So for more than ten years, they have already forgotten their original names.

And Ma Changwei has always had four bodyguards by his side, namely Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. As long as one of them dies, a replacement will be selected from this organization immediately.

Now the bodyguards around Ma Changwei, apart from Qinglong and Xuanwu, are the first group of people. The Baihu who was killed by Lin Xuan before was selected by Ma Changwei from that organization three years ago, and Suzaku came to Ma Changwei's side half a year ago. .

From this, it can be inferred that the Earth Protection Association had already existed more than ten years ago, and was preparing for this bombing plan.

At noon, after having lunch, Lin Xuan and Suzaku left the villa together. Suzaku drove, Lin Xuan sat in the co-pilot, and left the town at high speed.

About two hours later, Lin Xuan and the others entered another small town at the foot of the northern foot of Changbai Mountain, passed through the small town, and drove towards the mountainous area of ​​Changbai Mountain.

"Could it be that the base is in Changbai Mountain!" Lin Xuan secretly guessed in his heart, no wonder he would find migrant workers from their hometown, and the base is actually in Changbai Mountain.

But the facts were similar to what he had guessed. They drove into the interior of the mountain along a road paved with gravel. Along the way, large trucks carrying coal kept coming and going. Presumably there might be coal mines in the mountain.

After driving for about an hour, Lin Xuan saw a coal mine. The coal mine seemed to be quite large in scale, with all kinds of modern mechanical and electrical equipment in place. There was a small three-story building next to it.

After Lin Xuan and the others drove to the coal mine, they drove directly towards the back of the three-story building, and finally stopped in front of a large iron gate that looked like a warehouse.

Suzaku took out the communication device he was carrying, pressed one of the buttons, and the door opened automatically. Suzaku started the car again, drove into the warehouse, and the door closed.

After entering the warehouse, Lin Xuan found that there were many vehicles parked inside, and there were also some container-like things piled up very full.

The two got out of the car, Suzaku led Lin Xuan straight in, and finally stopped in front of the iron door of one of the containers, and then pressed his palm on a square screen on the right side of the iron door, and the screen immediately lit up , It turned out to be a palmprint recognition device.

After the palmprint recognition was completed, the iron door opened automatically, and Lin Xuan walked in after Suzaku, only to find that there was a universe inside the container.

There is actually a slanting passage inside, the passage is very spacious, and there are steps.

The two walked down the stairs for tens of meters, and then a white steel gate resembling the one in a sci-fi movie appeared again, with palmprint recognition and iris recognition equipment on the side.

After Suzaku verified it, the white steel gate quickly opened, and there was a box elevator inside, and it seemed that the base was right below.

Lin Xuan became inexplicably nervous again, but his face remained calm. He walked into the elevator with Suzaku, and took the elevator all the way down for an unknown number of meters before the elevator stopped.

The elevator door opened again, and a hall of about [-] square meters appeared in front of Lin Xuan, leading to a corridor. More than a dozen men in black were guarding the door, all armed with guns.

Seeing Suzaku and Baihu coming in, a dozen people immediately gave a military salute.

Suzaku nodded, and then walked deep into the corridor with Lin Xuan. This base was similar to what Lin Xuan had imagined, and it was also similar to some secret bases in the movie. Palm print and iris verification, and even a door passed by when going to the core area where Ma Changwei is located, only one person can pass through at a time, and palm print and iris verification are also required.

If it weren't for Lin Xuan's transformation skills to be meticulous, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to get in even if he turned into a white tiger.

On the way, Lin Xuan also passed a spacious office area with all kinds of office equipment. More than [-] people were busy in it, and some of them were wearing white coats, holding a stack of documents, and gathering together to communicate.

Lin Xuan was shocked when he saw the base that was almost like in a sci-fi movie, but he could easily imagine that a lot of workers must have been used to complete such a huge underground project. It seems that no one who had the same experience as his father would few.

If it weren't for Ma Changwei's strong background and extensive contacts, it would be really difficult to cover half of the sky with one hand and suppress the disappearance of so many people.

But the so-called paper can't hold fire, even if Lin Xuan hadn't exposed this matter, it would have been found out sooner or later, but finding out is one aspect, it's hard to say whether it can be found out on Ma Changwei's head.


[Thank you, Young Master Bao, for the reward of o1888 coins, for the bubbling Yu and Dao Shiyou for the reward of L100 coins, and for all the book friends who tipped and voted for recommendations! 】


This book will be on the shelves in the early morning of March 3st, please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe, important things are said three times!

Then there is the testimonial: I used to watch other people write testimonials on the shelves, this time I finally had the opportunity to write one, since the book was opened on December 12, more than two and a half months have passed, Rusi finally waited for the moment to be on the shelves, It is also time to really test the results of this book. I am extremely excited, but also very nervous!

Although I have encountered a lot of trolls since the book was opened, I have been hit hard again and again, but fortunately, there are so many book friends who support me, and the silent help of the responsible editor has made me come to where I am today, and it has also made me firm in my belief Write this book well and write it to everyone who supports me.

And after it's on the shelves, it's time for us to prove to those trolls that our book is no worse than other people's. Judging from the current number of collections, our book is no worse than the books of other newcomers in the same period (except for the great master), we How good the subscription results are depends on everyone's joint efforts.

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