Chapter 114 Donghuang Taiyi strongly invites Nuwa [Three more automatic]

Ling Bao looked at Zhun Ti with murderous eyes, and asked in a cold tone:

“What? What about fellow daoist?”

Taking a look at the lead, you have to suffer. This is to do something. Now when you and Zhun Ti’s strength are not capable of doing things, so the lead took Zhun Ti and said to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, my younger brother wants to invite you to do it in the West!”

Ling Bao glanced suspiciously at the lead, then shook his head and said:

“I do not have time!

Then he said to Nuwa and Houtu:

“Wawa, Houtu, let’s go back!”

The two women nodded, Ling Bao’s mind moved, and Innate Jinyun fell under the feet of the crowd, and with a move of mind, they used the large space technique to cover the crowd.

Then he used the magical power of Tengyun to drive the fog and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant. Besides the chaos, Sanqing went back to Kunlun Mountain to practice Magic Treasures.

Zhunti faces the approach road:

“Brother, no, brother, what are you doing to hold me, Ling Bao so many Innate Ling Bao, there are so many people here, is it not good to force him to hand it over?”

In response to the question of hating iron and not making steel:

“Hand it over? To whom? Also, if you just said it, then you must die!”

Zhun said:

“How is it possible that the two of us were accepted as disciples by Sage. Although they are named disciples, they are also disciples. How dare he kill us in front of Sage’s dojo? This is not for Sage Face!”

The lead said to Zhun:

“Have you heard that the teacher said? Under Sage, all are ants. Do you think the teacher will fight for an ant?”

Zhunti couldn’t believe it, but he was still taken aback and said:

“Thank you, brother, let’s go back and cultivate well. When we prove the Dao, we must have snatched all the Magic Treasures from Ling Bao!”

Seeing Zhunti facing Ling Bao’s things, he still couldn’t forget, sighing and thinking:

“I hope Ling Bao can’t prove the Dao and become holy!”

Of course Ling Bao doesn’t know these things at all. Even if Ling Bao knows, Ling Bao doesn’t care, knowing that he has forty-nine Restrictions.

Ling Bao hasn’t used this sharp gun until now. Even if he is proving the Dao and becoming a sage, Ling Bao will let him know what the killing is.

And Ling Bao led the crowd out of chaos, and then said to the crowd:

“I have something to do in the chaos, refining Magic Treasures, you go back and practice the Ling Bao that Dao Ancestor gave you / |!”

Hou Tu asked worriedly:

“Will it be too dangerous for you to go to Chaos?”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“No, if there is anything, you can contact me with the communication jade talisman! By the way, do you want to go back to the own dojo, or go to My Sanxian Island Closed Door Training?”

Nuwa looked at Fu Yi and said to Ling Bao:

“I’ll go back to Zhoushan first, you know, Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun still want to draw my brother to some demon clan!”

Fu Yi’s helpless way:

“Little Sister, didn’t I promise you not to go? Why don’t you believe it!”

Nuwa Road:

“Unless you go to Sanxian Island with me!”

Fu Yi think about it, the environment of Sanxian Island is indeed much better than that of Buzhoushan. For the future of Little Sister, Fu Yi said:

“okay then!”

Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“Wawa, don’t worry about beheading the corpse after you finish refining Magic Treasures, wait for me to go back and be beheading the corpse!”

Nu Juan was very curious, but when she thought that Ling Bao would not harm herself, she nodded, Fu Yi looked at Ling Bao, and then asked Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, why is this?”

Ling Bao did not explain, but to Fu Yidao:

“If the fellow daoist believes in me, fellow daoist will be waiting for the corpse!”

Fu Yi thought about Ling Bao’s kindness to his Little Sister, and Ling Bao’s strength, and nodded.

Hou Tu asked curiously:

“What about my Big Brother sisters? They don’t have a soul, but they can’t cut the corpse!”

Ling Bao said:

“You will continue to purify your blood, and then constantly insight into your laws will do. If you complete the insights, you can also prove that you will become a golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo!”

Nuwa asked curiously:

“What is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?”

Ling Bao explained:

“Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and Sage are the same Realm, Sage is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not Sage!”

Hou Tu asked very curiously:

“I have been trapped, what do you mean by this?”

Ling Bao explained to Hou Tu:

“Sage puts the true spirit on Heavenly Dao, and his strength is comparable to that of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but Sage can borrow Heavenly Dao, and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian uses other methods instead of placing the true spirit on Heavenly Dao.

Sage is immortal in the prehistoric world, but entering the chaos is the same, but Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has more room for progress than Sage.

So your ancestor witches carefully understand your own Dao, it is possible to enter the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Realm, if there is a chance, it will not be a problem even to Pangu Realm!”

The ancestral witches understand now, but the most attractive to the ancestral witch is Pangu Realm. You must know that these ancestral witches are descendants of Pangu, fanatics, as long as they can get close to Pangu, the ancestral witches are willing to do it. .

Hou Tu nodded, then said:

“,”Thank you Ling Bao Big Brother!”

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“You guys also prepare, this great future will not be calm anymore!”

Everyone nodded, and they all returned to their own dojo. Ling Bao sent Nuwa and Fuyi to Sanxian Island, and then turned around and entered the chaos.

After entering the chaos, Ling Bao began to smelt its own companion Ling Bao ten second rank Samsara purple lotus and ten second rank extinct black lotus.

With the refining of Ling Bao, Ling Bao of course smelted the ten second rank black lotus with the theme of ten second rank Samsara purple lotus. After tens of thousands of years, Ling Bao finally refined two lotus platforms into one (Nuo Wang The), became the eighteenth-grade lotus stand, the treasure of Innate.

Ling Bao saw that he had refined another Innate Supreme Treasure, and Ling Bao called it the Eighteenth-Rank Life and Death Purple Lotus. After the fusion of this lotus platform, it has the effect of the cycle of life and death, and the defense is also very powerful.

However, Ling Bao is still used to slay corpses. Ling Bao found himself looking for Samsara stone in the sea of ​​blood. The second rank exterminates the world black lotus.

Chaos doesn’t count years, Ling Bao doesn’t know how much time he has been in the chaos. Suddenly Ling Bao felt his heart palpitations. Ling Bao used the grand deduction technique to start the deduction. When Ling Bao deduced it for a while, he was very angry and angry. The shouts of life:

“Emperor Taiyi, you are looking for death!

Ling Bao also does not hide its own Cultivation Base, and directly opens the chaotic space and disappears.

[PS: Recommend “I am the head of state who I am afraid of”],

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