hair fluttering in the breeze.

"Tsk, you are indeed a scumbag, can't you look away when you see a girl's breasts? Are you still fantasizing about burying your face in it until you suffocate?" Rafael sat elegantly, with a straight waist, The right leg rests on the left leg, the white stockings and whiter skin reflect the dazzling holy light in the sun, and even the movement of eating is very elegant, at first glance, it looks like a noble lady... It would have been better if it hadn't been said that those were bad.

Hua Ye glanced at her, but didn't reply.

Who knew that Thor blinked his eyes: "Eh? Master Xiao Ye likes breasts/parts? No wonder when you first came to Master Xiaolin's house as a guest, you always stared at my breasts/parts."


I see your sister!

It's just that I suddenly saw an adult dragon, so I'm subconsciously wary of you!

Don't think of me so dirty, okay!

Thor thought for a while and said, "Of course other people can't do it, but if it's Lord Xiaoye, it's not impossible to bury it..."


Shut up!

You are a maid dragon who doesn't know how to pretend to know!

Don't talk nonsense if you don't know human etiquette and customs!

I have seen face-to-face rituals, handshake rituals, kiss rituals, and hug rituals, are you going to invent a new face-washing ritual to welcome me!

I don't want your facial cleanser?


Wei Nai continued to drink water, but the drink bottle in her hand let out an overwhelmed whine.

Then he turned his face away and didn't even look this way.

Chapter 65 The Self-cultivation of the Maid Dragon

Hua Ye seems to have seen the prompt "Favourability -1" that keeps popping up above Wei Nai's head.

Ah, I was misunderstood again...

Why are there so many misunderstandings in this world!

"Eh, is it big?"

As a giant dragon who didn't know how long she lived, Thor didn't have much human sense of shame. Perhaps in her eyes, except for Kobayashi who was unique, everyone else was no different from cats and dogs on the side of the road.

So in front of everyone, she stretched out her hands without hesitation, and supported her chest/chest. The two heavy clumps of fruit immediately trembled and shook, and the girls who watched were dizzy for a while.

"Ba, Baga! How could it be so big! My majestic big demon lost to a female dragon! That kind of thing shouldn't be something a normal creature should have!" Satania felt struck by lightning.

As a demon with ideals and ambitions, and unwilling to fall behind others, Satania finally encountered a complete defeat, and it was the kind of fiasco that would never win in the future.

"Is it big? Most of my kind are like this, you are too small." Thor blinked, not paying attention to how many critical blows this sentence caused to several girls.


Satania, who was hit by [-] critical points again, ran to the corner to draw circles like a wilted eggplant.

"And when Connor grows up, she will be this big." Thor said again.

Hearing this, Hua Ye subconsciously looked at Kang Na next to him...

Then a sharp, serious gaze came again.

"Well, can I ask, why does Miss Toll become a maid?" Raphael asked.

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