
In the next two days, the situation in Huaxia Nanhai became more and more tense, and the Philippine Lubin, Nanyue Kingdom, and Malay Kingdom did not back down.The conflict between the two sides has intensified to a point where it can be touched at the touch of a finger.

Huaxia also put forward a proposal to impose sanctions and punishments on the Philippines at the UN Security Council, including a series of sanctions such as economic sanctions, arms embargo, financial penalties and restrictions, and travel bans, to force the Philippines to collide with overturned fishing boats Compensation and apology were made for the incident, and those involved were severely punished.

But in the end, the Security Council did not pass Huaxia's request, and only suggested sending a visiting delegation and the Secretary-General to the Philippines to mediate in order to achieve a peaceful resolution of the incident.

But a week later, Huaxia's original ultimatum to the Philippines has already expired, and the Philippines still did not make any concessions, instead refusing to admit that they crashed the fishing boat and arrested the fishermen. , and even more disagree with the so-called release of fishermen, apology and compensation.

The Chinese side was very angry about this, and once again asked the Security Council to impose sanctions on the Philippines, and even requested military action.

However, after the Security Council voted, Huaxia's request was finally rejected due to insufficient evidence, and the Secretary-General of the Security Council instead began to persuade Huaxia to make concessions and tolerate weak countries.

As for the sovereignty of the Nanhai Sea itself, there are disputes, and behind the huge interests there, there are big countries such as Europe, America and Russia coveting behind it, so Huaxia never expected to resolve this matter through the Security Council.

This time, they only hoped to obtain sanctions against the Philippine Lvbin or authorization of military operations through the crash of the Chinese fishing boat by the Philippine Lubin, but the result was not as expected.

After all, it is obvious that there is Meilijian behind this time, and most of the members of the UN Security Council are on the side of Meilijian, so Meilijian must be controlling everything behind the scenes this time.

Just like when they launched an attack on Lak back then, even without the authorization of the Security Council, they still waged war with several allied countries.

"We should never have let the Security Council deal with this in the first place!"

"Yeah, these capitalists are all out of one nostril!"

"We Huaxia will show them some color this time, and let them know that our military strength in Huaxia is not much worse than that of Meilijian!" In the conference room, the chiefs of the military committee were discussing angrily.

"We've done everything we can, and it's time for Huaxia to show our attitude!" The silent No. [-] commander suddenly stood up and said with firm eyes.

Although he is very clear that China's status in the world and the United Nations cannot be compared with that of the United States, as long as he takes military action, he will inevitably fall into the strategy of the United States, and give the United States the opportunity to use the United Nations to sanction China and take joint military actions against China. Excuse.

But this time is the time for China to defend its dignity. If nothing happens, why does China claim to be a big country, why is it based in the East, and why is it facing the countries of the United Nations.

So even if you know that this is a trap, you must fight hard, and if you want to fight, you must win. Only in this way can you not only solve this incident, but also have a deterrent effect on other countries, so that they can see that China is not weak , if they want to divide China, the price they pay may be far greater than the benefits they get.

Only in this way can the conspiracy of Meilijian be disintegrated, and those interest groups will not be united again because of their interests.

In that way, even if the United Nations eventually imposes sanctions on China, even if the United States takes military action against China, China may not be an enemy of the world and besieged on all sides. At least most European countries will wait and see for a while.

Then China has the possibility to win in this game.

Hearing the No. [-] commander's words, everyone stood up one after another, and their gazes at the No. [-] commander became firm. They knew that this time they were going to be serious.

After the meeting, the No. [-] chief kept Xia Weiguo and asked him to contact Lin Xuan to invite him over.


Chapter 262 Spiritual Leader

"Chairman wants to see me?" Lin Xuan, who was sitting in the study at home, said a little surprised. At this time, he was talking on the phone with Xia Weiguo. ∑,

"Yes, the chairman has something very important to discuss with you this time, I hope you can come over tomorrow!" Xia Weiguo said in a serious voice on the other end of the phone.

"Well! Okay, I'll be there tomorrow morning!" Lin Xuan replied, but didn't ask too much about what was going on, but it wasn't hard for him to guess that Chief No. This tense situation has something to do with it.

After finishing the call with Xia Weiguo, Lin Xuan leaned back on the chair and frowned, secretly thinking about the purpose of Chief No. [-] looking for him this time.

"Do you want me to help Huaxia fight against the United States, or do you need some technological assistance from me?" Lin Xuan guessed secretly.

But obviously the real answer can only be revealed tomorrow.

The next day, Lin Xuan came to Kyoto as scheduled, and under the leadership of Xia Weiguo, he met Chief No. [-].

After a few simple conversations with Chief No. [-], Chief No. [-] went straight to the point and stated his main purpose for inviting Lin Xuan over this time.

"Let me be the spiritual leader of Huaxia?" Hearing the words of Chief No. [-], Lin Xuan frowned, and looked at Chief No. [-] in surprise.

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