Chapter 122 Ling Bao’s Secret Method of Three Corpses [Three more automatic]

“Tongtian fellow daoist is so perceptive!”

Nuwa also looked at Tongtian in surprise, and asked Tongtian:

“Brother Tongtian, so you just endure not beheading the corpse!”

Tongtian smiled and said:

“If you can’t prove Dao after you have cut the three corpses, why should you slash the corpses in a hurry!”

Nuwa also praised:

“Brother Tongtian is so persevering!”

Ling Bao continued to ask:

“That Tongtian fellow daoist, both of your Big Brothers have killed the corpses, aren’t you in a hurry?”

Tongtian answered:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, I also know this, but there is no way. Although I am anxious, compared with the future, what is this humiliation?”

Hou Tu praised:

“Fellow daoist is so wise!

Ling Bao pondered and said:

“Since fellow daoist has great savvy, great wisdom, and great perseverance, it is a great opportunity to find me as “Nine Seven Three”. I will explain my three-corpse way to fellow daoist!”

Tongtian got up and thanked him:

“Thanks fellow daoist!

Ling Bao opened Sanxian Island and called four little maids, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, and Black Tortoise, and the four little maids saluted Ling Bao:

“I have seen the master!

Ling Bao saw that the four of them were on the verge of cutting the three corpses, and then faced the four trails:

“Today I explain the Tao of the Three Corpses, come over and listen to it together!”

Sanxiao found a futon and sat down, Ling Bao faced Heavenly Dao:

“Tongtian fellow daoist, I will first explain to you my three-corpse secret method, and then explain the way of the three-corpse!”

Tongtian nodded excitedly:


Then Ling Bao said:

“Hongjun Daozu, I talked about how to cut the three corpses, I will talk about this later, let’s talk about the combination of the three corpses first, and then we can prove the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The most important thing is that the three corpses are in one. You must know that the three corpses are easy to cut. As long as you understand the good, the evil, and the obsession, you can kill them, but how does the three corpses become one.

The three corpses are pinned on Innate Ling Bao, can any three pieces of Innate Ling Bao be killed?

I don’t think it can, just cut off the three corpses, but Ling Bao can’t unite, how can he prove Dao sanctification? This is also the disappointment of Hongjun Daozu.

Hongjun Daozu once said that proving the Dao with strength is the strongest, the three corpses are the second, and the merits are the second.

If you choose the Three Corpse Proving Dao, if there is no great Magic Power, it will be difficult to prove the Dao with strength, let alone accumulating an infinite amount of Tribulation Magic Power.

To say that it is the easiest for you to prove the Tao in the Three Pures, why is it the easiest? No one in the Three Pures alone has 10% of the merits of opening the heavens. This merit of the opening of the heavens is the great merit, that is, 10% is enough for a person to become a Sage.

So your meritorious proving is the easiest.

So Hongjun Daozu hopes that you Sanqing can choose the Three Corpses to prove the Tao, but because of the red cloud, no one wants to listen to Hongjun’s secret method of the Three Corpses.

And my three-corpse secret method was exchanged by Hongjun, of course, in exchange for the Taiji diagram. I learned the three-corpse secret method and discovered the drawbacks in the three-corpse secret method.

Later in the chaos, I met Hongdiao Daozu and told Hongjun about the secret of the three corpses. Hongjun only discovered that because Hongjun relied on great merit, the magic power and the help of Heavenly Dao only made the three corpses. Unity, he didn’t find this problem in the end.

And to choose the three corpses in one, you must be the protagonist of the measurement of the robbery, but this measurement of the robbery, without the protagonist, that is, the vitality will be greatly injured, because Hongjun will give you the Hongmeng Purple Qi, as long as the opportunity is together, you will absorb it after proving the Dao. A lot of luck.

Then there will be no protagonist in the amount of robbery, but the amount of robbery will still be promoted. ”

Tongtian doesn’t want to know about the protagonist of Volume Tribulation. What Tongtian is most concerned about is the matter of proving the Dao. Tongtian asked Ling Bao:

“Then how can Ling Bao fellow daoist really get the Three Corpses?,

Ling Bao said:

“The first is to find three Magic Treasures with the same root and the same origin, such as the Three Treasures of Open Heaven, Tai Chi Tu, Pangu Flags and Chaos Clock, which is now the Chaos Clock.

Use these three Magic Treasures to slay the corpse, and the three corpses in one not only make great advances in Magic power, but also the attack power is absolutely comparable to that of Yili.

Of course this is impossible, Heavenly Dao won’t let the Heavenly Axe appear again.

The rest, such as finding the fragments of the good fortune jade disc, and synthesizing a good fortune jade disc fragment, this is also fine.

Or find the Magic Treasures of the Chaos Qinglian evolution, such as the three magic lanterns, three ten second rank lotus stands, or three of the Five Elements flag and so on.

The second is to find Ling Bao with the same attributes, Zhi Yin Ling Bao, Zhi Yang Ling Bao, add a Yin & Yang Ling Bao, and finally synthesize Promise Ling Bao. 0

Of course, other attributes are also okay!”

After Tongtian heard it, he said very happily:

“Thank you Ling Bao fellow daoist for the order, Tongtian is grateful!”

Ling Bao shook his head:

“This is your chance. As long as people who don’t have Karma with me, or even people with good causes, find this problem and come to me, I will tell the truth. In fact, it is just a thin film. Think about it and you will know!,”

Tongtian Yao Yao Head:

“Fellow daoist is too self-effacing. If you cut a dead body, thinking about this, if you are lucky, you can find Ling Bao with the same attributes or the same root.

If you can’t find it, isn’t it because you will die from the path, without fellow daoist’s on-demand broadcast, Tongtian’s life will be over, and you will have the name of negative Tongtian!

fellow daoist, I have a merciless please!”

Ling Bao:

“Fellow daoist, please speak!

Heavenly Dao waved his hand, took out the Ling Bao he found in Fenbaoya, and said to Ling Bao:

“Look at fellow daoist, is there any Ling Bao suitable for corpse cutting!”

Ling Bao took a look, good guy, so many Ling Bao, among them:

Fishing Drum, Purple Electric Hammer, Hunyuan Duster, Six Soul Flags, Shangqing Orb, Sapphire Calabash, Samsara Mirror, Mountain and Sea Map, Dragon Binding Cable, Nine Dragons Tripod, Punishment Plague Seal, Plague Sword, Plague Bell, Plague Huang Umbrella, Scattered Disaster whip, headache xin, sky-swallowing mask, guanhongsuo, flying smoke sword, open dzi beads, piping beads, mixed yuan beads, Wanli Qiyunyan, mandala pot, five dragon wheels, Zhaotian seal, 5.9 broken spirits

Cone, Eight Trigrams Dragon Beard Phra, Eight Treasure Cloud Light Phra, Four Elephant Pagoda, Dragon Tiger Ruyi Scepter, Sun Moon Pearl, Male and Female Double Whip, Golden Crown, Multi Pagoda, Universe Bag, Slaughter Eye Pearl, Wind Bag, Mixed Yuan Golden Bucket , Jinfeng Hairpin, Longyince, Zhiming Knife, Tibetan Immortal Figure, Wind and Thunder Scissors, Heart-piercing Lock, Ruyi Scepter Bag, etc. hundreds of Ling Bao.

Ling Bao said:

“This plague suit is a good Magic Treasures. Although it is only medium-grade Innate Ling Bao, it is not suitable for fellow daoist. This dzi bead, ground bead, and mixed yuan bead are also good, but it is only the top-grade Innate Ling Bao, but it can finally Three corpses in one.

As for other Ling Bao, there are very few matching ones. This Sun Moon Pearl is good, but you have to find two superb Innate Ling Bao, Sun Gold Pearl and Tai Yin Silver Pearl!”

Tongtian was also disappointed and asked Ling Bao

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