Chapter 333 Shen Gongbao’s resentment [seeking subscription]

You Hun said to Fei Zhong:

“It’s good if you can understand. What we have done recently is really not in line with the king’s wishes. If we come here twice, our two heads will move!

So in the future we will be the sword in the hands of the great king. We will kill whoever wants to kill. Otherwise, the king will be the first to forgive us!”

Fei Zhong nodded:

“Okay, I listen to Brother You!”


“Well, the two of us are grasshoppers on the same rope. You can’t run or you can’t walk me, so we must unite.

If the two of us are in conflict, it is estimated that under the pressure of many ministers, it is impossible for the king to protect us!”

Fei Zhong nodded, and just as the two were discussing, a shadow beside them flashed away.

In the palace, only King Zhou himself, King Zhou turned his back to the hall, but a dialogue between Fei Zhong and Youhun resounded in the empty hall.

After listening, King Zhou smiled and said:

“Well, now that you two understand, then I can rest assured!”

Then Feng Wang said to the void:

“Shadow, check it out, if you have any news, report it to me immediately!”

A voice in the void:


Then the whole room was quiet.

And when Fei Zhong and You Hun were walking on the street, Zhunti saw two people. Seeing the two people facing each other, Zhunti knew that these two were not good people at all.

But the two of them actually have the big business’s national fortune, so you can count it. If you count the emperor, you will be backlashed by the big business’s national fortune.

But if you count the billing Zhong and Youhun, the quasi-promotion is still very easy, and soon the quasi-promotion will know why these two became officials.

Zhunti smiled and said:

“It’s really no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to find it. This time is my chance” ^!”

After finishing talking, Zhunti put a mark on the two of them, and then they disappeared.

Just after Zhunti left, Ling Bao walked out of the void and said with a smile:

“I found these two people. This time I will take a look. With my existence, how did you calculate it and how to start the amount of robbery!”

Then Ling Bao ignored Fei Zhong and You Hun at all and let them develop.

Ling Bao just disappeared.

On the Qilin Cliff of Kunlun Mountain, the Primitive Tianzun said to Jiang Ziya:

“Do you understand what I taught you?”

Jiang Ziya nodded:

“Master, all the disciples understand!”

The original Tianzun nodded:

“That’s good, you will continue to come tomorrow morning, and I will continue to teach you!”

Although what Jiang Ziya learned was not immortal spells, but only literary and martial arts, he was still very grateful to the primitive, so Jiang Ziya saluted the primitive:

“Thank you Master!

The original Tianzun saw Jiang Ziya’s appearance, and then said to Jiang Ziya:

“Well, you can consolidate the knowledge you learned today!

After talking about the original Tianzun leaving Qilinya, when the original Tianzun left, Shen Gongbao appeared in front of Jiang Ziya and asked Jiang Ziya with a grin:

“Brother Ziya, Master personally teaches you every day! What magical powers have you taught you?”

Jiang Ziya is very grateful to Shen Gongbao, because in Jiang Ziya’s heart, without Shen Gongbao, he would not have come to Kunlun Mountain, nor would he become a disciple of Chanjiao.

Seeing Shen Gongbao coming, and asking himself what Primordial Tianzun taught him, Jiang Ziya explained to Shen Gongbao:

“Teached me how to send troops to lay out a military strategy. Should Brother Leopard learn?”

Hearing Jiang Ziya’s words, Shen Gongbao was very angry, his smile disappeared instantly, and then said to Jiang Ziya:

“Brother Ziya, I’m not mean to you. If Master doesn’t want you to tell me, just tell me directly. I’m not an unreasonable person.

But if you entertain me like this, are you worthy of me?”

Seeing that Shen Gongbao had misunderstood, Jiang Ziya explained sincerely:

Brother Leopard, you really misunderstood. Master really taught me this. If you don’t believe me, Brother Leopard, you can test me!”

Shen Gongbao was even more angry when he saw Jiang Ziya’s appearance:

“I’m still playing tricks with me now, my Shen Gongbao didn’t expect you Jiang Ziya to be such a person!”

After speaking, Shen Gongbao set up a storm and left. Jiang Ziya saw that Shen Gongbao had misunderstood him and was about to call Shen Gongbao, but Shen Gongbao’s Cultivation Base was much better than Jiang Ziya.

Before Jiang Ziya could explain, Shen Gongbao disappeared.

At this time, Antarctica Immortal Weng came over, looked at the troubled Jiang Ziya, and said to Jiang Ziya:

“Junior Brother, Junior Brother Shen Gongbao treats the belly of a gentleman with a villain, and misunderstood you. This shows that he (Qian Wang Zhao) is not open-minded, or even believes in you. You don’t pay attention to it. Studying hard is the toilet.

When there is a chance, explain it well!”

When Jiang Ziya heard it, yes, I don’t have enough time to study now. Anyway, I’m all senior brothers. It would be nice to have a chance to explain.

And Shen Gongbao waited for a long time in own Immortal Cave, but didn’t wait until Jiang Ziya came to explain.

This made Shen Gongbao hate Jiang Ziya. After Shen Gongbao hated Jiang Ziya, the leader of Tongtian in the Biyou Palace of Jinzheng Island in the East China Sea felt that his luck was very unstable. Did not figure it out.

But Tongtian knows that someone must calculate his own teaching, but who it is and how it is calculated, I don’t know!

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