Chapter 171 What is Six Paths of Reincarnation【seeking subscription】

“Ling Bao Big Brother, this is not the meaning of Heavenly Dao, it is the meaning of the Father God, if Heavenly Dao makes me die, I will fight for my life, and I will not do that.

I love Ling Bao Big Brother. I don’t want to be separated from Ling Bao Big Brother. This predecessor has nothing to do with me for life. As long as the Wu clan and Ling Bao Big Brother can get better, Samsara or Samsara has nothing to do with me.

But this is the last wish of God the Father. As a child of God the Father, I cannot violate the last wish of God the Father, so I am.”

Ling Bao nodded and finally understood the Hou Tu Hua Samsara, why the ancestral witch did not stop it, not Heavenly Dao, but everyone knew that returning to Pangu was the destination of these people.

Ling Bao thought of this, facing Houtu-dao:

“Silly girl, don’t you know why I gave you six Innate treasures?”

After the earth is unknown, so ask:

“What’s the reason, what does this have to do with Samsara!”

Ling Bao saw that Houtu didn’t know, so he asked Houtu:

“Since you know you want to transform Samsara yourself, don’t you know what Samsara has?”

Hou Tu asked:

“This Samsara hasn’t been transformed, how do I know what’s there?”

Ling Bao was taken aback for a while, and then realized that this Samsara is no less than the merit of opening the sky. If you are perfecting Samsara, then the merit will be more. All Samsara is the evolution of Heavenly Dao, but now Ling Bao is in This, I don’t want to let the later soil transform Samsara, and then let Heavenly Dao evolve on its own.

Ling Bao said to Houtu:

“This Samsara is divided into six paths, called Six Paths of Reincarnation. The six paths are divided into the upper three paths and the lower three paths. road.

All creatures, after Death, the true spirit is immortal, they must enter Samsara for a walk and reincarnate Samsara. This Samsara does not distinguish Righteous & Evil, but only divides merit and karma.

With immeasurable merit, enter Heavenly Dao, you will get immortal body in the next life, practice for thousands of miles, and you will be purified.

Those who do not want to cultivate immortals with boundless merits, enter Shura Dao, become Shura, and protect the Six Dao!”

Before Ling Bao finished speaking, Hou Tu asked very curiously:

“Why is Shura Dao, not Witch Dao or other?”

Ling Bao explained:

“This Shura is a race evolved from the ancestors of the Styx River. Although this race is Shura, it is the most filthy blood formation between heaven and earth.

But things will be contrary to the extreme, Shura people are the purest race, very kind, Innate kind, and this Samsara must be built in a sea of ​​blood.

The first is to repay the Karma of the blood of the six comrades. The second is because Heavenly Dao owes Styx Karma. You helped Heavenly Dao pay Karma back. Heavenly Dao naturally owes your Karma, so it will be much easier to do next. !”

Hou Tu ignored the latter sentence, but nodded, and then continued to ask Ling Bao:

“Then this Samsara was built for the prehistoric? There is nothing wrong with our Wu Clan?”

Ling Bao said:

“How come, after the establishment of Samsara, Houtu, Little Sister, you are the master of Samsara. It is not justified to let the Witch Clan control Samsara. Why is there no Witch Clan?,

Hou Tu said:

“That’s okay, what else?”

Ling Bao said:

“The merits are mediocre, reincarnated as a human race, experience the seven emotions and six desires, and then enter Samsara!

Those with low karma will enter the animal realm, without spiritual wisdom, and become the body of beasts, and become food for other creatures to wash away karma.

Those in the middle of karma, enter the Hungry Ghosts road and become wandering ghosts.It is better to enjoy the boundless loneliness, and wait for the karma to be cut off before entering Samsara!

Those who have deep karma, enter The Underworld, and suffer all kinds of tortures to offset their karma, and then according to the deep karma, they are looking at which one to go!”

Houtu suddenly took out six Innate treasures, the decibels are Heavenly Dao plate, Feng Shui compass repair, Human Dao plate, animal life plate, evil ghost plate and The Underworld plate. Then asked Ling Bao:

“So, are you ready in advance?”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Of course, I’m a big deduction technique. I’m deducing your future. Why don’t you make preparations in advance!”

Houtu was very moved and hugged Ling Bao:

“Thank you, Ling Bao Big Brother, I thought I would never see you Dage and Ling Bao again!”

Ling Bao said:

“Fool, how could it be! By the way, in addition to the Dao of Earth, you will also comprehend the Law of Samsara, and you have to comprehend the law of Samsara to perfection. Only you can master the Road of Samsara to control the six paths. If there is no chance, It is also necessary to comprehend Samsara’s law to perfection, Insight Samsara Avenue.,

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Hou Tu asked:

“I have mastered the Dao of Earth now. It turns out that the law is comprehended to perfection, which is the beginning, and the cultivation behind is the Dao.”

Ling Bao nodded with a smile. I didn’t tell you before, just because I was afraid that you were so lofty. Now you don’t need it. Now that you know, you also know the power of the Dao?”

Hou Tu nodded:

“Well, no wonder you say endless. It turns out that it is so difficult to comprehend the avenue. I realized that the avenue of four-part soil is the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!”

Ling Bao said:

“That’s why Pangu wants to achieve the Dao, if you talk about the Dao of the Earth and comprehend Consummation, you will also be in Pangu’s Realm!”

Houtu touched his fist very cutely and said:


“En, I must become the existence of God Father!”

Ling Bao smiled and lost:

“Why, just such a big ambition? I have to surpass Pangu!”

Hou Tu asked without confidence:

“Beyond God the Father? How could that be possible?”

Ling Bao smiled and asked:

“How can you know that it’s impossible if you don’t try?”

Hou Tu nodded:

“Yes, I want to surpass God Father! By the way, are there any other precautions?”

Now that Ling Bao had arranged everything for himself, Hou Tu didn’t want to think about it anymore. Ling Bao pointed at Hou Tu, and then told Hou Tu about the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the underworld.

Houtu slowly absorbed and digested the information Ling Bao gave to own, and at this time Ling Bao shouted at the sea of ​​blood:

“Fellow daoist Styx, come out and see you!”

Styx saw Ling Bao and Houtu in the sea of ​​blood, but Styx did not dare to come out. Now when he heard Ling Bao’s words, Styx came out of the sea of ​​blood and saluted Ling Bao:

“The Styx has seen the Great Master Ling Bao!”

Ling Bao said:

“Stay, Hou Tu will transform Samsara in your blood sea. This time Samsara is the Heavenly Dao trend, but this time Samsara will occupy half of the blood sea, I will inform you!

Styx felt very distressed, but Styx still said:

“It’s okay, you can use it, Archmage, I’ll be okay!”

Ling Bao knows that this is the reason for own strength, otherwise Styx can speak so well? Zero,

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