Orario is a huge city built directly above the dungeon, and it is also the breakwater of the dungeon.

This fortress since ancient times, together with the [Tower of Babel], which acts as a cover, has blocked the large underground hole for many years to prevent monsters from invading the surface.

The disintegration of Orario represents the reappearance of the "ancient" era of war.

The never-ending war between humans and monsters, which has caused countless tragedies, will be staged again.

"Of course I understand!!"

Hearing Luluni's question, Olivas cheered.

"With my own will, I want to destroy this city!! To fulfill "her" wish!"

Surrounded by Refia and the others with different expressions, Olivas declared loudly.

Facing the confused Lu Luni and the others, he pointed to the back.

"Can't you hear "her" voice!?"

He straightened one arm, pointing at the orb fetus on the large main pillar behind him.

""She" said she wanted to see the sky! "She" longed for the sky day and night!! This is "her" wish, if so, I will sacrifice for "her" wish!!"

His voice became more and more high-pitched, as if there was no limit.

A sickly pale face with a passionate smile.

From the appearance of talking eloquently without knowing the point, there is only one thing that can be clearly known, that is, the man is loyal to that "her" and he is obsessed with it.

"This city prevents "her" who sleeps deep in the ground from looking up at the sky! This city that blocks the big hole must be destroyed!"

"Instead of stupid humans and incompetent gods, "she" should rule the surface of the earth!!"

""She" is different from the gods who treat the human race as entertainment, watch jokes, talk about respecting life without shame, and stand idly by! "She" gave me a second life and treated me with compassion!"

After Olivas finished talking like a cannonball, he looked at Refia and the others with ridicule and hidden hostility.

But at this moment, Xia Qing suddenly raised his head, and with a single sentence, the coercion accumulated so far by the white-haired man Olivas was directly blown away.

"The "she" you are talking about is [Goddess of the Earth] Gaia?"

"How could you——!?"

Olivas opened his eyes wide and looked at Xia Qing in disbelief.

Obviously, even though he tried his best, he couldn't figure out why Xia Qing could guess to such an extent.

In fact, Xia Qing only guessed by deducing Uranus' special feelings for this dungeon and Greek legends.

Chapter 99 Dungeon real body? (4/4)

Gaia is the god of the earth in ancient Greek mythology, the mother of all gods, and the most respected and prominent god among all the gods. She was born after chaos, she is the deification of the earth, and the first real Creator God is also one of the original natural forces that can create life.

Her appearance marks the beginning of chaos from disorder to order, and also marks the beginning of all things.

The "Theogony" describes her like this: Conflict and chaos come from Gaia, the mother of all gods, and it is this great mother who gave birth to all the gods of the bright universe.

In her, we see both creation and destruction, both order and chaos, and in general, darkness and chaos are her essence.

Olivas seemed to be aware of his gaffe just now, and quickly restrained his shocked expression.

"I'm going to destroy this city with my own will! In order to fulfill "her" wish!"

His voice became more and more high-pitched, as if there was no limit.

A sickly pale face with a passionate smile.

From the appearance of talking eloquently without knowing the point, there is only one thing that can be clearly known, that is, the man is loyal to "her" and is obsessed with obsession.

"This city prevents "her" who sleeps deep in the ground from looking up at the sky! This city that blocks the big hole must be destroyed!"

"Instead of stupid humans and incompetent gods, "she" should rule the surface of the earth!!"

""She" is different from the gods who treat the human race as entertainment, watch jokes, talk about respecting life without shame, and stand idly by! "She" gave me a second life and treated me with compassion!"

After Olivas finished talking like a cannonball, he looked at Refia and the others with ridicule and hidden hostility.

"Is it true that she castrated Uranus?"

Xia Qing asked very bluntly.


Olivas, who was about to shout angrily, stopped abruptly because of the sudden explosion.

Boom————! ! !

The loud shattering sound attracted the attention of everyone in the big hole.

The red-haired woman flew out with several streams of smoke.

She slammed into the wall as if she had been blown away, and her back hit the ground hard, cutting a groove along the way.

Her body, which was advancing like an arrow, stopped at a position away from the battlefield where the giant flowers were raging.


The woman groaned and threw away the broken red sword.

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