Chapter 189 Ten Temples King Yama was born [seeking subscription]

“Ling Bao, give you the Qiankun Ding, but there is a colorful stone here, it can’t be refined!”

After speaking, he handed the Qiankun Ding to Ling Bao, and then said:

“The colorful stone inside is for you!”

Ling Bao took the Qiankun Ding, ignoring Zhunzi, took out the unrefined colorful stone from it, and then felt slightly:

“This colorful stone has subtle spirituality. And the three hundred and sixty-five colorful stones are exactly the number of the Universe, and the merits of the colorful stones belong to him!

Ling Bao just took out the unrefined multicolored stone from the Qiankun Ding. A merit came out of the sky, and then fell into the Taoist multicolored stone.

The colorful stone was in the Qiankun Ding just now. If Heavenly Dao gives merit, it will definitely be absorbed by the Qiankun Ding. Now the colorful stone is taken out by Ling Bao.

Then the Heavenly Dao merit will naturally not fall, what should be given is still given!

Nuwa heard that he had spirituality and asked Ling Bao:

“Then what to do?”

Ling Bao said:

“The Karma that Heaven and Earth owes, let Heaven and Earth pay it back!”

After speaking, he threw the colorful stone downwards, and fell towards the East China Sea island. It landed on a mountain on an island, quasi lifting his eyes and spinning, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, Ling Bao said to Zhun:

“Quick mention of Sage, as for your position as the master of Western religion, I don’t want it. Besides, I am not short of luck. The Eastern Emperor Bell should return to its origin.”

After speaking, Ling Bao shouted loudly:

“Chaos Clock! Out!”

Ling Bao’s voice just fell!

Clang clang!

The Donghuang Bell returned to its origin and became the chaos clock, the most precious treasure of the open sky, and then fell into Ling Bao’s hands. Ling Bao coldly said:

“Kunpeng! Do you dare to move my things?”

Kunpeng, who was refining the Hetu Luo book in the North Sea, heard what Ling Bao said and looked at the Hetu Luo book in his hand. He was very unwilling to give up, but Kunpeng didn’t dare to snatch Ling Bao’s things. Kunpeng planted his own spiritual imprint from Hetu Luo. Take it out and throw it into the sky.

He Tu Luo Shu was controlled by Heavenly Dao and flew to Ling Bao. Ling Bao put away the Chaos Clock and He Tu Luo Shu, and then waved with one hand, all the hundreds of years of collection in Heaven Court fell to Ling Bao. Ling Bao didn’t look at it either, so he put it away.

Then he said not wanting face:

“Okay, my Karma and the two crows are gone

Everyone was complaining in their hearts. There was nothing, and the two crows were dead. At this time, Daoist, oh no, now it is Emperor Edu who appeared in front of everyone.

Hou Tu knew that the Edu Emperor was Ling Bao’s clone. Ling Bao looked at Hou Tu Dao and blinked. Hou Tu naturally knew what Ling Bao was thinking.

Emperor Edu arched his cupped hands to everyone and said:

“See you Sage!”

These Sages also knew the relationship between Emperor Edu and Ling Bao, and they all bowed hands.

Emperor Edu said to the people:

“The time is up, I invite you all to be a witness!”

Tongtian asked curiously:

“What testimony?”

Emperor Edu did not explain, but mysteriously said:

“Everyone will know by looking at it!”

Then said to the twelve main gods:

“Master gods, since you have disbanded the Witch Clan, you don’t need the back hand you left behind!”

When everyone heard it, what’s the next move?

They are very reluctant to force.

Di Jiang smiled and said:

“We all left our clones, we are ready for this death, we are used for rebirth, but because we have Ling Bao given by Ling Bao, we are all resurrected, the clone is still the witch clan, since the witch clan is disbanded, then we The back hand is no longer useful!”

After talking about the law of space used by Dijiang, he took eleven drops of Blood Essence and said:

“This is our next move!”

The Great Emperor Edu took ten clones of ancestral witches, and then said:

“If you don’t leave at this time, when will you stay!”

Dijiang and others also controlled their own laws to continuously inject the power of the laws into the Dao clone, and the strength of the clone was constantly Ascension.

When reaching the peak of Daluo Jinxian, the eleven ancestral witch clones were transformed, and then they said to the eleven ancestral witches:

“I have seen the deity!”

After seeing these avatars, Emperor Edu said:

“not enough!”

Ancestral witches, no, it is the main gods who continue to pour the power of the law into the Dao clone, and they have been talking about the realm of Hunyuan Zhenxian, that is, the realm of the quasi-sage middle stage, and then stopped.

Dijiang Road:

“That’s the only way, the rest has to be practiced on your own!”

Emperor Edu nodded:

“we can only do this!”

Then Emperor Deng Du said to Dijiang Clone:

“In order to be the lord of The Netherworld, in charge of the underworld, there should be ten kings guarding the underworld, and the king Yama of the ten temples shocked The Netherworld.

As Emperor Edu, I will appoint you as King Qin Guang and guard the first hall above!”

Dijiang Clone shouted loudly:

“King Qin Guang has seen the Great Emperor!”

Emperor Edu continued to speak to Jumang clone:

As Emperor Edu, I will appoint you as the King of the Five Senses of the East!”

The avatar of Ju Mang shouted loudly:

“The King of Five Senses has seen the Great Emperor!”

Emperor Edu said to the garlic:

“As the emperor of Edu, I will appoint you as the king of the Western city!”

Recommend a loud answer:

“City King, I have seen Emperor Edu!”

After that, Zhu Rong’s clone was sealed as the King of Chujiang in the South.

Feng Gonggong’s avatar was the king of Biancheng in the north.

Fengtian Wu clone is the emperor of Song in the southeast.

Feng Qiangliang is the king of equality in the southwest.

Feng Naz is the king of the northeast runner.

Feng Shebi is the king of Mount Tai in the northwest.

Sealing the candle with nine yin is the King of Hell directly below.

The Ten Temples King Yama was officially in place, and they shouted:

“The king of Qin Guang, the king of the five sense organs, the king of the city, the king of Chujiang, the king of Biancheng, the king of Song, the king of equality, the king of runners, the king of Mount Tai, the king of Jianluo have met the emperor of Edu!”

Houtu asked Emperor Edu:

(Good Zhao) “Emperor, then this Xuanming Big sis?”

The avatars of Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming also looked at Emperor Edu, and Emperor Edu asked:

“Xuanming fellow daoist, I have two places. I don’t know which one you choose?”

Hou Tu asked by the side:

“tell me the story?”

Emperor Edu said:

“You The Netherworld must have its own troops to prevent other forces from encroaching. When there is Emperor Dongyue, the status is higher than me, in charge of the five ghost emperors, and the leader of The Netherworld troops!

The other is another position, the judge, the position is under the ten temples, but the power of the judge is very large, all the creatures Samsara are judged by the judge, and then sent to Samsara!

I don’t know which Xuanming fellow daoist would choose?”

Hyun Meditation thought for a while, then said:

“If this is the case, then I will enter The Netherworld with the Wu Clan who cannot become a Protoss. I want Emperor Dongyue, and the judge is so important.


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