Chapter 169 Donghuangxun Nuwa [seeking subscription]

Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“There are dragons!”

Nuwa asked very curiously:

“Didn’t the Dragon Race withdraw from the prehistoric?”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“Yes, but the dragon clan has masters and luck, but the dragon clan will not be born, but you can still see it!”

Nuwa asked Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao, don’t you go and see Little Sister Houtu?”

Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“Let’s go, let’s go and see together!”

Nuwa shook his head:

“I won’t go! I still have a lot to understand!”

Ling Bao looked at Nuwa, and Nuwa looked at Ling Bao, Ling Bao had no choice but to say:

“Okay, let’s go and see!”

While Ling Bao was talking with Nuwa, Dong Huang Taiyi returned to Heaven Court and said to Emperor Jun:

“Brother, I add another soldier to Heaven Court!”

Di Jun asked Donghuang Taiyi:

“Taiyi, have you subdued Kunpeng?”

Mrs. Donghuang nodded, then said:


Di Jun said:

“We have to get the Heavenly Marriage as soon as possible. As members of Heaven Court, as long as we make the Heavenly Marriage, we will have merit, and then our power will be stronger!

Donghuang Taiyi was very angry and said:

“I will now lead my troops to encircle West Kunlun, so that Queen Mother Xi will hand over Xihe and Chang Xi?”

Di Jun shook his head and said:

“No, it won’t work anymore. Queen Mother Naxi and Nuwa have made friends. Nuwa is now Sage. We can’t provoke Sage now. Once Sage gets angry, the future of our monster race will be even more difficult.

We are looking for female nuns of individual races, and we will first make a wedding. When either of us is sanctified, we are talking about finding Chang Xi and Yihe, and we will let them go first!

Eastern Emperor Tai waved his hands one by one, and said to Emperor Jun:

“Then brother, let’s get married in heaven, I’ll wait, and when the brother proves, I will go to Chang Xi again!”

For Ascension’s strength, Di Jun had no choice but to nod his head:

“Okay, I’ll go to Closed Door Training, I’ll leave this to you

East Emperor Tai:

“Okay, leave it to me!”

Di Jun thought for a while and said:

“Sage has to come forward for this matter?”

Donghuang Taiyi asked:


Emperor Jun:

“Nuwa Sage has Innate Ling Bao red hydrangea, as well as Ren Shuyang Book, Yuan Zhapu, only these two can perfect the heavenly marriage, otherwise, Heavenly Dao will not admit it!

Donghuang Taiyi had no choice but nodded:

“Well, I’ll ask, I don’t know if this will be possible or not!”

Di Jun had no bottom in his heart, so he nodded.

When the two were discussing, Nuwa, as Sage, also knew the cause and effect of the incident. Seeing that Ling Bao was about to leave, he called Ling Bao and asked Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao, wait!”

Ling Bao didn’t know what Nuwa was going to do, and asked:

“What’s wrong? Do you want to go together?”

Nuwa took a sip, then said:

“You are so high in the Cultivation Base, you are not serious, Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun discussed me just now, saying that they are going to get married, should I come forward!”

Ling Bao said:

`! ”

“Of course, the heavenly marriage does not stand, the moon does not grow old, and you have to complete this thing. This is a must for the development of Heavenly Dao. We can’t stop it. If you stop it now, Heavenly Dao will definitely let others complete this merit. Why not do it!

There is no way to stop this!”

Hearing Ling Bao’s words, Nuwa nodded:

“Fine, I know how to do it!”

Ling Bao asked jokingly:

“Wawa, you really don’t go!”

Nuwa shook his head:

“I really don’t want to go, I really want the Law of Insight, I feel that if I don’t grasp this opportunity, it won’t be too difficult for Ascension Realm in the future!”

Ling Bao had no choice but to nod. After speaking, Ling Bao got off Da Luotian and went straight to Pangu Hall. When he arrived at Pangu Hall, Dijiang felt it and came out to meet Ling Bao. Dijiang said to Ling Bao:

“Did Nuwa preach, you don’t want our little girl!”

Ling Bao knew that it was Di Jiang who expressed his dissatisfaction because he did not come. Ling Bao smiled bitterly:

“How come? I do have something to deal with, isn’t this coming over when it’s over?”

Houtu also sensed Ling Bao coming, and when Houtu came out, he heard Dijiang’s complaint, and Houtu refused to let Dijiang Dao:

“Dage, what are you talking about? Don’t say Ling Bao!”

Dijiang Ye smiled at Houtu and said:

“Oh, look at our little sister, this is not allowed. If you follow Ling Bao in the future, the status of the Big Brothers will not be guaranteed!”

Hou Tu’s anger:

“Dage, you still say!”

Dijiang reluctantly surrendered:

“Okay, sister, don’t say it, don’t say it! Isn’t it OK if you don’t say it?”

Di Jiang didn’t say three in a row, showing his love for Houtu, while Ling Bao looked at Houtu indulgently and asked Houtu:

*. Sister Houtu, what else do you have?”

Houtu shook his head and said to Ling Bao:

“There’s nothing more, all the flags of the sky are now ready!”

Ling Bao said:

“Then let’s go for a walk?”

Houtu said:

“Okay, isn’t Nuwa Big sis going?”

Ling Bao shook his head:

“No, Nuwa has just been sanctified, and there are still many roads that have not been fully understood. She said first to understand the gains of sanctification!”

In fact, Nuwa did not deceive Ling Bao. If it weren’t for too many great roads to comprehend, Nuwa would not want to be separated from Ling Bao.

Nuwa went from the pinnacle of the quasi-sage to the Sage Eighth Stage, as well as the open-day comprehension. These all took time. Nuwa came out and hurried out, then looked at Ling Bao, and then planned to lay a solid foundation.

Ling Bao took Houtu out. Ling Bao took Houtu to travel continuously. On the way, between the monster clan and the monster clan, between the witch clan and the monster clan, other races were constantly killing.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi led his troops to avoid the Witch tribe and conquered other tribes. Eastern Emperor Taiyi conquered countless tribes.

Among them is the Qingqiu tribe, and in the Qingqiu tribe, I saw the patriarch of the Qingqiu tribe, Humei, whose body is the nine-tailed sky fox, and the Cultivation Base is the quasi-sage early stage power.

As soon as Donghuang Tai saw Humei’s appearance, she wanted to make Humei the sister-in-law of own, although it was not the graceful and luxurious beauty of Chang Xi.

But there is indeed another kind of extreme beauty, the beauty in the bones of charming Dao.

Donghuang Taiyi sent Humei to Heaven Court and flew towards Nuwa.

Nuwa, who was in Closed Door Training, also felt the arrival of Donghuang Taiyi, and said to own mount Jinning:

“Jinning, when the Eastern Emperor Taiyi came over, he told Eastern Emperor Taiyi that he said that the palace knew what he was going to say, and told him that I don’t have time. After ten thousand years, I will naturally appear when the Emperor Jun gets married!”

Jinning saluted Nuwa:

“Yes! Empress!

After talking about Jinning, I went out and waited for Donghuang Taiyi outside Nuwa Heaven.

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