Chapter 176 Sanqing wants to accept disciples [seeking subscription]

This is a purely offensive Innate treasure. If the Innate treasure just now did not have the Seven Treasure Tree, it is estimated that Zhunti’s Eucharist will be blown up. That’s it, Zhunti’s Magic Treasures Seven Treasure Tree has become the Five Treasures. Miaoshu.

And directly from the acquired treasure to the acquired Ling Bao.

This made Zhun Ti very distressed. When Zhun Ti saw the five grenades in Ling Bao’s hand, Zhun Ti would blurt out if he could swear.

Zhunti doesn’t know what words to use to express own shock, Zhunti roars:

“Ah, not being a son of man!”

After speaking, he opened the space and disappeared in front of Ling Bao.

West Sumeru Mountain:

Quasi-present now Sumeru Mountain!

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