Chapter 213 Nuwa is jealous [seeking subscription]

When Fu Yi heard what Nuwa said, she looked at Ling Bao and saw how Ling Bao answered. Ling Bao explained to Nuwa and Fuxi:

“Because Fuyi is the God of Heavenly Demon first, so Fuyi wants to become a human race, and needs to go through Samsara. In the true spirit.

Give Fuyi Wanshi the opportunity to slowly merge and absorb the origin. After Wanshi Samsara, Fuyi has almost absorbed these things.

At that time, I will let him enter the land of the emperor and reincarnate. In the last life, I will slowly plan to make Fuyi the emperor!

Upon hearing Ling Bao’s words, Nuwa asked worriedly:

“En, I understand what you said, the Tao fruit of the Emperor is also suitable for my Big Brother, but can it really ensure that my Big Brother can become the Emperor?”

Ling Bao said:

“Don’t worry about this, the emperor’s proving things are in my hands. If someone is behind the scenes, I will do it personally. After all, this human race belongs to the three of us.

Everyone dares to disobey, and the Sacred Land of the human race is still in our hands, so you don’t have to worry about this!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Nuwa nodded, and then asked Fu Yi: 10

“Big Brother, are you ready? If you are ready, I will let Ling Bao start!”

Fu Yi nodded firmly:

“Well, ready!”

After speaking, Ling Bao stretched out his hand to extract the true spirit of Fuyi, then summoned the Qiankun Ding, and put the true body of Fuyi’s Demon God and the three corpses into the Qiankun Ding.

Then slowly use the chaotic sacred fire to start the shrimp cooking. After a thousand years, Ling Bao sealed Fuyi’s Spiritual Sense, combining the origin of refining and the true spirit of Fuyi.

After another thousand years, Ling Bao took care of everything, and then said to Nuwa:

“Go, let’s take a look at Houtu together?”

Nuwa was also worried about own Big Brother. Hearing Ling Bao’s words, he nodded with a smile, and then said to Ling Bao:

“Let’s go, it happens that I haven’t seen Little Sister Houtu for a long time, so I just went to see Little Sister Houtu!

Ling Bao smiled and did not speak, but took Nuwa to The Netherworld instantly. When Ling Bao and Nuwa entered The Netherworld, the first to know was Hou Tu, followed by Emperor Edu.

After all, in The Netherworld, Hou Tu is the master, and Emperor Edu is Ling Bao’s past corpse.

Houtu came out of Samsara and said excitedly to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao Big Brother, have you come to see me?”

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“I went out to do something before, this time I have something to discuss with you!”

Hou Tu said playfully:

“Ling Bao Big Brother joked, Nuwa Big sis, just say what you have to discuss, isn’t this too out of the ordinary?”

Ling Bao not only made the own Big Brother Big sis extraordinary, but also found a good life environment for the own witches.

Although the witches are fighting, they don’t like to rule or have any big ambitions. The witches are very satisfied with the current life.

Houtu was also very grateful for Ling Bao’s calculations, because when Houtu became a saint, he knew the result of Heavenly Dao’s arrangement for the ancestor witch. The result was really hard for Houtu to accept.

Although he used the identity of the master of the tunnel to say to Heavenly Dao that he wanted to change the future of the ancestor witch, Heavenly Dao agreed, but I didn’t expect that in the end, if Ling Bao calculated before, there would be very few own Big Brother Big sis.

So Houtu is very grateful to Ling Bao, and Ling Bao said to Houtu:

“Do you know that the human race will become the protagonist of heaven and earth in the future, now the opportunity is here, I want Nuwa’s Big Brother to become Emperor Fuyi!”

Hou Tu nodded:

“This is not bad. This human race can also be regarded as a descendant of Pangu. It contains the Blood Essence of Father Pangu. Of course there is no problem. And it is good for the Big Brother of Big sis to become the emperor. After all, Nuwa is the Virgin of the Human race. The emperor should be.

But how do you do it?”

Ling Bao took out a group of Fuyi’s true spirit, and then said to Houtu:

“This is the true spirit of Fuxi. Let the true spirit of Fuyi enter the humane Samsara forever. Through the humane Samsara, Fuxi will be completely transformed into the soul of the adult race, and will be branded by the human race!

Houtu Road:

“This Six Paths of Reincarnation is nowhere else, but Samsara can’t find the memory of these six paths every time. If he is sent like this, maybe he is not Fuxi?”

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“Well, we all know that Fuyi is not the first Heavenly Demon God Fuyi, but the Human Emperor Fuyi, the Human Race immortal, the Human Emperor is immortal!”

Houtu Road:

“Anyway, it’s all decided, I will take care of this forever, and will not let him enter another Samsara. In this case, Nuwa Big sis should be relieved!”

Nuwa knows that Houtu is joking, but this is indeed own Big Brother, so Nuwa said to Houtu:

“Then I, Big Brother, please leave it to Little Sister!”

Houtu Road:

“We are all a family, why bother to be so polite!”

Nuwa looked at Ling Bao affectionately, and snorted coldly:

“I don’t think someone thinks that way!”

Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“Wawa, trust me, I will definitely give you an explanation, don’t worry!”

Hearing Ling Bao’s words, Nuwa snorted and was very dissatisfied, but Nuwa also knew that there were many calculations of Ling Bao in the 790 prey. .

All rolled their eyes at Ling Bao and said:

“Hmph, forgive you this time!”

Then immediately smiled and said to Houtu:

“Houtu Little Sister, I will give you the Big Brother ambush, I’m going back to Closed Door Training!”

After talking about Nuwa’s salute to Houtu, he disappeared. Houtu stared at the place where Nuwa was when he was a while ago, and asked Ling Bao:

“What’s wrong with Nuwa Big sis?”

Ling Bao explained to Hou Tu:

“What else? I feel like my Cultivation Base is low!”

After thinking about it, Hou Tu said to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao Big Brother, that person”

Ling Bao interrupted Houtu and said to Houtu:

“Houtu Little Sister, I know all about this, don’t worry, I know how to do it!”

Houtu said:

“Big Brother, don’t worry, this is within the tunnel, I don’t want Heavenly Dao to check it, no one can check it!”

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“Well, I know, but Little Sister, Little Sister, this matter is not trivial. I don’t want anyone to interfere with my completion of this matter, so you and I know it, leave it to me, and I will try my best Go ahead and get this done!”.

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