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Sanada attacked with fire and directly knocked Wakato Hiroshi's racket away.

However, his anger did not diminish at all. Since you can stand shoulder to shoulder with Nioh, then come and try! If you don't have the strength, you can say something, but you will pay the price!

Wakato Hiroshi was so sad to take the blame. He really didn't know about these things. He thought that it was the tennis newspapers who discovered this genius-level person.

"Tsk tsk……"

Rikkai pointed at him, Maori held his hands, his head kept shaking, at this time he had no regrets at all. This kind of stuff is a waste of time!

However, he didn't have any sympathy when he saw the miserable appearance of the other party. Like Sanada, even if he was usually careless, he still had the dignity of a master! Or it could be said that he was unconsciously domineering in the king Rikkai University.

If you want to climb over their heads, you can! Defeat them!

""Okay, we give up this game!"

Huacun Aoi suddenly stood up and said.

Although in her tennis philosophy, players are just a piece of work in the hands of the coach, but after all, players are players, standing on the court, they still have to have the necessary self-confidence.

Originally, she just wanted everyone to experience the difference between them and real masters, but now what Sanada did really made her a little confused.

It seems that he is trying his best to defeat someone who is not as strong as him, or it is more appropriate to say that he wants to ruin Ruoren's future! What she never expected was that it was all the consequences of her own doing.


"Needless to say, referee, our player has a physical problem and can no longer continue the game. We forfeit!"

Huamura interrupted everyone firmly.

If the game continues, Ruo Renhong will probably lose his confidence in playing tennis.

"Since Seijo Shonan player Wakato Hiroshi was unable to compete and forfeited, Rikkai University High School won!"

""Puh~ Let's go."

Seeing that the other party was not in the mood to perform post-match etiquette, Ren Wang greeted everyone and left together. Although the venue was not large, a lounge was prepared. They just had to wait for the award ceremony.

The people of Rikkai kept their heads up outside to maintain their image, and they were all listless in the lounge... Boring!

They had originally been a little interested in the battle with Jounari Shonan, but ended up returning home in high spirits.




When presenting the awards, both officials and people from Rikkai University were just going through the motions, without a single smile from the heart. People from Rikkai University didn't like the trophy in the first place, and as for the person presenting the awards... even if he was patient, he was the champion and the presenter every year for the past ten years since he was in charge of this area, and he himself was impatient.

No one cared about the ugly expressions of the players from Seijo Shonan, only Kirihara felt it was fun and glared at them and provoked them, which made them very angry.

After the game, not only did everyone not relax, but they became even busier. Because the Kanto Tournament would open in half a month, Nioh had nothing to worry about for the Kanto Tournament. This year's powerful lineup, whether it was Hyotei or Seigaku, which was already on the rise, could not stop them.

Only by next year, the people from Seigaku, who had evolved rapidly in just a few months, had caused irreparable pain to Rikkai in their previous lives.

This was also why Nioh was willing to spend a lot of effort in cultivating Kirihara, cultivating Marui and Jackal during this period. If the difference in strength is too small, it would be too unsafe to be on the court. The opponent’s strength might suddenly evolve, leading to the failure of the game.

This kind of thing was not uncommon in Nioh’s previous life, especially the little guy from Seigaku. First it was Sanada, and then Yukimura whose strength was damaged. Both evolutions were not easy.

Anyway, those are next year’s things, so Nioh won’t worry about it this year. However, Marui, Jackal, and Senior Kawaguchi were all joining the main selection for the first time, so they attached great importance to the Kanto-level competition. Kirihara, needless to say, trained non-stop to defeat Sanada.

Sanada, this guy Sanada is a training maniac. Kirihara wants to defeat him, and he also has people he wants to defeat, and there are quite a few, a full three!

Five days later, Rikkai University Tennis Club!



The people in the tennis club are having a practice match. Except for Nioh feeding the ball to Kirihara, the other players are also practicing against each other.

"I'm back……"



At the entrance of the venue, a handsome boy wearing a signature headband looked at everyone with a smile.

After more than half a month, the minister of Rikkai University finally returned!

Although the absence of Yukimura did not affect the results of this level of competition, everyone could feel the impact of Yukimura on everyone's spirit. This is a unique personality charm that cannot be learned by others. This is a bit like Tezuka of Qingxue. They are both spiritual pillars of their respective schools. Whether he is in a hospital bed or in a rehabilitation center,……

"How was the game a few days ago? How did Marui and Jackal feel?"

When the team was about to leave in the lounge, Yukimura did not forget to ask this question.


"Very disappointed……"

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