Chapter 355 Heroes are sad and beautiful [seeking subscription]

Nezha also rolled his eyes secretly in his heart. He is not such a ignorant of good and evil. Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he still walks towards the mountains.

In such a situation, he would definitely ask Ling Bao for help.

“I see, Master, I am not so stupid.”

Nezha nodded quickly, and the two of them watched Su Hu who was dying, and walked directly into the station with their heads high.

“grown ups ”

The person on the side wanted to stop, but Su Hu went in directly, leaving him no chance at all.

Bo Yikao glanced at the carriage that was still parked outside. Sister Su sat inside, and Su Hu went in directly. The Chongbei Hou also ignored the people here.

The task of placing Su Daji was left to him.

Two steps forward, Boyikao gently knocked on the door of the carriage.

“Su Miss, please get off the bus, we are now-at the inn.”

I only heard an ethereal and sweet female voice in the car, and then a pair of slender hands opened the curtain.

“Thank you.”

As soon as Boyi looked up, he saw a perfect face in front of him.

It is said that Su Hu had a daughter who gave birth to a beautiful country with a natural beauty and a natural talent. Boyi felt that no matter how beautiful she was, she couldn’t be so beautiful.

But after seeing it today, I realized that the rumors were not exaggerated at all, or even far behind.

The Su Daji in front of her, her eyebrows and her eyebrows were shining brightly, everything on her body was born just right, with a bit of innocence and natural temptation, as if she was a superb.

No matter which man met her, I’m afraid there is no way not to be tempted.

Boyi test subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of water and almost stayed where he was.


Su Daji saw that she was handsome in front of her, and the situation was advancing and retreating, and the dignified Boyikao couldn’t help but feel a hint of shyness in her heart.

As the eldest son of Xi Bohou, Bo Yi Kao is good at the six arts of gentleman, and he is even more elegant. It is not an exaggeration to say that a gentleman is like jade.

Where is there a girl who doesn’t like to see it?

“Oh, also ask Miss Su to get out of the car!”

Bo Yikao stretched out his hand and carefully helped Su Daji out of the carriage.

After everyone came to his side, Boyi Kao discovered that Sister Su actually had a leisurely scent on her body, which made people tempted.

Su Daji was equally ashamed, but she felt a little uncomfortable. She had no idea what kind of person King Zhou was.

It would be fine if it was like the Bo Yi test next to me.

Bo Yi Kao was both envious and jealous of the king, such a good beauty was actually kicked so badly by the king!

That mediocre guy, why should he enjoy such a beautiful beauty?

Bo Yikao looked at Su Daj next to him intently, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

“This time to Chaoge, the journey is far away, and Miss Su has worked hard.”

In front of Su Daji, Bo Yikao showed that he was attentive everywhere, but his eyes were not honestly lingering on Su Daji.

“This is my destiny. No matter how far the journey is, I have to go. If I don’t go, the people in Jizhou City will definitely be affected by the war.”

Su Daji had already wanted to open it, no matter what kind of person the king was, she could only be destined to be the woman of the king in this life.

Boyi felt a pity in his heart, and couldn’t help but feel a trace of evil thoughts.

A beauty like Su Daji is rare in the world, and it would be a pity to give it to King Zhou like this.

If this beauty is willing to be with herself, it would be great to be stubborn to herself.

Bo Yikao thought about this in his heart, so he sent Su Daji into the post.

Ling Bao watched the interaction between the two, almost at a glance through Bo Yikao’s careful thoughts.

“It is said that the hero is sad for the beauty pass, this sentence is really good.”

It’s just that this Bo Yi test seems to be different from the wise gentleman in his memory.

If you are a wise gentleman, you would not show such a look to a woman.

“What beauty pass?”

Nezha was concentrating on the cultivation, and immediately heard Ling Bao say such a word.

In order not to miss the Nine tailed Fox, Ling Bao made an enchantment directly above the station and stood in the air, urging Nezha cultivation by the way.

“Children are still young, don’t ask such questions!”

Ling Bao gave Nezha a brain jumper and asked him to quickly cultivate.

Compared with Bo Yi Kao, Ling Bao admired Su Daji more. Although Su Hu had a confused old father, Su Sister Ji was really smart and kind.

If Su Daji had really entered the Chaoge, Martial King would still be able to figure out what the outcome would be.

After Bo Yi went back to his own room, he couldn’t let Su Daji go, so he sneaked into Sister Su’s room while everyone was not paying attention.

“Miss Su, is it possible that you really want to go to the song? That Feng Wang is really not a good thing!”

Bo Yikao looked at Su Daji’s expression with a bit of greed. Sister Su had a good impression of Bo Yikao, but when she heard such words, she couldn’t help frowning.

King Zhou is the master of the world, and Bo Yi Kao is not even Xi Bohou now, and he is just a courtier of the king.

A gentleman has something to do and what he doesn’t do. From this point of view, this Boyi test has already failed. and,

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