Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 457: Prohibition of Spread

The speed of the colorful spiritual light curtain was extremely amazing. With the vortex above the huge mountain as the center, it spread wildly in all directions.

Wherever it passed, the immortal cultivators and monsters fighting with the silver light in the sky seemed to have lost control and fell to the ground.

The silver light fell from the sky as well...

Damn it! Could it be a forbidden air ban? Ye Han was horrified when he saw this scene...

He had silently moved thousands of feet away from the foundation-building cultivators of the Black Mountain Sect who were searching for him. They could not find him with the red mask ancient treasure.

The colorful spiritual light column that erupted from the giant mountain gave him a very bad feeling, so he accelerated and ran away...

However, the colorful spiritual light curtain that spread in the sky had an amazing impact speed. It was far away in the sky before, but it spread out for dozens of miles in the blink of an eye.

Ye Han had just run a thousand feet when the colorful spiritual light curtain had already spread to the area where he was just now...

The people of the Black Mountain Sect who were floating in the sky also saw what happened on the giant mountain in front.

Those silver lights came out and fought with so many cultivators and monsters, which looked very fierce...

They were actually glad that they did not follow the Black Mountain Sect leader, Young Master Zhuge, because they saw that there were a lot of these silver lights, several times more than the cultivators and monsters in the past...

And most of the cultivators and monsters in the past were high-level cultivators and monsters.

In the battle with the silver light, it seemed that many cultivators and monsters were knocked down. Obviously, those silver lights were not ordinary existences...

Most of them went there to die.

And when the colorful spiritual light curtain spread out, they also felt something was wrong, and they turned around and ran away one by one on their flying treasures...

But the speed at which the colorful spiritual light curtain spread was too fast. They had just flown out hundreds of feet.

One by one, they felt that their magic power and consciousness could not control the flying treasures, and their bodies fell from the air...

"No! It's a forbidden air ban!"

"Damn it! How could it be a forbidden air ban...!"

These guys from the Black Mountain Cult screamed one by one, and they could not control the flying treasures and fell to the ground...

Although they were hundreds of feet high in the sky, it was impossible for them to fall to death with their cultivation. One by one, they released defensive treasures or magic light shields to protect their bodies. Like meteorites, they smashed into the mountains and forests, making a series of roars...

Ye Han, who was far away, saw this scene and his face condensed. The giant mountain actually issued a forbidden air ban. What was it for?

The Black Mountain Cult leader in the Jindan stage also flew to the giant mountain. It seemed that he was also suppressed by the ban.

Even the flying of a Jindan cultivator could be suppressed. How powerful is this forbidden air ban? !

Ye Han was already escaping at the fastest speed, but the colorful spiritual light curtain in the sky was too fast...

He wanted to cast a speed-up spell or talisman to escape, but seeing the speed of the colorful spiritual light curtain spreading, he gave up immediately. Even if his speed increased several times, he could not outrun the spreading speed of the colorful spiritual light curtain.

It is better to save some mana and talismans to deal with the situation later.

Sure enough, the colorful spiritual light curtain swept across his position in less than a breath, and Ye Han immediately felt a forbidden force whizzing past.

He saw that this piece of colorful spiritual light curtain actually contained countless mysterious runes. Wherever it passed, a faint rune spiritual light forbidden light shield appeared in the sky...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han smiled bitterly. It seems that this time, he has encountered trouble again.

Damn it, why am I so unlucky? Every time I go out of the mountain, I can't complete the task smoothly and return safely?

The colorful spiritual light curtain swept across the world and went all the way to the horizon...

Ye Han discovered at this time that his consciousness was also suppressed by an inexplicable forbidden force. The range of his sense release was only a dozen feet around him.

You should know that after a long period of taking the spirit pill to practice the Qingxin Gong, reading books in the library every day to improve his consciousness, his current consciousness is comparable to that of a cultivator at the fifth or sixth level of the foundation-building period.

However, this forbidden force not only prohibits the cultivator from flying, but also suppresses his consciousness from being released...

Damn it, this is just a ban on flying and prohibiting flying, which is fine, but if the entire Shangling area is imprisoned and cannot be left, then it will be a big trouble.

Thinking of this, Ye Han quickly rushed towards the outskirts of Shangling Land...

While he was running, he looked back and saw the colorful spiritual light pillars of the giant mountain, as if they were non-stop, and they were still rushing out of the light pillars, blessing the colorful spiritual light curtain in the sky...

This is troublesome.

Half an hour later, Ye Han rushed to a mountain forest and stood on an extremely huge tree. He saw a scene that made him speechless. Between the sky and the earth, an arc of colorful spiritual light curtain with no visible edges separated the sky and the earth into two halves...

On the other side of the light curtain, he could no longer see what was going on. It was all foggy outside...

And under the light curtain, Ye Han saw huge monsters bombarding the colorful spiritual light curtain, making earth-shaking roars and explosions, but the light curtain did not emit any ripples...

Looking at this scene, Ye Han's face turned black. There were many monsters attacking the light curtain, most of which were below the third level, but there were also a few fourth-level monsters. When they attacked, the light curtain did not release any traces...

Ye Han knew that he would be trapped here this time.

Sure enough, he ran to the edge of the light curtain and could not see what was happening outside, but the runes on the light curtain made him know that with his ability, there was no way to open this light curtain and get out.

He tried to use the blood escape talisman to see if he could get through, but he crashed into the light curtain and could not get through at all...

As for other means, Ye Han felt that there was no need to waste mana.

Damn! Why am I so unlucky that I am trapped everywhere? !

Ye Han was a little annoyed with his luck.

However, at this point, he could only find a safe place to recover the consumption of his Qingxuan Divine Body...


Ye Han sat cross-legged in a closed cave, closed his eyes and rested his mind, practicing the exercises, refining pills to heal his injuries.

I don't know how long it took, bang! A muffled sound came, causing Ye Han to frown.

"Damn it! I didn't expect this Tianji Hall to have a trap!" A frustrated male voice came from a distance.

"Damn it! The token is with Junior Brother Yang, let's find Junior Brother Yang first!" another voice said.

Hearing this conversation, Ye Han's heart moved. Could it be that the appearance of the Tianji Hall in this giant mountain was not a coincidence?

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