Chapter 253 Hong Junzhi, everyone presents [subscription]

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a while, without saying any blessings behind them, Houtu spoke to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao Big Brother, did you find someone to arrange this?

Ling Bao’s voice transmission with a smile:

“Of course, you can’t let them eat and drink for nothing! I’m just trying to attract others!”

Nuwa also knows Ling Bao’s urinary sex. Seeing Ling Bao and Houtu’s appearance, he said to Ling Bao and Houtu:

“Look, if this goes on, what will our wedding become!”

Houtu smiled slightly, Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“Wawa, the various Spiritual Roots on Sanxian Island will belong to our family in the future, so they can let them eat and drink for nothing? And I plan to preach to these people, even if it is compensation, why these things will be given to them for nothing ?”

Nuwa rolled her eyes and said:

“Well, let’s go in!”

The other ten ancestral witches were also receiving gifts, and Zhu Rong shouted again:

“The ancestors of the blood sea and rivers, donate 36 blood sea god beads, a top-grade Innate Ling Bao, and wish the three people a happy wedding!”

Styx heard Zhu Rong’s loud voice and was very happy. The blessings were taught to Zhu Rong by Ling Bao. Co-workers came over and faced Styx Road:

“Welcome to Styx fellow daoist, fellow daoist please!”

When the Styx entered, I saw the surrounding scenery and took a breath. Ling Bao’s current Cultivation Base, after returning from the Cultivation Base, changed all the best Innate Ling Bao here to Innate Supreme Treasure.

When Styx entered the manor, he knew how rich this Ling Bao was, and all the things in it were Innate treasures.

Brick by tile, tables, chairs and benches, and even many plates, wine glasses are Innate treasures, countless Innate treasures, so Styx is very shocked.

The people behind also began to take out the own collection one after another, to the ten ancestral witches, and Zhu Rong shouted:

“Wanshou Mountain Wuzhuang View, Zhen Yuanzi presented three thousand ginseng fruits, a top-grade Innate Ling Bao, blessing the three newcomers to stay together forever^!”

“Jin’ao Island in the East China Sea, Biyou Palace Tongtian, presents one piece of the best Innate Ling Bao and three pieces of the top-grade Innate Ling Bao, blessing the three newcomers for eternity and longevity!’

“The original Tianzun of Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace, presents the best Innate Ling Bao”

“Shouyang Shandou rate the palace moral heaven, offer

“Western Sumeru Mountain Bliss Pure Land takes Daoist and presents it”

“Western Sumeru Mountain Bliss Pure Land Standard mention Sage, present

“West Kunlun, Xi Yao, the Queen Mother of the West, offers

“The three goddesses of the lunar star, Xihe, Chang Xi, and Wang Shu

After everyone presented their gifts, they saw countless waiters after entering the manor. These waiters were personally trained by Ling Bao. They were all from the Cultivation Base of Da Luo Jinxian.

Wearing a uniform uniform, walking around among the crowd, introducing everyone here and the wedding process.

Everyone is dazzled, everything in it is Innate Supreme, that is, the uniforms worn by the waiters are all the best Innate Ling Bao.

And every waiter is the Cultivation Base of Daluo Jinxian Peak, and every one is a human race.

At first everyone thought that Human Race was already very powerful, but the countless Human Races here let everyone know that they still underestimated Human Race.

Ling Bao arranged Nuwa and Houtu, and then asked a few female nuns to take care of these Nuwa and Houtu, and he came to the front to greet everyone.

At this time, everyone knew that the things they gave were nothing compared to here.

Zhunti Sage saw these countless treasures of Innate, and there was almost no Qi Deviation. If it hadn’t been for Daoist to quote Daoist, Zhunti would have become a demon and started to snatch it.

Not to mention Jie Zhun mentioning, everyone else had the idea of ​​stealing or stealing, but thinking of Ling Bao’s strength and strength made everyone dispel this idea.

Ling Bao looked at the crowd with a disdainful smile. Except for Nuwa and Houtu, everyone else had red eyes.

Although Nuwa Houtu is shocked, but for Innate Supreme Treasure, Nuwa and Houtu are not needed anymore. Both SamsaraFaLun and Humane FaLun are both growable Chaos Ling Bao.

When the prehistoric world is promoted to the eternal world, the FaLun of both will be promoted to the Chaos Supreme, so although the two are surprised, there is no such big demand for the Innate Supreme.

So although the two are shocked, after all, Innate Supreme Treasure is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, that is, Sage’s standing weapon, but Chaos Taiji Jinxian, that is, the Magic Treasures of the Master of Combination, is Chaos Ling Bao.

And if Ling Bao has the material, Chaos Ling Bao can also be refined, although it is only a low-grade Chaos Ling Bao, but in this way, Ling Bao is also for this Innate treasure to slow everyone down!

Ling Bao walked down and said to everyone:

“Welcome everyone to come to my dojo, the dojo is shabby, and please don’t take it off! Since you are here, give me Ling Bao Face!

The spirit fruits, drinks, and even food are eaten casually here. Of course, you can eat less if you don’t have Realm. After all, these things are not good things, but they are also Innate Spiritual Roots, which contain a lot of energy!

Today is a day of my great joy. You can eat and drink whatever you want, and we will hold the ceremony later!”

Everyone echoed:


Hearing the congratulations from everyone, Ling Bao arched his cupped hands and said to everyone:

“Today, there are a lot of guests here. I would like to ask you Duoda Haihan if you have not taken care of it well. After the ceremony is over, I, and my two wives, Nuwa and Hou Tu, will preach. Thank you for your long journey. Come!”

As soon as Ling Bao finished speaking, everyone was very excited (with money), and just as everyone was about to discuss, a voice came in:

“How about my old-fashioned one!”

When everyone saw it, it turned out to be Hongjun, and everyone bowed separately:

“We have seen Dao Zu [Teacher]”

It was Sanqing and Zhunti who called the teacher, and the others called Zula.

Hongjun said to everyone:

“Dear friends, today’s protagonists are Ling Bao, Nuwa and Houtu, I am just a guest!”

Ling Bao said to Hongjun:

“Fellow daoist can come, I’m a Pengge shining!”

Hongjun smiled and said:

“Seeing the furnishings of fellow daoist, I can’t get this gift! But fortunately, I have a little stock, otherwise I will definitely be laughed at by fellow daoist!”

After saying that Hongjun took out three pieces of Ling Bao, and the three pieces of Ling Bao’s prestige surprised everyone. These three pieces of Ling Bao turned out to be

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