Chapter 284 Liwei or stupid [seeking subscription]

Everyone looked at the so-called celestial stele, the third of which was that immortal and common people were not allowed to marry.

Countless people don’t know why. Many immortals who are pure-hearted and pure-hearted do not care at all, but many people who have become immortals from mortals can’t accept it at all.

One person Celestial Immortals said:

“If you can’t do anything, what’s the point of being an immortal? I would rather be a mortal!”

Hearing the words of this Celestial Immortals, Zhang Bairen used the authority of the Heavenly Emperor to directly deprive this Celestial Immortals of the Celestial Immortals. This Celestial Immortals came from a mortal.

The immortal who passed through Huaxianchi, now the immortal is deprived, and immediately became a mortal. You must know that mortals have a lifespan.

After being deprived of the immortality, he immediately died, and all the ghosts floated towards the underworld!

Zhang Bairen did this, and then asked everyone:

“Who still wants to be a mortal? I will let him go to Samsara and become a mortal!”

The emotion of mortals is that they are afraid of death. If they become immortals, they will live forever, but if they become mortals, then there will be nothing. Although women are also looking forward to it, immortals cannot marry, and immortals can do it.

Unbreakable people think so.

One by one was silent and silent, Zhang Bairen said to everyone:

“The immortals have the appearance of immortals, you are immortals, you are immortals with the same life span as the heavens, mere mortals, with a life span of several hundred years at most.

Even mortals who have not undergone cultivation have a life span of less than one hundred. If immortals and mortals intermarry, they cannot become immortals, so how do you deal with yourself?

Do you want Qi Deviation to enter Devil Dao? I am not unreasonable. There are countless immortals Xian’e in Heaven Court. If you really agree, I can make you a dao companion.

But intermarriage with a mortal, no matter whether it is a male or female fairy, who still has an opinion!”

Everyone did not speak, and stayed quietly.When Zhang Bairen saw that no one was speaking, he nodded and said:

“Well, in this case, everyone should implement this rule. If someone violates the rule, he will be severely punished!” (bafa)

When everyone heard Zhang Bairen’s words, they were very aggrieved, but who made the person the Heavenly Emperor, so they all walked out calmly.

The Heaven Court, which used to laugh and laugh, became cold in an instant. The Heaven Court is still the Heaven Court, but the gods are not those gods.

Ling Bao seemed to sense something, pinched a finger, and then said coldly:

“Huh, I don’t know what to say, Samsara is also white Samsara!”

Upon hearing Ling Bao’s self-talk, Nuwa asked curiously:

“Husband, what’s the matter?”

Ling Bao briefly talked about the affairs of Heaven Court, Nuwa also forgot, and knew about the affairs of Heaven Court, and then asked curiously:

“Is this wrong? Zhang Bairen’s doing this is quite satisfactory!”

Ling Bao disdainfully said:

“Stupid, extremely stupid!”

Hou Tu did not understand and asked:

“How can it be stupid?

Ling Bao sighed explanation:

“Hey! You still don’t understand the human race. The reason why the human race is the eternal protagonist is not the power of the human race, nor the natural Taoism of the human race.

It is because the human race has feelings, and this feeling of the human race is very special, which can spur the evolution of Heavenly Dao. Human feelings are very strong!”

Nuwa asked puzzledly:

“What does this have to do with Tiantiao!”

Ling Bao answered:

“The combination of immortals and mortals gives birth to children with very good cultivation aptitudes. This is the first, second, the combination of immortals and mortals. Once they have feelings, the immortals will find ways to make mortals become immortals too!

Third, Immortal Ascension, the immortal’s family, will the power of Heaven Court increase?”

After hearing what Ling Bao said, the two girls nodded thoughtfully, and asked:

“In that case, aren’t immortals flooding the Heaven Court?”

Ling Bao rolled his eyes and said:

“If I were the Heavenly Emperor, I would reward the Immortal Ascension of these immortals’ families. You must know that the life and death of the immortals who passed through the Sanxianchi are in the hands of Zhang Bairen. In order to live well, these people will definitely listen to Zhang Bairen’s words. With so many own direct lines, isn’t it better than Loose Immortals.

You must know that Loose Immortals can leave at any time, and it deprives the other party of the immortals. For the other party, it just doesn’t have the luck of Heaven Court, and it has no effect on the strength of the owner, but the immortal who became from Sanxianchi It’s different!

Ten thousand, if there is one talented in cultivation, then Zhang Bairen will earn it!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, the two girls were silent, and then thinking about what Ling Bao said, Nuwa’s eyes lit up, and then said:

“Indeed, this one hundred forbearance really killed a good chess!”

Ling Bao thought of the future Heaven Court, and sighed:

“It seems that this Heaven Court is just like that, but there will be a good show soon!”

Nuwa asked curiously:

“What a good show?”

Ling Bao disdainfully said:

“In this case, do you think someone will just watch it quietly? Don’t worry, someone must come out and slap Zhang Bairen in the face!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Houtu fell silent, then said:

“Quick mention?”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Of course, you should remember how he became holy. If he doesn’t make a move, it is estimated that he will fall in the next calamity!”.

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