Chapter 260 Taibaijinxing’s suggestion【seeking subscription】

When the three of them were in Closed Door Training, with the help of Ling Bao, the human race once again entered a big stride of development.

Of course, the development this time was a bit beyond everyone’s expectations, because Human Race had no external influence, but internally began to split.

The princes of the Big Brother began to listen to the announcement. In addition to the princes, there are countless sects, Sect, also began to slowly break away from the rule of the Emperor.

There has also been polarization between practitioners and mortals, mortals admire practitioners, and practitioners look down on mortals.

In addition, practitioners began to control their practice methods not to be spread out. Mortals who want to practice must join the force of practitioners.

Ling Bao knew that since then, he was also very angry, but did not interfere with them, but waited for the unified rectification at that time.

Heaven Court, Lingxiao Hall.

Wu Tian asked an old man:

“Li Changgeng, if you can help me solve the problem of Heaven Court’s shortage of manpower, I will let you be a platinum star!

Li Changgeng is a Rogue Cultivators. Hearing Wu Tian’s words, he was very excited. To Wu Heavenly Dao:

“Your Majesty, let the little old man think about it!

Wu Tian didn’t have any manpower available, Li Changgeng thought for a while, then clapped his hands, facing Wu Heavenly Dao:

“Your Majesty, there is it!”

Wu Tian said very excitedly:

“Hurry up!

Li Changgeng faced Wu Heavenly Dao:

“Your Majesty, I think we should do the three-pronged approach!”

Wu Tian’s eyes lit up and asked:

“Oh, what a three-pronged approach!”

Li Changgeng said:

“Your Majesty, look, this prehistoric immortal is divided into three forces! Rogue Cultivators, major sects and human races!”

Wu Tian said irritably:

“Of course I know! Does this still use your nonsense?”

Li Changgeng explained to Wu Tian:

“Your Majesty, listen to me, don’t worry, this Rogue Cultivators has no inheritance, no resources, we can invite these Rogue Cultivators in!”

Wu Tian asked very curiously:

“Oh, how to invite!”

Li Changgeng said:

“We can follow the example of a human country, build a treasury, and then build a monument of merit, and then use the merit to exchange the materials of the Heaven Court, and even use the power of the Heaven Court Star to cultivate.

This is the first point and the second point. Some third cultivators don’t like to be restrained. Your Majesty will ban some officials, those who are ignorant and have no power, and then we invite them to come over every time we meet at Heaven Court.

I think a lot of Loose Immortals will want it for free!

Wu Tian’s eyes lit up and said:

“Yes, any more?”

Li Changgeng nodded and said:

“Of course, this is only the first point. As for sure that there are Rogue Cultivators who want real power, then give them real power, provided that they have allegiance to your majesty. Besides, these officials don’t want to seal whoever you want to seal. For a long time, these people Don’t you all respect your Majesty!

Wu Tian nodded and said:

“Yes, keep talking, do you have any more?”

Li Changgeng nodded and said:

“There is also the top ten Innate Spiritual Roots given by Daozu by the Queen Mother. This is also a good thing to win people’s hearts.

After a while, it will be the birthday of the Queen Mother. We can invite people from all sects to be guests. Your Majesty can take out this Spiritual Roots and entertain these people. Of course, this is the first time.

If you want to eat this flat peach next time, it will only be eaten by our staff at Heaven Court. In this case, there will definitely be some sects who join Heaven Court in order for the own disciples to get flat peaches. Even if no one participates, it will let Honghuang All beings know that Heaven Court also has treasures!

I think someone must join Heaven Court for treasures!”

Wu Tian nodded and said:

-0 Seeking flowers…0

“Yes, what about Terran!”

Li Changgeng said:

“On the Terran side, we can test it slowly. First, your Majesty, you use the big magic power to set up the ladder. Anyone who wants Immortal Ascension can only become an immortal if they can climb the ladder and enter the Heaven Court. Of course, this is The immortal at the bottom.

But they can’t be allowed to become immortals at the bottom. Your Majesty will find out a few basic Cultivation Techniques, and let them cultivate when the time comes.

When they say Celestial Immortals, they will be able to serve for Your Majesty, exchange the Heaven Court merits for a better practice Cultivation Technique, and when their strength comes up, they will be the mainstay of Heaven Court.


The other is that your Majesty is looking for someone to look at the Haotian Mirror and look at the great sages of the human race.If they have great merits, they will send people to extradited to become immortals, even mortals, I think the strength of our Heaven Court makes him Immortal Ascension should It’s easy!”

Wu Tian nodded and said:

“Yes, this Heaven Court has three immortal ponds, namely Shengxianchi, Huaxianchi and Duxianchi. Any one of them can become an immortal of Heaven Court and can also be a cultivation, but it is a fairy body of Heaven Court. I always thought It’s tasteless, I didn’t expect this to be a treasure to mortals!”

Li Changgeng didn’t know this either, he hadn’t heard of it, and asked Wu Tian:

“Your Majesty, what is the function of this Three Immortal Pond?”

Wu Heavenly Dao:

“I also heard you say that I just thought of it. This Shengxianchi is from the mortal cultivation Dao Immortal Realm, and then Shengxianchi will send out invitations. If you are willing to become Celestial Immortals, you will attract Dao Shengxianchi and cast an immortal body. Become a fairy of Heaven Court, if you don’t want to, you can cast a fairy by yourself.

And Huaxianchi is aimed at those who don’t have Cultivation Base. People who don’t have Cultivation Base can directly become the lowest immortal when they enter Huaxianchi, and then he increases Cultivation Base through cultivation!

As for this Crossing Fairy Pond”

Wu Tian wanted to say something and stopped.

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