Chapter 295 Spirit Pearl Samsara【Subscription】

After hearing Nuwa’s words, Hou Tu said to Nuwa:

“Big sis, isn’t this bad? Although this spiritual bead committed murder, in this Nuwa sky, surely no one would dare to move the spiritual bead, right?”

Nuwa shook his head:

“Little Sister, don’t talk about it. This spirit pearl has been in my Nuwa days for a long time, and it has been lawless. Now that I have Diyou, it is good to say. Little Sister also knows that when the husband is gone, we will definitely keep up. The end of the beads is not good.

Since we are all here, let him go through the robbery. With our care, he still has a chance to live!”

When Hou Tu saw Ling Zhuzi, he didn’t know the future of own, and he was still bragging in front of Jingwei with joy and joy.

Seeing Jing Wei’s constant smile, Houtu nodded:

“In this case, don’t blame Little Sister for Big sis!”

Nuwa smiled and nodded, and the two entered the Nuwa Palace. Jin Ning who was next to him kept winking, but Lingzhu didn’t seem to see it, but talked to Jingwei.

Nuwa asked very harshly:

“Ling Zhuzi, do you want to-go?”

Ling Zhuzi answered without hesitation:


At this time Lingzhu felt something was wrong, the voice was a bit familiar, Lingzhu looked back and saw Nuwa and Houtu, then said with a smile:

“Manny, you are back!

After speaking, he said to Nuwa with a hippy smile, and Nuwa asked the Lingzhu without expression:

“It seems you want to go out!”

Ling Zhuzi felt a flattering smile, and said to Nuwa:

“Niang Niang, I was wrong. I said it smoothly. I didn’t mean that. I don’t want to go out. This Nuwa Palace is one of the most prevalent places. Why do I want to go out? I’m kidding!”

Nuwa coldly said to the Lingzhu:

“Then I don’t care, since you said it, then go out!”

Jing Wei next to him quickly interceded:

“Niang, the spirit beads are not intentional, please let the two empresses show mercy and bypass the spirit beads this time!”

Ling Zhuzi saw Jingwei begging, but Nuwa and Houtu were unmoved. Ling Zhuzi knew that he was in trouble this time.

Ling Zhuzi put away his hippie smile, and said to the female snail:

“Mother, Lingzhu knows it is wrong, you can bypass me this time!”

Nuwa said to the Lingzhu:

“It’s easy to bypass you this time, but what to do in the future, you will have to go out in the future, since you have committed a murder, you have to take the initiative to go to Transcends Tribulation, don’t just lose my Nuwatian Face!

After hearing Nuwa’s words, Ling Zhuzi asked:

“Niang Niang, what is killing and calamity? How to save it?”

Nuwa explained to the Lingzhu:

“Although you have committed a murder and robbery, you are also a member of my Nuwa Palace. I will send you to the world for reincarnation. Although you are a medium-grade Innate Ling Bao, your Cultivation Base is at most the Realm of the Daluo Jinxian, a quasi-sage. It is very slim, if you reborn the Daoist clan.

Not only do you have the luck of me, Ling Bao and Hou Tu, but also your aptitude will go to the next level. As long as you do Transcends Tribulation, you can become a quasi-sage after the killing, and even if the chance is enough, you will be promoted to Hunyuan. It is not impossible!

But since you said it, you will definitely cause trouble after you are born, but even though our Nuwa Heaven does not have any great power, we are absolutely not afraid of trouble!”

Hearing Nuwa’s words, Lingzhu’s eyes rolled and said:

“The mother, can I help Jingwei Big sis get out of anger if I go to Transcends Tribulation in the world!”

Nuwa also likes Jingwei very much. If Jingwei’s name is not the same as his own name, he will not be counted as Jingwei bird by Heavenly Dao. Fortunately, Ling Bao took the initiative to rescue Jingwei and became the current Jingwei. .

.0 Seeking flowers……0

After the catastrophe, Fairy is already Taiyixuanxian’s Realm, Nuwa asked Jingwei:

“By the way, what are your father and uncle looking for me?”

Jing Wei saluted Nuwa:

“I have seen Niang Niang and I told Niang Niang. I don’t know the specifics, but Uncle Fuxi asked me to tell Niang Niang that she was letting Niang Niang go down to Huoyun Cave and said that she had something to consult with Niang Niang!

Nuwa heard Jingwei’s words and said to Jingwei:

“Let’s go, let’s go and see!

Then he said to Houtu:

“Little Sister, the matter of Lingzhu will trouble you!”

Hou Tu smiled and said:

“It’s all small things!”

After finishing talking, beckoning to the spirit bead, the spirit bead turned into a main body spirit bead, and Houtu made several seals against the main body of the spirit bead.

Then he waved his hand, and Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared in front of him. With his bare hand raised, the Spirit Orb was thrown into the Daoist Dao Samsara and Samsara went.

Then he said to Nuwa:

“Big sis don’t worry, he will naturally be born when the calamity comes, let him integrate his origin in Samsara!”

Nuwa nodded, and then said to Jingwei:

“Little Jingwei, go, let’s go find your father!”

Jing Wei nodded, then asked timidly:

“Niang, is the Lingzhu okay?”

Nuwa shook her head and said:

“It’s okay, this is for his good, don’t worry!”

After finishing talking to Jingwei:

“Okay, let’s go to Huoyun Cave!”

After talking about Nuwa and Houtu, they took Jingwei with them, and when they moved their minds, they arrived at Huoyun Cave! and,

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