
"Okay, amazing!"

Seeing Hua Ye turned into a fishing maniac, Satania couldn't help but exclaimed.

This idiot took the initiative to challenge Gabriel, but until now, not a single goldfish was fished out. Instead, Gabriel was allowed to reach the top temporarily with only one stat.

At this moment, he hurriedly shouted: "Servant, help me get it, help me get it!"

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said, "I won't help."

"Why, why!" Satania couldn't help puffing up her mouth, "We agreed to work together to defeat Gabriel!"

Hua Ye calmly pointed out: "However, I never said that."

"Woo~~" The idiot's face suddenly showed a grievance of "how can this be so?" "Then help me catch the goldfish, and I will accompany you to see the goldfish, okay?"


The face of the middle-aged uncle suddenly showed a look of complete ruin.

In order to catch a goldfish, I actually agreed to go to see the goldfish with others, why can't I encounter such a thing!

But looking at Hua Ye's appearance, the middle-aged uncle closed his eyes in pain.

Jealousy deforms people, which is not good, very bad.

"Aide, hurry up, let's go see the goldfish after fishing!" Satania begged pitifully in a low voice.

I have to say that when this idiot begged for help with a soft tone, he was surprisingly cute.

Hua Ye didn't want to agree at first, but if he didn't agree, he didn't know what Satania would say that would ruin the three views, so he could only hum softly and said, "Hold the bowl well."


Satania hurriedly nodded, eagerly raised the bowl to Hua Ye, then raised her small face from bottom to top, looking through the hanging hair, looking at Hua Ye full of expectation and hope.


This pose...why does it look like a dog waiting to be fed!

Suddenly, if you touch your head at this time, you will definitely wag your tail!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and casually helped Satania catch two goldfish.

The idiot looked at the goldfish in the bowl and immediately felt complacent. Fortunately, there was no tail behind him, otherwise the tail would definitely stick up into the sky.

"Hmph, Gabriel, there are two fish in my bowl, I won this competition!"

"whispering sound."

Gabriel pouted, lazily passed the bowl forward, then raised her face and looked at Hua Ye.

Although he didn't speak, the meaning on his face was very easy to read:

"It's up to you."


Hua Ye raised the paper net silently and helped Gabriel catch two goldfish.

"It's not fair!" Satania opened her eyes wide and shouted aggrievedly, "Why doesn't Gabriel say anything, and you just help her catch the goldfish, and I have to accompany you to see the goldfish." .”

Because the useless angel with twin ponytails is simply irresistible, okay?

A look of shock appeared on Satania's face: "Could it be, have you two seen goldfish?"

I really don't have this one, but kissing, hugging and holding high...all of them have been done.

"Okay, let's get another one for Satania, it's a tie..." Wei Nai coughed lightly, and opened his mouth to make a relief.

After all, this place is on the street. If any big news comes out, everyone will be distressed.

"En." Hua Ye responded, picked it up casually, and a goldfish flew out of the water, drew an arc in the air, and fell into Satania's bowl.

The stall owner, a middle-aged uncle, looked at the fantastic scene in front of him, and hugged his chubby self, his whole body turned into a black and white painting style.

At this time, there was a rhythmic puncture from behind.

One, two, three.

"Poke poke-"

Just as Hua Ye was about to turn his head back, a gust of fragrant wind came blowing towards his face, and the soft and sweet breath spewed into his ears, making it a little itchy.

"Student Hua Ye." La Feier said in a low voice, "Don't favor one person over another, and have a bowl of water level, otherwise you won't be far away from the hatchet~~"

As he spoke, he quietly glanced at Alice next to him.

Even though he was the closest, Hua Ye helped Satania and Gabriel catch goldfish, but he never asked her. Even if he kept telling himself that he didn't care, he still felt aggrieved—the evidence was that he was able to hang the oil bottle mouth.

If Hua Ye helped Wei Nai catch goldfish again, and then turned around and left after fishing, this tsundere girl would definitely be so wronged that tears would fall.

Hua Ye said, "Alice, how many do you want?"

The eyes of the girl with twin ponytails lit up, then she turned her head quickly, snorted softly, and said, "It was you who offered to help, I won't go to see goldfish with you...three or three will be fine!"

Hua Ye was already used to the way of getting along with Tsundere, he picked up three casually, looked at Wei Nai, and said, "Give me the bowl."

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