In fact, she wanted to play this game because she watched the drama "Girls' Last Journey" at Caichuan's house.


The second shot was fired again.

The unicorn doll shook, but failed to fall because the bullet was not strong enough.

"It's just that close." The bald-headed uncle continued to shake his folding fan slowly, and those who didn't know it thought he was Zhuge's military adviser who pointed out the country. "Little girl, if you work harder, you might be able to win next time."

Kang Na was unmoved, she squinted one eye, her small face was serious, and aimed again with the posture she learned in anime.


This time the white unicorn doll finally dropped off.

"You're lucky this time." The bald uncle was taken aback, he didn't expect that Kang Na could really knock down the doll.

He bent down to pick up the unicorn, put it on the table, and said with a smile: "There are still a few bullets, girl, come on, but the other prizes are not so easy to win."

So it is said that people will not die if they do not commit suicide.

Flags are never things that can be erected indiscriminately.

Kang Na, who has become the "last young girl", has unlocked the mode of 'every shot, every hit'.


The figure of Chibi Maruko fell down.


A beautifully packaged box of chocolates fell down.

The smile on the bald man's face gradually disappeared, and the top of his head began to sweat. I didn't expect that the soft-looking cute girl could have such accurate marksmanship.

Even the melon-eaters who were watching nearby were whispering in amazement.

"Whose child is that? It's amazing!"

"Cuteness is the point, right? The hair is white... No, it's silver. Is it a foreigner or a mixed race? I really want to hug her!"

"Ahhhh, I also want a younger sister who is so soft, cute, and super capable! This world is so cold, only younger sisters can warm people's hearts!"

"Someone once said something similar... Then he entered the German orthopedics department."



The sound of bullets being fired from the simulated rifle came out.

The bald man had just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the young girl sitting in Hua Ye's arms looking up at Hua Ye, and then Hua Ye turned to look at Machiko next to him.


The black, long and straight girl blinked her eyes, and quickly understood what Hua Ye meant.

If Wei Nai was here, then she would definitely turn back with a disgusted look, and then pull Hua Ye and Kang Na and turn around to leave, but with Machiko's character, she obviously can't do that kind of thing.

The black, long straight girl just blushed, silently opened the wallet, took out a [-] yen note, and said in a shy voice, "Boss, buy bullets..."

Chapter 604 Lafite: Ready

After another round of ten rounds, Kang Na stopped contentedly.

Hua Ye put down the young girl's supply ship in his arms, and in the wry smile of the bald uncle who doubted his life, reached out to take the prize, then turned and left with Machiko and Kang Na.

After handing Kang Na to Xiao Lin, Hua Ye and Machiko went to find Gabriel and the others together, but they couldn't find them. First, there was a clear cry like a lark.

"Hey, this way!"

Hua Ye turned his head to look, and saw Xiaoqian, an expert at catching traitors, was holding an apple candy, waving happily not far away, beside her was her sister Suguha-chan.

The two sisters were both wearing bathrobes, holding round fans and clogs, and each of them held a candy apple in his hand.Unlike the carefree Xiaoqian, Suguha was very shy, and when she saw Hua Ye, she just pursed her lips and smiled, but didn't speak.

"Why are you here?" Xiaoqian ran over and bumped Hua Ye with his elbow, "Where's Wei Naijiang?"

"In front." Hua Ye replied.

Xiaoqian glanced at Machiko, lowered her voice and said vigilantly: "You actually have green Vina sauce!"

What is you green?

You are not the traitor who has already caught Machiko... no, the one who caught you and Machiko together is Nizuru, the younger sister of Glass!

In other words, have you succeeded in catching rape again?

Are you willing to catch all the girls once?

With a straight face, Hua Ye introduced to Machiko:

"Xiaoqian, a friend who works in a coffee shop with Wei Nai."

"Oh." Machiko nodded, " name is Machiko, and I'm in the same class as Wei Nai-chan."

"I know." Xiaoqian blinked, "I saw you in the group photo of the seaside vacation..."

The short-haired girl glanced at Hua Ye, and signaled with her eyes: "I agreed to let my best friend blow the pillow wind, but you actually want to take Wei Naijiang's best friend with me!"

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