Chapter 136 Twelve Capitals Tianqi [Four more seeking automatic]

Ling Bao told Zhu Rong the method of refining the formation flag. Zhu Rong said:

“I don’t know, since Brother Ling Bao wants to try it, let’s try it. Anyway, this will be given to you!”

Ling Bao said:

“Okay, give me a copy of your Blood Essence, Yuanshen Fragment, and Law Origin! Let me try!

Without thinking, Zhu Rong gave Ling Bao a copy of what Ling Bao wanted. After the others came out, they saw that Zhu Rong was very weak, and asked Zhu Rong:

“Zhu Rong, what’s wrong with you?”

Zhu Rong talked about Ling Bao’s thoughts to himself. After everyone heard them, they did the same actions as Zhu Rong without even thinking about it.

Then Dijiang Road:

“Let’s restore it!”

Ling Bao nodded, and then went to the place where he often kept closed to start refining.

First of all, Ling Bao refined the flag of Emperor Jiang. Ling Bao used the Innate Kongming Stone as the flagpole, and the silk of the billion-year-old Innate golden silkworm as the flag surface, portraying the space Restrictions.

And integrate the Blood Essence of Dijiang into the entire banner, then integrate the law source into the banner, and finally integrate the primordial shards into the entire banner to act as an instrument spirit.

Because it is only a fragment of the primordial spirit, there is only a weak spiritual intelligence, but with the addition of Dijiang Blood Essence and the origin of the law, the entire formation flag is equivalent to the second Dijiang.

Ling Bao began to copy the 108 Tian Di Sha Restrictions into the flag, and the guide spirit began to form Restrictions. Every time the Restrictions were formed, the newly formed spirit grew a little.

After Ling Bao made this formation flag into Innate Supreme Treasure, the whole formation flag exudes the aura of the imperial river.

Ling Bao laughed loudly:

“Yes, you just call Du Heavenly Emperor Jiang Qi!”

Then put it away and began to refine other formation flags. With the success of the Heavenly Emperor Jiangqi, Ling Bao spent thousands of years to refine the remaining flags.

Then Ling Bao opened the door and came out. When Ling Bao first came out, Gong Gong shouted loudly:

“Brothers, Brother Ling Bao is out!”

Hearing the loud voice of Gong Gong, everyone gathered around, Ling Bao felt warm in his heart. This way of the accident made Ling Bao feel a strong brotherhood.

This is why Ling Bao always likes to come to the Witch clan. He thinks that if the ancestor witch approves of you, he is not at all defensive, and he treats you wholeheartedly. The kind of heartfelt care and friendship that Ling Bao likes very much, otherwise Honghuang With so many people, why does Ling Bao prefer the Wu tribe?

Ling Bao smiled and asked everyone:

“Brothers, how are your injuries?”

Shebi Road:

“It took three thousand years to repair it!”

Zhu Rong said jokingly:

“You still have the face to say that I came out in 2900 years!”

Gong Gong also came out with Zhu Rong, but in order to combat Zhu Rong, he said to Zhu Rong:

“You always compare with other people’s extravagance, why don’t you compare with Little Sister, Hou Tu!

After hearing the words of Gong Gong, Zhu Rong said unconvinced:

“Why don’t you compare with Houtu sister!”

Gonggong’s shameless way:

“I’m just not as good as Pangu sister, what can you do?”

I wish Rong Qijie, I don’t know how to refute, Di Jiang came out to make a round:

“Okay, I’m so old, and I’m still so shameless, Brother Ling Bao, how are you doing? Do you know? It’s really scary after all these days are used up, we are all without any The strength of this, if this can’t kill the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the others, it will be us who will die!”

Ling Bao said:

“This is the Dutian Emperor Jiangqi, this is the Dutianzhu Jiuyin Banner, and this is the Dutian Suan Flag.”

Ling Bao’s twelve Dutian flags were named after the twelve ancestral witches. When the twelve banners appeared, the twelve banners turned into a stream of light and entered the bodies of each ancestral witch.

The Twelve Ancestor Witch closed his eyes and began to feel the Twelve Capital Sky Banner. After a while, Di Jiang said excitedly:

“It’s amazing, I feel this is the same as my clone!’

Candle Nine Vagina:

“Yes, just like the second me!”

Ling Bao heard what the two said and asked very excitedly:

“Do you all feel this way?

Everyone nodded excitedly and worked together:


Ling Bao asked Hou Tu:

“Houtu, do you feel that way too?”

Hou Tu nodded and said:

“Of course!

Di Jiang said excitedly:

“Go, let’s practice the formation!”

Ling Bao stopped everyone and said:

“Don’t do it yet, you said that the power of your rules is imported into the Dutian Banner, and you will practice when the Dutian Banner can’t absorb the power of your laws!”

-0 Seeking flowers…

Di Jiang suppressed his thoughts of rehearsing, and then said:

“Okay, listen to Brother Ling Bao!”

Ling Bao said to Houtu:

“Houtu, you give me another copy of your Blood Essence, Yuanshen, Law!”

Hou Tu asked curiously:

“Didn’t I also have the Tianhou Tuqi? Why do I need it?”

Ling Bao said to Houtu:

“In the future, you will use it to prove the truth!

The ancestors and witches were very happy when they heard that it was used to prove the Tao, Di Jiang said:

“Brothers, since the little girl wants to prove the truth, in order to let the little girl recover quickly, I suggest that the little girl go to Pangu’s heart to cultivate and recover from the injury, what do you think!”

Candle Nine Yin:

“I agree!”

Strong Liang:

“I agree!


“I agree!

Houtu was very anxious:

“It’s okay, I can recover slowly, without the heart of God Father!”

Ling Bao’s comforting words:

“Houtu, go, I need a dozen copies of this kind of thing, so in order for you to quickly master the great formation, you must go in!”

Hou Tu asked in surprise:

“What do you want so much for?”

Ling Bao mysterious smiled and said:

“You’ll know when the time comes!”

Houtu knew that if Ling Bao was willing to tell himself, he would have told himself. Now Ling Bao didn’t tell himself, so naturally he didn’t ask.

Instead, he gave the Blood Essence, Yuanshen and the origin of the law to Ling Bao, and then entered the Pangu heart to recover.

Zhu Jiuyin saw Ling Bao keep asking himself if he could kill the three corpses. Now it feels a bit like a clone, so excited. Zhu Jiuyin began to communicate for a long time and watched the future clips.

When Zhujiuyin saw a fragment, the time was turbulent.

Then Zhu Jiuyin faced Ling Bao and said:

“Ling Bao, thank you, thank you for doing so much for the Wu Clan!”

Ling Bao faced the candle nine vagina:

“Needless to say, we are brothers, aren’t we?” Corpse,

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