Chapter 275 Re-open the flat peach conference [seeking subscription]

Li Changgeng didn’t understand what the two meant, but as a subordinate, those who shouldn’t inquire would not inquire. This is also the purpose of Li Changgeng.

Seeing Li Changgeng’s doubts, but Li Changgeng didn’t ask anything. Instead, he took Pan Tao to the palace of Emperor Ziwei.

Looking at Li Changgeng who was leaving, Yaochi said to himself:

“Your Majesty is a blessing!”

Then the cultivation continued, and the Yao Chi of Pan Taoyuan was handed over to the seven daughters brought back by Zhang Bairen, because he had the memory of his own good corpse.

It didn’t take long for Yaochi to accept these seven innocent and lovely daughters. These seven daughters were so beautiful. Everyone called these seven princesses Seven Fairies.

The names of the seven fairies are named according to the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

By analogy, the seven beautiful princesses are familiar with the Heaven Court every day. This Heaven Court is really too big, although since the Immortal Ascension of the Seven Fairies, they have not visited all of the Heaven Court.

And those who know Seven Fairies are happy~ Huan Seven Fairies and Yao Ji.

Because these people are so innocent, all the immortals can’t give birth to any evil thoughts at all.

Therefore, the popularity of Seven Fairies and Long Princess Yao Ji in Heaven Court is very good.

At this time, Li Changgeng came to the Ziwei Palace and said to the guard:

“Thank you all for telling the little old man, just say that Taibai Jinxing Li Changgeng is asking to see the emperor!”

The guard of Emperor Ziwei did not have the brains to provoke anyone, but saluted Li Changgeng:

“It turns out that Taibai Jinxing is in person, wait a moment, I will tell the emperor!”

Li Changgeng nodded and said with a smile:

“Excuse me!”

The guard also kindly said:

“You are welcome!”

After a while, the guard came out and said to Taibai Jinxing:

“Your Majesty let you in!”

Li Changgeng said to the guard:

“Thank you little brother to lead the way!”

The guard faced the humanity around him:

“You guard here first, I will take Taibai Jinxing to find the emperor!”

The other guard nodded, he looked more introverted, didn’t say a word, just guarded very seriously.

Li Changgeng saw Emperor Ziwei. With Li Changgeng’s Cultivation Base, he couldn’t see the Cultivation Base of Emperor Ziwei. Because at this time, Emperor Ziwei was already the Cultivation Base of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and Emperor Ziwei asked Li Changgeng:

“Taibai, what’s the matter with you?”

Taibai Jinxing salutes Emperor Ziwei:

“Emperor, Your Majesty is holding the Flat Peach Conference this time, without inviting your Majesty, but your Majesty and Niang Niang asked me to give me fifty nine-thousand-year-old flat peaches. It is the heart of Your Majesty and Niang Niang. I hope that your Majesty will not mind. I don’t know the specific reason. !”

Taibai Jinxing wanted to help Zhang Bairen and Yaochi round up, but halfway through, Taibai Jinxing knew that if he said something wrong, it would be bad for Zhang Bairen to bring enemies, so Taibai Jinxing also gave up the explanation. After all, this Bairen and Yaochi did not say anything. Because of what?

Emperor Ziwei looked at Taibai Jinxing and said to Taibai Jinxing with a smile:

“Okay, I see, thank you for bringing a word to your majesty instead of me!”

Taibai Jinxing bowed slightly, and stopped the words of Emperor Ziwei, Emperor Ziwei said to Taibai Jinxing:

“You go back and tell your majesty, just say that my Ziwei hand is enough, just let me know if you have anything!”

Taibai Jinxing looked at Emperor Ziwei with a look of regret, and Emperor Ziwei waved his hand, and then said to Taibai Jinxing:

“If you go back and say this, your majesty will understand!”

Taibai Venus knows that except for himself, it seems that everyone knows it. Since he knows it, it has little to do with him, so Taibai salutes:

.0 Seeking flowers……0

“Yes! The Great!”

After talking about Taibai Jinxing, he went back and relayed the words of Emperor Ziwei to Zhang Bairen. Zhang Bairen heard Li Changgeng’s words, and then said to himself:

“It seems that Human Race can really count it. If that’s the case, let’s start!

Taibai Venus Li Changgeng was not clear, so Zhang Bairen asked Li Changgeng:

“How much time will Pantao start?”

Li Changgeng said to Zhang Bairen:

“Your Majesty, there are still one hundred and thirty years!”

Zhang Bairen said:

“Then start preparing. As for welcoming guests, you don’t need to go anymore, just let Xian’e guide them. This flat peach conference should be held in Yaochi!”

Li Changgeng nodded:

“Yes, Your Majesty!

In the predicament, countless people are ready to go to the flat peach conference again. Last time because of Sage’s relationship, many people did not taste the taste of Innate Spiritual Roots.

This time everyone knew that Sage was not going to go. Many Da Luo Jinxian and Zhunsheng wanted to taste the flat peach that Sage was qualified to eat.

Therefore, Honghuang slowly began to lively, and time passed quickly, and soon everyone entered the Heaven Court, and under the leadership of Xian’e, entered the Jade Lake.

Yuding also came with the interpreters. Since the death of Guangchengzi, the original Tianzun began to lean towards Yuding, and Yuding became the big brother of everyone.

Yuding saw that only Xian’e came out, frowning slightly, Puxian Zhenren next to Yuding said:

“Brother, this Heaven Court doesn’t teach us too much To put in one’s eyes!”

Madam Yuding was also very angry, but still suppressed his anger, and said to everyone:

“Okay, Master didn’t come, everyone should keep a low profile!” And,

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