Chapter 238 Hu Mei’s revenge [seeking subscription]

The man in the red cloak replied:

“Mistress, Chi You has already prepared almost, although the person chosen by the mistress is not very smart, this person is indeed amazing!”

Qiu Mei coldly said:

“If it’s a waste, I won’t be laying it out for so long!”

“The mistress is wise, what the mistress said!”

Qiu Meidao:

“Notice the ghost ghosts to be careful, don’t break before you start!”

The man in the red cloak sneered:

“Mother, you are too much of a fuss, the monsters are the four great monsters and gods, the most good at bewitching people’s hearts, mere mortals, how can they be damaged!”

Qiu Mei sternly said:

“Is there a place to talk? Do whatever I ask you to do, and if you talk more, you will die!

The man in the red cloak hurriedly knelt in front of the sister, and said to her:

“I’m sorry, mistress, I was wrong, I was wrong, I’ll let you know!

Sister Qiu looked at the person who kept kowtow and said coldly:

“Now that I know, don’t hurry up, why? Waiting for me to invite you out!”

“Yes, yes, I’ll get out of here!”

After talking about the man in the red cloak disappeared, sister Qiu seemed to be used to it a long time ago, looking outside, muttering to herself:

“Child, husband, I will avenge you soon, huh, isn’t the human race the most important thing for you? I will destroy your most important thing!”

After Sister Qiu finished speaking, she continued to cultivate, and Ling Bao at this time opened her eyes at Xuanyuan Hill, and said coldly:

“Huh, Hu Mei, I didn’t expect you to give up your heart. If that’s the case, then I will destroy your fox clan!”

After speaking, Ling Bao stretched out his hand and found a secret realm in the East of the Wild, Qingqiu secret realm, Qingqiu secret realm is the secret realm of the fox clan, there are countless fox tribes, there are morphs, those without morphs, countless fox tribes Life in it.

After the Lich War, these fox races no longer entered the prehistoric land, but cultivated with great concentration in the secret realm of Qingqiu.

At this time, a black spot of light suddenly appeared in the Qingqiu secret realm. This black spot of light continuously absorbed the surrounding Spiritual Qi, getting faster and faster, and soon attracted the attention of Tushan, the patriarch of Qingqiu secret realm.

In this Qingqiu clan, the male foxes basically use Tu as their surname, and the female foxes basically use Hu as their surname.

Tushan is also the Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage middle stage. I see that this light spot absorbs the Spiritual Qi of the Qingqiu secret realm, and the Spiritual Qi of the Qingqiu secret realm is disappearing faster and faster. If you don’t stop it, the Qingqiu secret The realm was completely finished. Thinking of this, Tu Shan attacked the dark light spot, but this was not Magic Treasures.

The dark spot of light is Ling Bao’s use of Dao’s magical powers, the Great Swallowing technique, and Tushan’s attacks not only have no effect, but also greatly increase the power of this spot of light.

The light spot quickly absorbed the Spiritual Qi of Qingqiu secret realm. Tu Shan saw this and said to countless foxes:

“A few Elders take the people out first, I want to get rid of this thing!”

Others saw that the patriarch own couldn’t get rid of this bad luck. The fox itself is suspicious, and they are all creatures that seek good fortune and avoid evil.

So most of the foxes ran out, only a few foxes with a high Cultivation Base began to attack this dark light spot, but with the attacks of these people, there is no way this big swallowing technique can be used. Physical attacks open up space and can be offset.

But the current big swallow technique can’t be offset by a simple attack.


The powerful devouring ability swallowed the request secret realm completely, that is, Tushan and a few powerful Elders were swallowed up before they had time to escape.

When countless swallowing power was about to swallow the surroundings, a ray of light flashed in the sky, offsetting the swallowing power.

It turned out that after the secret realm of Qingqiu was broken, the magical powers of the Great Dao sent by Ling Bao were exposed to Heavenly Dao. Heavenly Dao naturally knew that the magical powers of the Great Dao were so powerful that it would definitely not allow the development of this great devouring technique, so he lowered Heavenly Dao. The power annihilated the Great Swallowing technique.

But this Karma is remembered in the fox clan.

The fox people saw that the own secret realm disappeared like this. They were all stunned. Several Elders were also stunned. Why did the own fox disappear?

You must know that there are the patriarch and a few Elders, and it is also the transfer power Elder. If the patriarch and those Elders are not there, the fox clan heritage will be gone.

This fox family is here. Peng joined the monster clan afterwards, so the blood line of the monster clan is inherited, and the fox clan doesn’t have it at all.

The inheritance of the fox clan disappeared completely in Ling Bao’s casual attack.

The only legacy left is with sister Qiu.

But because sister Qiu is taking revenge, she doesn’t know anything about Qingqiu’s secret realm, and sister Qiu doesn’t know until she died, the own fox clan has broken the inheritance.

Therefore, although there are a lot of fox races in later generations, they have no great power. Ling Bao was annoyed by the actions of the sister-in-law. Ling Bao killed the fox race and let the fox race bear the big Karma.

This is why later generations of the fox race always want to integrate into the human race and learn the knowledge of the human race. They just want to imitate human beings and recreate their own race heritage.

This is why Fox Spirit always likes to confuse scholars, and have a relationship with scholars, because in the recognition of the fox tribe, only scholars can master a lot of knowledge, and it is possible to help the fox tribe to perfect its own inheritance.

Of course, this is something later. Ling Bao, who had finished his shot, did not care about the fate of the fox family at all, but naturally said to himself:

Xuanyuan, this is your way, I just don’t know how you choose!”

At this time, Xuanyuan (the money is good) also knew that many people in the Human Tribe were bewildered by the demons and demons.

Xuanyuan had no choice but to play the “Clean Heart Pu Shan Mantra” learned from Ling Bao through musical instruments to understand the negative emotions brought about by the magic power of these people.

But Xuanyuan’s power alone was simply too small, so many people started to learn, and the musical instruments were not enough. Xuanyuan invented various musical instruments through music theory.

As Xuanyuan rescued tribes from the magic sprites, the musical instruments Xuanyuan invented during his leisure time also received a lot of promotion.

This can be regarded as Xuanyuan’s merit, of course Xuanyuan didn’t know it at this time, but continued to fight. As the tribes were conquered, Xuanyuan’s strength and influence continued to increase.

The power controlled by sister Qiu is getting smaller and smaller, and Chi You at this time, under the interference of sister Qiu, is practicing the nine-nine lich formation. ,

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