Chapter 216 Yicheng down the mountain [seeking subscription]

Hua Xu looked at Fu Yi and knew that Fu Xi was filial, but he still cruelly said the following words:

“Dead in front of you!”

Hua Xu’s words were categorical, and Fu Yi was very anxious when he heard Hua Xu’s words, and said to Hua Xu:

“Mother, don’t want me, I will go to the Master, if the master does not open the door, I will kneel there and wait for the master to open the door! Mother should not be angry, ~ Fu Yi knows it is wrong!

Hua Xu sternly said:

“Hurry up!”

Fuxi bid farewell to her mother and came to Ling Bao’s door. What Fuxi did made Ling Bao very satisfied. Fuyi knelt outside Ling Bao’s door and waited for Ling Bao to come out.

An hour later, Ling Bao walked out, Fu Yi faced Ling Bao Dao:

“Fuxi has seen the Master!

Ling Bao said:

“Come with me!”

Fu Yi followed Ling Bao into the room, Ling Bao pointed to the futon and asked:

“Fuxi, you also know who I am, what do you want to learn?”

Fu Yi didn’t even think about it:

“I want to learn how to make progress!”

Ling Bao asked Fu Yi:

“E? ​​Why don’t you learn other things? You have to know that my inheritance can make you a master of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Although you can’t become Sage, your combat power is no less than Sage!

You must know that in this predicament, it is not Sage, but ants in the end!

Fu Yi asked Ling Bao:

“Does learning this make the human race get rid of the current confusion?”

Ling Bao shook his head:

“No, you must know that after millions of years of reproduction, the Daoist race has very few human aptitudes. Your aptitude is very good. Others! No!”

Fu Yi said to Ling Bao:

“Then I don’t want cultivation to delay me too much time, I still want to learn how to make people progress!”

Ling Bao asked very curiously:


Fuyi explained:

“I became conscious in the first year. I knew everything about my mother’s experience. Because of the folly and ignorance of the human race, my mother was driven out. If it weren’t for Mo Qilin’s help, my mother and I would have died long ago. So I want to change this status quo.

I don’t want anyone to be like my mother, I want to lead the human race to know the world!”

Hearing Fuxi’s words, Ling Bao said:

“Okay, but do you know how many Daoist people are?”

Fuxi shook his head, Ling Bao said that this majestic and majestic is beyond your imagination, and there are countless human races, and there are still several trillions.

All over the prehistoric places, you have to learn cultivation with me, and then learn how to govern the human race. If you don’t have a Cultivation Base, you will die, and you will not be able to walk one-tenth of the human territory!”

Fuxi heard Ling Bao’s explanation and saluted Ling Bao:

“Master, please teach me!”

Ling Bao said:

“Well, let’s do it like this. From now on, I will teach you cultivation every morning, I will teach you all kinds of knowledge during the day, and you will cultivate yourself at night!”

Fu Yi nodded:

“Yes, Master!”

Ling Bao began to teach Fuyi’s Life, except for cultivation Cultivation Technique, Ling Bao taught Fuyi various management methods during the day.

Three years passed in a flash, and in the tribe of Huagu, some people finally saw Mo Qilin, and some people recognized Mo Qilin’s appearance.

Everyone knows that Qilin is an auspicious beast, and Qilin must have been auspicious.

Huaxu’s father also missed Huaxu very much. Huaxu’s father knew about these things, but in order to stabilize the tribe, Huaxu’s father didn’t mention it at all, but Huaxu’s father didn’t mention it, and other people in this tribe would not fail to mention it. . .

“Patriarch, I’m sorry, we misunderstood you. Huaxu is not carrying a demon fetus, it is a holy son. We are wrong. We are willing to give Huaxu Dao money, as long as Huaxu can forgive us.”

“Yeah, patriarch, we really know that we were wrong. The Qilin beast is in Huaxu’s room. If you know that Qilin is infested, it must be auspicious!,

Hua Xu’s father also borrowed the donkey and asked everyone:

“You really want to bring Hua Xu and his children back!”

Everyone nodded one after another, saying that they wanted to bring Huaxu mother and son back, and Huaxu’s father said:

“Well then, you drove Hua Xu out in the first place, now let’s go together and take Hua Xu back. It’s not too much!”

Everyone said one after another:

“Not too much, not too much!”

After speaking, he walked to Hua Xu’s wooden house with Hua Xu’s father.

.0 Seeking flowers……0

When Huaxu knew what everyone meant, Huaxu shook his head:

“No, I won’t return with my son!

Everyone asked again and again. Huaxu’s father thought that Huaxu was resenting himself and others. Huaxu’s father was about to kneel at Huaxu. Huaxu saw this situation, and quickly helped his own father, and then faced his own father. Tell the truth:

“Father, it’s not that I don’t want to go back, I also want to go back, but Fuxi has already worshipped the teacher, the Holy Father, and is learning all kinds of knowledge with the Holy Father.

I don’t want my son’s future to be gone. When the Holy Father thinks that Fuyi has done something, I will let Fuyi go back!

Hua Xu’s father:

“Fu Yi, is your child’s name?”

Hua Xu nodded:


“Yes, this name was told to me in the dark, and Fuyi was just born, he knew everything, and the Holy Father came to accept Fuyi as a disciple. Fuyi is not here now, and he is studying with the Holy Father!

Hearing Huaxu’s words, everyone was very beautiful. It was the Holy Father who made humans with the Virgin, the Great Master Ling Bao.

Fuyi’s father was also very happy, own grandson had this opportunity, which made Huaxu’s father very happy, and then quickly said:

“Yes, yes, right, then you can stay here with Fuyi, let Fuyi learn from the Holy Father!”

Huaxu nodded. Huaxu’s father took everyone back. When everyone went back, the whole tribe was boiling. Everyone knew that Huaxu’s child Fuxi was a disciple of the Holy Father.

You know, the current patriarch of the human race is still Ling Bao. As Ling Bao’s deity, the great master Ling Bao is the holy father of the human race.

This is how little a noble identity, you need to know how to accept a demon fetus as a disciple, then in this case, Fu Yi’s identity is not only a demon fetus, but even has a great background, but Ling Bao did not take this Explain the matter to everyone.

But in the tribe of Huaxu, Fuxi’s name is spread day by day in the human race, and Fuyi’s majesty in the human race has increased.

Time passed bit by bit. Eight years later, Ling Bao asked Fuxi:

“How about it, you and I have been studying for nine years, and everything that should be studied is almost the same. You can go down the mountain. It is also very good to manage the human race, but you can’t delay cultivation!” and.

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