Chapter 442 Dangerous situation [subscription required]

It was an ominous omen that the meteor passed by. Not only was Jiang Ziya moved, but other people had secretly speculated in their hearts, and basically didn’t think about the good side.

Thousands of stars correspond to the fate stars, and the seriousness of the problem can be imagined. Ling Bao immediately counted, and the matter was even worse. Using God’s time to look at it, a battle is taking place ahead. And the fighting situation seems to be even worse. Although it has not reached the level of the melee of the gods, the situation is not optimistic, and it is related to the fate of the human race.

Any change will basically involve the common people of the earth.

“Master, what can you see?” Jiang Ziya asked.

Seeing that Ling Bao’s face was wrong, Jiang Ziya was aware of the seriousness of the problem, but his own Cultivation Base was limited, and he could only guess what was on the surface.

The change of human luck, everyone is like a reborn, but for this new understanding, they have not yet fully adapted, but everyone’s heart is beginning to hang.

“It’s an indirect relationship. I insist on taking a look. Don’t act arbitrarily. Before I come back, you must stabilize your position.” Ling Bao responded.

As for what will happen, what is going on on the other side of Skyrim, only by seeing it in front of your eyes will you have a conclusion. To be ignorant of oneself is nothing but annoyance.

“Master, let me go with you. If it is not good for the master, I can also share some of the burden for the master.” Nezha has grown up, although he looks like a half-sized child, but his mind has long matured.

Ling Bao looked at Nezha, then smiled and said, “Just go over and watch the excitement, there won’t be any problems, just wait for me to come back.”

Ling Bao confessed, and then galloped away in the direction of the falling meteor.


Our Lady of the Golden Spirit has fallen into the trap.Although he is extraordinary in strength, different from other Zen disciples, and is above the twelve golden immortals, there is a variable in this layout, and he has been secretly calculating all of Saji. Zhun Ti, one of the second Western masters, has been waiting for this opportunity.

Before he really sees the blood, his goal cannot be achieved either. It’s boring to make a small mess, and the clean water can be muddled by the real swords and guns. It’s been a long time since Daoist has been secretly deployed, his true face has really been revealed.

“Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, your death date has come, do you have anything else to say?” Randeng Daoist stood above the formation and was already a sure winner.

The formation of the Universe Diagram unfolded again, and the Mother of God of the Golden Spirit did not have the corresponding Magical Item in hand, and did not have the same preparation as Ling Bao, so naturally it would not be easy to fight against.

But the arrogance in his heart told him that he would never lose in this tough battle. Faced with the face of others, the Golden Spirit Mother still dismissed it.

“If you want to kill me, you can try.”

Immediately, Daoist cooperated with the other brothers, Little Brother, and began to operate the universe. For a time, Yin & Yang around the world were not divided, and it was almost the same, and Daoist could basically do this, but deal with the Virgin of the Golden Spirit. He still has full certainty.

The mountains and rivers turned into two dragons, opening their mouths to treat their teeth and swallowing Our Lady of the Golden Spirit into the abdomen.

“Just can I change to a new trick? I’m tired of seeing it.

As soon as the wrist of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit turned, the Dragon Tiger Ruyi Scepter began to have new changes.

The strength of the beast is Qilin. The golden-red tiger gradually gave birth to scales, and the original phantom was transformed into a solid body, and it began to slowly change into the appearance of a four-dimensional image. The tiger’s head has horns, and the body has dragon scales. Its 4 feet are as strong as mammoths, and its tail is more like a rubber snake. It has a long tongue in its mouth, watching each other.

“What kind of monster is that?” Tao Xingzun took a look and didn’t see that this was just a monster under his feet.

But another divine beast was painted by a golden dragon, with 4 claws turned into a five-clawed golden dragon, and the dragon-horned dragon’s whiskers slowly grew out. The situation suddenly changed, and the Mother of the Golden Spirit should not be underestimated, far beyond imagination.

In particular, the Qixiang car that sat down was even more powerful, and the dragons painted by the mountains and rivers could not cause direct and effective damage to him at all.

“Let me see how long you can last.” Our Lady of the Golden Spirit began to attack.

A beast and a Soaring Dragon cooperate with each other, and are directly trended by the mind. Its speed of action, the change of attack mode, and the ability to respond flexibly make the opponent caught off guard.

There are two ways to break the formation. The most complicated one is to find the way to break the formation. Correspondingly, it can be broken under the premise of reducing the casualties as much as possible.

But there is a more crude and simple way. Arrayers need to inject Spirit Power and True Qi. What is lost is the reserves of their Cultivation Base. Once exhausted, the formation will not be broken.

However, in the formation, the caster has the initiative, which is completely double the result with half the effort, increasing the original ability and strength by several times or even higher.

Once it falls into the formation, unless there are too many users whose strength exceeds its formation, it can be cracked in this way. Of course, the risk is the greatest.

The dilemma facing Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is the current situation. I was caught in the trap of others, but to get rid of it calmly, it would only be desperate.

The murderous intentions of the two sides have started. If you don’t fight to death, you can’t stop. The two began to fight each other. Reiki 930 Qi and True Qi began to reduce drastically. In the next protracted battle, there were not too many tricks, but a drastic reduction of power. See who can really laugh to the end.

However, Ling Bao, on the other side of Skyrim, wants to be there as soon as possible to solve this crisis, especially not to let Daoist succeed, unless he has the ability to cut through time and space and achieve an instant transfer ability.

The situation began to stand in a stalemate, and the inside would not go out and the outside would not enter, completely putting the world and the customs in front of them in a relatively limited position.

“If this continues, I’m afraid there will be many dreams in the night.” Daoist picked up and stood aside, and said to Daoist.

Burning lantern Daoist is struggling to support at this time, if he can easily take it down, this battle will be over long ago.

“I think too, are you just here to watch the excitement?” Randan Daoist asked rhetorically.

As for the previous life-saving grace, Daoist is grateful, but now it seems that it is not the case. It doesn’t hurt to stand on the sidelines and talk, and can help choose to watch, and he discussed this plan and strategy with himself, but now this act makes Daoist a little puzzled.

“I’m here to resolve you, with a neutral attitude, and don’t help any of you. As for the grievances between you, I don’t want to mix it up…”.

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