They spent a huge amount of money and consumed the entire body of the alien spaceship owner, and the hard-planned plan was ruined like this, although Godzilla caused a lot of damage to China.But the goal he cared about most was not achieved, which made him extremely depressed.

"Where did the bastards Tian Yizhonglang and Brown go? Why can't they be contacted?" After being depressed for a long time, Obama suddenly looked at a man in front of him.asked angrily.

"Mr. President, I will send people to investigate immediately, but it cannot be ruled out that they were secretly arrested by the Chinese government!" the man said bitterly.

"Notify our intelligence personnel that we must get as many live videos as possible. We must thoroughly understand how Lin Xuan killed Godzilla! What is the bottom line of his power?" Obama said sullenly. .

"Okay. Mr. President!"


In Binhai City, one day has passed since the monster incident. Due to the government's blockade of information, the monster incident only caused quite a stir in Binhai City, but it did not spread quickly and cause a wider sensation. Therefore, Lin Xuan His life was not affected much by it.

And because of the construction of a super power exchange room, Lin Xuan Shifa set off for the island of technology the next day.

After arriving at the island of science and technology, Lin Xuan immediately began to prepare various instruments and equipment needed for the exchange room, and he also planned to transform a guest room in his mansion into a super power exchange room.

After inputting the relevant information and data given to him by the system to Jarvis.The factory on the island of science and technology started working immediately, and more than a dozen robots were also busy.Cooperate with the production line, assemble the equipment one by one, and then transport them to Lin Xuan's mansion for installation.

The construction of the entire superpower exchange room was completed in less than two days. After Lin Xuan walked into the exchange room, he opened the cover of the central system of the superpower exchange engine, and inserted the red spar cylinder behind him into the In a hole in the central system.

"It should work!" Lin Xuan closed the lid of the system again, and murmured to himself.

And at this time.The voice of the system also sounded: "The task is completed, and the reward value is five points. The master is still 50 points away from being promoted to the next level. The super power exchange room has been completed. Do you want to exchange super powers, master!"

Hearing the system's voice, Lin Xuan's heart skipped a beat. He really wanted to have the Hulk's superpower right away, but after thinking about it, he hesitated.

According to the original introduction of the system, Hulk has superhuman strength, speed, energy and endurance.His abilities are tied to his emotions.Usually the angrier the stronger.

It can be said that there is endless anger and endless strength.

Moreover, his whole body's skin can resist physical attacks, cold weapons, bullet shooting and bomb explosions. If it is superimposed with Mr. Fantastic's super power, it will definitely be more perverted.

He also has exceptionally well-developed leg muscles, allowing him to jump, span great distances, and run fast.He can also create shock waves by clapping his palms, which is extremely powerful.

He also possesses super regenerative abilities, and can regenerate vital organs if damaged or destroyed.

He is also immune to all diseases and poisons, and can survive in extreme temperatures.

And the special hormones secreted by the glands in the body can increase the pressure of the lungs, and breathe and move quickly at various depths underwater.

If this ability is combined with the abilities of Wolverine and Mystique, it will definitely make Lin Xuan almost immortal. ?

In addition, the Hulk can also see spirits, has extremely high mind control defenses, and can absorb radiation.

Moreover, the Hulk Bruce Banner also had genius wisdom before his transformation, and he has profound attainments in the field of nuclear physics.

However, Hulk's ability has a very big disadvantage, that is, after he transforms, he will almost lose his mind.

This made Lin Xuan hesitate. If he exchanged this superpower, he might suddenly become a monster and endanger society.

At that time, the government might have thought that he was in the same group as the monster that appeared two days ago, and if they didn't chase after him, it wouldn't be fun.

But the disadvantages of the Hulk's superpowers will always exist. Could it be that he will never be able to redeem this ability?

Lin Xuan suddenly thought of this question. According to his understanding of the system, every superpower set by the system is useful, and absolutely no superpowers will be set, and in the past, many superpowers are not exactly the same as those in movies and comics. The same, for example, after exchanging Mystique's super power, the skin did not become the color and appearance of Mystique.

After I exchanged for Storm's super power, when I controlled the weather, my eyes didn't turn white as set in the film and television drama.

From this point of view, is it true that after exchanging the Hulk's superpowers, he will not turn into a rampage because of emotional agitation.

So after thinking about it, Lin Xuan immediately asked: "System, if I use the Hulk's super power, will I lose my mind and enter that kind of berserk state?"

"No, Master!"

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