Chapter 746 Lin Yuan’s Absolute Defense

However, it is still unknown to Lin Yuan how long the ethereal jellyfish can condense a spatial crystal in his body.

Now that ethereal jellyfish can communicate, Lin Yuan doesn’t need to experiment on his own as before.

Lin Yuan asked the ethereal jellyfish.

“Empty, how long does it take you to condense a space crystal with free fishing?”

The ethereal jellyfish heard Lin Yuan’s words and immediately communicated with Lin Yuan through a contract.

“It will take about fifteen hours for Kongkong to condense a space crystal.”

During the communication, the ethereal jellyfish suddenly lit up with a dazzling silver-red luster, and the ethereal jellyfish waved her wrist and spoke to Lin Yuan very carefully.

“There is a tentacles in Kongkong that is far, far away. It takes two spatial crystals to connect to the space corridor for transmission in that place.”

Lin Yuan knew immediately that what Kongkong felt was the tentacles placed by Xuan Yue in the Shenmu Federation.

According to the judgment of the ethereal jellyfish, after waiting for the space corridor to stand up, he would consume four space crystals in one round trip to the Shenmu Federation.

Calculating it is that it takes 60 hours for the ethereal jellyfish to condense the consumed space crystals in the body.

If one counts the ability of the space tunnel to self-recover space energy, Lin Yuan estimates that if he does not prepare extra space spiritual materials for a round trip.

I am afraid that I need to stay in the Shenmu Federation for at least two days at a time.

After Lin Yuan understood the intensity of the free fishing of the Golden Tier skills, he decided not to return the ethereal jellyfish to the spiritual lock space or the spiritual space in the future.

Instead, let the ethereal jellyfish live in the environment of the manor, condense the space and crystallize constantly.

After that, Lin Yuan continued to explore the platinum-level skill core of the ethereal jellyfish.

After seeing the expression of the platinum-tier skill core wrist contact under the real data, Lin Yuan understood the role of the main contact wrist that was grown from the ethereal jellyfish, which was as thick as his own thigh.

From Lin Yuan’s point of view, the core tentacles can be regarded as a temporary space corridor with no distance limit.

When this temporary space tunnel created by the core tentacles is opened, it will continuously consume the space energy contained in the core tentacles.

When the space energy contained in the core tentacles is exhausted, the temporary space channel will disappear.

Although the spatial corridor established by the core tentacles is only temporary, unlike the spatial corridor established by the ethereal jellyfish relying on three tentacles, it is a permanent existence.

But if the space crystal condensed by the ethereal jellyfish is thrown into the tunnel opened by the core touch wrist hole, it can also extend the time for the temporary tunnel opening.

Ethereal Jellyfish’s exclusive characteristic space corridor has a distance limit. The Shenmu Federation closest to the Radiance Federation can almost be regarded as the limit distance of the Ethereal Jellyfish.

However, the corridor opened by the skill core touch wrist does not need to consider the distance limit, only need to consider how long the space energy contained in the core touch wrist can support the corridor.

The core wrist touch skill seemed to Lin Yuan to be special, if Wen Yu had not had the Contract Celestial Council.

Lin Yuan would feel that the skill core of the ethereal jellyfish is a tasteless skill, and there is no way to use it.

After Lin Yuan understood the functions of the Saint Source Objects Celestial Assembly of Wen Yu’s contract, the core touch can definitely be regarded as a strategic level skill.

Through the function of the Celestial Council, Lin Yuan can use the rules to pass the core of the ethereal jellyfish to Bei Xu or Yin Lin.

At that time, Lin Yuan would be able to open a space tunnel leading to the new world with ethereal jellyfish as its origin directly through the core and his wrist.

Only when the space jellyfish was communicating, Lin Yuan knew that it would take a long time for the core tentacles to grow and mature.

It is impossible to open such a space corridor that spans a distance in a short time.

But for Lin Yuan, every mature core tentacles of the ethereal jellyfish is equivalent to a key to open the door to a new world.

The strategic significance is often more important than the ability of the phantom.

As for the space transfer of Ethereal Jellyfish’s Diamond Tier skills, Lin Yuan felt that it could be called an absolute defense against elemental attacks.

Skill space transfer can delimit a space filled with elemental energy and transfer it to other dimensions.

When Lin Yuan encounters an elemental energy attack in the future, he can completely rely on space transfer to remove the elemental energy attack.

With the Ethereal Jellyfish’s diamond-level skill space transfer, Lin Yuan’s already strong defense system has become more complete.

Although the source sand can defend against physical and elemental damage.

However, Yuansha is more inclined to physical defense than elemental defense.

But now Lin Yuan’s relatively weak elemental defense ability is complemented by the skill space transfer of the ethereal jellyfish.

Mental protection also has smart skills and mental expansion.

This made Lin Yuan feel that he was now a Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten.

Coupled with the eruption of the unique characteristics of the upward spirit dragon fish, the massive Spiritual Qi in the Spiritual Qi mark and the huge life energy in the life mark, Lin Yuan thinks that he may be believed by someone who says he is a spiritual creature.

After checking the real data of the ethereal jellyfish, Lin Yuan couldn’t help but look forward to seeing the diamond rank tenth legendary ethereal jellyfish.

I don’t know when the ethereal jellyfish can comprehend the will from the heavens and the earth on its own.

After comprehending the will, the ethereal jellyfish is eligible to be promoted to the rank of lord, and becomes a mythological spirit after being baptized in heaven and earth.

At this time, the ethereal jellyfish became the highest spiritual creature in Lin Yuanshou’s mid-rank position.

Lin Yuan opened the window to let the ethereal jellyfish go out and let the ethereal jellyfish wander freely in the manor to condense the spatial crystallization.

Lin Yuan, who was busy with the ethereal jellyfish, returned to the spiritual lock space.

The cells in Lin Yuan’s body after rolling the steps are full of vitality, and the active cells in his body make Lin Yuan in a state of vigorous energy.

In this state, Lin Yuan didn’t need to rest at all. Lin Yuan rolled up his sleeves and began to strengthen the spiritual thing.

After being busy, I don’t know how long I have been busy.

It wasn’t until Lin Yuan took a look at the time that he realized that he had unknowingly spent more than 30 hours in the Spirit Locking Space.

And the plant spirits that Sun Ningxiang accumulated in Lin Yuan’s hands to strengthen him, as well as the gestational bliss angelfish female of the Ascension quality that the Bliss Sea Clan needs to make himself, Lin Yuan has liver out.

In addition, Lin Yuan brought a female bliss angelfish ascension to the legendary copper rank without using Spiritual Qi crystals.

Then Lin Yuan injected a large amount of Spiritual Qi into the eggs of this copper-step legendary quality bliss angelfish female.

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