Chapter 192 Supernatural power level [seeking subscription]

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, what the hell are you Cultivation Base!”

Ling Bao naturally does not expose own Cultivation Base, so he explained to Tongtian:

“The one just now was the Great Dao Supernatural Power Big Space Art!”

Everyone was taken aback, daddy asked:

“What is the magical power of the Great Dao?”

Ling Bao heard what daddy said, but didn’t expect that daddy didn’t know what the great powers were, and Ling Bao asked:

“You don’t know the magical powers of the Great Dao?”

Everyone nodded, and said primitively:

“I know Tiangang magical powers, earth evil magical powers, and other magical powers!”

Tongtian nodded and said:

“Yes, I know these too!”

Nuwa asked curiously:

“Does magical powers have great magical powers?”

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“Yes, this magical power is divided into ordinary magical powers, little child prodigy, god-tier magical powers, earth evil magical powers, Tiangang “Zero Sanqi” magical powers, Heavenly Dao magical powers and Dao magical powers!”

Through Heavenly Dao:

“What are ordinary magical powers?”

Ling Bao said:

“Ordinary magical powers don’t have much power, such as Void Fire, Earth Movement, Fire Control, Water Control, Hypnotism, etc. ordinary magical powers!”

The original continued to ask:

“Then what a little prodigy?”

Ling Bao explained:

“The little prodigy is a slightly powerful magical power, such as the five thunder method, the soul control method, the escape technique, the magical action, the sky eye, etc.!”

Everyone is Sage. Although what Ling Bao said is very simple, everyone understands that these so-called magical powers cannot increase the Cultivation Base, cannot increase Taoism, and after learning, they can only say that they have a little more means.


“Then what is god-tier communication?”

Ling Bao explained:

“This god-tier is a magical power that is easy to learn but difficult to master, such as the Golden Crow rainbow technique of the Golden Crow family, such as Zhunti’s Bodhi world.

For example, Zhen Yuanzi’s sleeves, Qiankun, etc., these supernatural powers are inferior to the earth evil supernatural powers and the Tiangang supernatural powers, and they are all supernatural powers that many great powers can understand through their own practice Cultivation Technique!”

Nuwa asked:

“Then what is the Heavenly Dao magical power!”

Ling Bao explained:

“The Heavenly Dao magical powers also need to rule magical powers, such as the Purple Heaven God Thunder, such as Daddy’s Taiqing God Thunder, such as the original Yuqing God Thunder and the Heavenly Supreme Qing God Thunder.

Or Zhu Rong’s Zhu Rong Shenhuo, Eastern Emperor Taiyi’s sun is the real fire, this kind of magical power is the most powerful magical power under Heavenly Dao.

These supernatural powers can threaten Sage and even harm the gods. These are Heavenly Dao supernatural powers, but other supernatural powers are not necessarily worse than Heavenly Dao supernatural powers.

If you can complete the cultivation of Tiangang’s magical powers, it will be no worse than Heavenly Dao’s magical powers!”

Hou Tu asked:

“Then what is the magical power of the Great Dao!”

Ling Bao explained:

“Others may not understand what they said, but Little Sister should know that the great Samsara technique you understand is the great magical power.

Such as the Big Five Elements technique, the Big Space technique, the Catastrophe technique and so on!”

Hou Tu nodded, and Tong Tian asked with envy:

“When will I be able to cultivate the great magical powers!”

Hearing Tongtian’s words, everyone knew the classification of magical powers, and everyone was very envious. This also laid the foundation for everyone to cultivate the great magical powers.

Daddy will successfully realize the Great Yin & Yang technique in the future. The original successful Insight produces the Great Catastrophe technique, and the Insight also produces the Great Fortune technique, Nuwa Insight produces the Great Good Fortune technique, and the quasi-successful Insight produces the Great Karma technique, and then Insight produces it. Big dream building, these are all great powers.

Of course this is something to say, everyone nowadays is considering the matter of great powers.

Ling Bao said to everyone:

“Okay, don’t talk about it, let’s find a way to rebuild Heaven Court now!”

Everyone looked at the dilapidated Heaven Court, and said primitively:

“This Heaven Court is so desolate, how do you make it?”

Ling Bao said:

“It depends on Dao Ancestor!”

Nuwa asked:

“What do you think of Dao Ancestor!”

Ling Bao did not answer Nuwa’s question, but to Wu Heavenly Dao:

“You two must tell the world, manage the Heaven Court well, Zebei Honghuang!”

Wu Tian and Yao Chi heard Ling Bao’s words, blessed their souls, and shouted loudly:

“Heavenly Dao is here, Dao Zu Mingjian, Wu Tian (Yao Chi), is the Heavenly Emperor (Queen Mother), I swear that I will do my duty to manage Heaven Court, and we will prepare for it!”

The words of Wu Tian and Yao Chi just fell, there was a thunder in the sky, and they recognized the words of the two men. Numerous merits descended from the sky and fell into Wu Tian and Yao Chi’s body.

The Realm of the two people kept on Ascension, and the Realm of the Ascension Road quasi-sacred late stage stopped.

A purple light fell into the Heaven Court, the thirty-six heavenly palace, and the seventy-two treasure halls fell into the heaven court.

The entire Heaven Court has undergone earth-shaking changes. The golden light shines on the Heaven Court, and billowing red neon surrounds the Seventy-two Hall.

Thousands of Ruiqi breathe out the purple smoke of wine and exude a refreshing aroma.

That is, the remnant Nantian Gate has changed, and the green glazed bricks exudes a bright light, like a treasure.

Look at the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, one of the seventy-two halls. There are a few huge pillars. The pillars are wrapped around the golden-scaled sun red beard dragon. Cai Yu volleyed with Dan Dingfeng hovering above, very solemn.

The entire Heaven Court is better than when Donghuang Taiyi and the others were there. Ling Bao saw this building and said with admiration:

“The building ability of this ancestor is simply too good, this place is simply too beautiful!”

All the saints also nodded, thinking that the things here are indeed too beautiful.

Ling Bao faced Wu Heavenly Dao:

“Let’s go, we can’t talk here!”

Only then did Wu Tian react, and said with embarrassment:

“I’m sorry, brothers and sisters, I just saw this beautiful Heaven Court gaffe, no wonder brothers and sisters!”

Nuwa smiled and said:

“Don’t blame you, I’ve lost my temper too, it’s really beautiful here!”

Everyone laughed and came to the Lingxu Hall, the original said:

“I have a few registered disciples. One is called Antarctica Xianweng. Although 0.0 is only the Cultivation Base of Taiyi Golden Immortal, but his qualifications are very good, I will let him be an Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and help Heavenly Emperor!”

Wu Tian said to the original:

“Thank you brother!”

No one else spoke, Ling Bao said:

“My human race has a quasi-sage, let’s be the Great Northern Ziwei! As for the remaining Gouchen Great and Qinghua Great Emperor, let Wu Tian, ​​after all, it takes a lot of manpower to run Heaven Court!”

The future place of the human race still needs the Great Ziwei, so Ling Bao took the Great Ziwei, everyone listened, and then nodded:


After all, these Sages all know that Heaven Court is good, but there are so many trivial things that delay the practice!

Seeing Ling Bao saying this, they were all right in their arms. Since they couldn’t get the position of Heavenly Emperor, everyone didn’t want their own disciples to succumb to others. .

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