Chapter 257 Solve the doubt [seeking subscription]

But Hongjun could understand Nuwa’s meaning, and Hongjun nodded proudly.

Nuwa said to everyone:

“Let Houtu Empress tell you the way of Samsara!”

Hou Tu began to explain the Tao of Samsara. After Hou Tu explained the Tao of Samsara, Hong Jun began to explain Heavenly Dao to everyone. Two thousand years later, Hong Jun also finished the Tao.

Everyone is still unfinished, after all, when Hongjun preached, it was Sage Realm, but now it is Hongjun Realm preaching.

Of course it can’t be the same.

Ling Bao said:

“I will ask you questions for a thousand years. After a thousand years, this ceremony will be over!”

Then Ling Bao asked Hongjun:

“I don’t know what Hongjun fellow daoist thinks?”

Hongjun also gave Ling Bao Face very much and nodded to Ling Bao:


Ling Bao said to everyone:

“Okay, let’s start asking questions!”

The ancestors of Styx said:

“Excuse me, Venerable, is it true that you can’t be holy without Hongmeng Ziqi?”

Ling Bao looked at Hongjun, and Hongjun thought for a while:

“This human race already has three thousand Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and it’s not good to be hiding it!”

So Hongjun said:

“It’s not impossible. Hongmingmeng 10 Purple Qi is actually a trick. Through the Hongmeng Purple Qi, the primordial spirit is placed on Heavenly Dao, which can mobilize the power of Heavenly Dao and become Sage.

But if there is no Hongmeng Ziqi, you can only become Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and you must comprehend one rule to achieve Consummation, which is Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

If you want to become Sage, you can only become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian first, and then assist Heavenly Dao to control the law, and you can also become Sage!

But after becoming the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, without assisting Heavenly Dao, in Honghuang, it would be difficult to make progress without great opportunities!”

Ling Bao heard Hongjun’s words and said:

“Hongjun fellow daoist said so!”

Zhen Yuanzi asked:

“Does Sage understand a rule?”

Ling Bao shook his head:

“No, this is not absolute. Some Sages can comprehend a law, while others are able to blend into the Heavenly Dao with the help of merit.

There is no Sage’s power, no Sage’s reality. If you deprive the other party of the grandeur and purple energy, you will preach under Sage.

But if one understands a rule, it is to deprive Hongmeng and Purple Qi, and it is also a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but it is not possible to borrow the power of Heavenly Dao.

Let’s put it this way, Sage is Heavenly Dao’s assistant Heavenly Dao’s management rules. If it falls, Heavenly Dao will help him rebirth.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cannot borrow the power of Heavenly Dao. If he falls, he will really fall.

For example, the Pangu god-tier of the day, whose strength far surpassed Heavenly Dao, just wanted to place the soul in the avenue. If it succeeds, Pangu god-tier will fall and can be resurrected with the help of the avenue!”

Speaking of this, Ling Bao suddenly remembered whether this Pangu had already obtained the Dao, and then reborn with the Dao, and then continued to cultivate, then this great desolation was just a rebirth.

Thinking of this, Ling Bao didn’t dare to think about it, because a lot of them couldn’t match up, but Ling Bao didn’t reach that Realm. Only after reaching that Realm, Ling Bao would go check it out again!

And hearing what Ling Bao said, Xi Yao, the Queen Mother of the West asked:

“Ling Bao Venerable, even if you don’t become a Sage, you can continue to cultivate!”

Ling Bao nodded and said:


Tongtian asked:

“Ling Bao Venerable, how do you cultivate after Sage? What is Realm like?”

Ling Bao said:

“Sage cultivation is divided into thirty Sixth Stage days, divided into, Sage ten Second Stage, corresponding to Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, Hedao ten Second Stage, corresponding to Hunyuan Taiji Jinxian, Heavenly Dao ten Second Stage, corresponding to Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian .”

daddy asked:

“What about the Realm behind?”

Ling Bao thought for a while and said:

“There is also Realm in the back. I didn’t want to tell you, but since you asked, I will just say it briefly. After the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal, it is the Chaos Realm.

Most of the Chaos Demon Gods are in this Realm, after the Chaos Realm is the Supreme Realm, only a few Chaos Demon Gods have reached this Realm.

Behind the Supreme Realm is the Great Realm, what Pangu wants to prove is the Great Realm, and behind the Great Realm is the Transcendent Realm. I don’t know the specifics.

But I also learned about the Realm division after I got the Chaos Demon by chance!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Hong Jun was very surprised, and then said to Ling Bao:

“Fellow daoist is really a good blessing, yes, I was also a Chaos Demon God before, and later reincarnated to become the Heavenly Demon God, Ling Bao fellow daoist is indeed good!”

In the following words, Hongjun has no generals, let alone Chaos Realm, it is to Heavenly Dao Realm, which is the Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal. , Chaos Ling Bao can speak Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian.

Even to be able to reach the chaos realm, the supreme realm, it must be the background of the chaotic supreme treasure hierarchical form to reach the supreme realm!

However, Hongjun didn’t say anything about it, because Honglingjun knew that if he told everyone this, Honghuang would still fight for the various Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

Of course Ling Bao also knew about this drawback, but Ling Bao didn’t say anything, but continued to answer other questions from everyone.

Soon, after a thousand years passed, Ling Bao, Hou Tu, Nuwa, Hong 820 Jun answered the thousand-year question, Ling Bao said:

“Okay, the time is up, this ceremony is over, but this is not the first time, I will arrange for someone to answer the cultivation aspect later, of course, this time is uncertain, after all, I just got married and it takes time!

Nothing, everyone, go back, this time the ceremony is here!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, everyone was reluctant, because the environment here is so good, Tongtian didn’t have that many thoughts, but said to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, you are simply wonderful here, how about I come here if I have a chance in the future?”

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“No problem, it’s okay to drop by in ancient times. I gave you the communication Yufu to contact me. If there is nothing wrong, I will treat you well!

Tongtian was very happy, and then said:

“Does fellow daoist still have such a dojo? Although my dojo is also good, it is a lot worse than the fellow daoist side!”

Ling Bao scolded with a smile:

“Do you think Chaos Spirit Vessel is so easy?”

The sky chuckled, and he stopped talking, and finally said:

“Ling Bao Venerable, I have a question for Venerable!”

Ling Bao said to Zhun:

“Oh, I wonder what Sage wants to ask?”

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