Chapter 106 Shocked everyone [Three more automatic]

Ling Bao looked at everyone with a smile, and then said to them:

“The humble house is a bit shabby, please forgive me!”

Hong Yun couldn’t hide words the most, and asked in shock:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, your plaque is Innate Ling Bao?”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Well, it’s a superb Innate Ling Bao, but unfortunately it’s not the treasure of Innate!”

Hongyun, Zhunti, and Innate Ling Bao are the hardest hit. Others have more or less Innate Ling Bao, which is the best Innate Ling Bao, and Dong Huang Tai has even Innate treasures.

But Hongyun, Zhunti, there is no good way to attract the three of Innate Ling Bao.

Hongyun feels that his predecessor view is about to collapse, and in the predecessor, for a low-quality Innate Ling Bao, he can get his brains out.

Here, the best Innate Ling Bao as a plaque?-Is this a prodigal?

Tongtian said in admiration:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist deserves to be Ling Bao fellow daoist, this Ling Bao really deserves its name, it is this gate, this wall, and the bricks and tiles on the ground are all Innate Ling Bao!”

Then everyone followed the words of Tongtian.

Damn it!

Sure enough, they are all Innate Ling Bao. Zhunti feels that this predecessor is full of malice. He is in the predominantly and deceived and abducted, and only got a few Innate Magic Treasures, and Innate Ling Bao did not get a few. Most of them are Ling Bao the day after tomorrow. .

But here, it is all Innate Ling Bao. Donghuang Taiyi often deals with Innate Zhibao. Naturally, I feel that these Innate Ling Bao are extraordinary, and then ask:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, there are a lot of Innate Ling Bao Restrictions here, right?”

Nuwa said:

“I know this. Basically all here are forty-sixth floors of Restrictions, not forty-eight floors. It’s not a top-notch Innate Ling Bao!”

Hearing Nuwa’s magic knife, Zhunti wanted to blurt out: You look down on giving it to me!

But think about that I don’t have such a good relationship with Ling Bao, so I swallow this sentence abruptly, but Hong Yun is not so particular:

“Since Ling Bao fellow daoist doesn’t like these Ling Bao, can I choose a few!”

When Zhen Yuanzi heard Hong Yun’s words, he had been keeping a distance from Hong Yun, and he subconsciously moved a few steps away, feeling too embarrassing, what kind of sin he did, knowing such a shameless person!

And Ling Bao asked with a smile but a smile:

“Oh, Hongyun fellow daoist, do I owe you Karma?”

The red cloud circle shook his head:

“What do you say about fellow daoist?”

Ling Bao did not answer, but continued to ask:

“Then I have a good relationship with you, brother’s friend?”

Hong Yun continued to shake his head, and then said:

“If fellow daoist wants to be brother acquaintance with Hongyun, Hongyun has no opinion!”

Everyone felt that this red cloud had almost no lower limit, Ling Bao said:

“I don’t want to, since I don’t have any Karma with you, and the relationship is not good, why should you choose a few!”

Hongyun took it for granted:

“Naturally, how much Innate Ling Bao is wasted here?”

Ling Bao blurted out:

“My things I like!”

Hong Yun’s words are stuffed, and they won’t give it. Although Hong Yun has no lower limit, he can’t grab it. Seeing that Ling Bao didn’t want to give it to himself, he muttered:


Zhunti originally wanted what he wanted, but when he saw the red cloud, he didn’t want to come out, and Zhunti didn’t say anything stupidly. Although Zhunti didn’t want to be cheesy, he was not stupid.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t deceive the futon of Zixiao Palace from Hongyun.

Ling Bao ignored Hongyun and said to everyone:

“Everyone, please inside!”

When everyone entered Ling Bao’s dojo, they were even more shocked. Only a few pieces were seen outside, but inside, whether it was pavilions, tables, chairs and benches, or even Spiritual Roots, there was nothing that was not Innate here.

Innate Ling Bao, Innate Spiritual Roots, and even the purple bees flying among the flowers are all very precious species in the prey.

Everyone just entered the Grand View Garden just like Grandma Liu, and they couldn’t open their eyes anymore. Donghuang Taiyi and the others looked around with red eyes, and then asked incredulously:

“The Innate Ling Bao inside is also the best Innate Ling Bao!”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Well, make do with it!”

Hearing Ling Bao’s words, Donghuang Taiyi wanted to kill Ling Bao with a chaotic clock, and then take this place as his own. If these things are all own, then it is not natural to set up the Yaozu by himself.

However, since the last thing he experienced, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has kept a low profile a lot. Eastern Emperor Taiyi knew that he had the Innate Supreme Eastern Emperor Bell, and he was not invincible.

-0 Seeking flowers…

Therefore, the attitude of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is very low this time, because the Eastern Emperor and Emperor Jun have talked, although this time he did not grab a seat in the Purple Thunder Palace, he can recognize some great abilities and pull these great abilities to the own camp. , Is also a good thing.

Ling Bao shouted:

“Azure Dragon! Come here!”

After Ling Bao shouted, four very beautiful girls ran over happily and said to Ling Bao:

“Azure Dragon! White Tiger! Vermillion Bird! Black Tortoise! ​​Have seen the master!”

Ling Bao said to the four people:

“Go, pick some spiritual fruit, I want to entertain fellow daoist!”

Four women salute:

“Yes! Master!”

After the four went out, White Tiger said:

“Azure Dragon Big sis, their Cultivation Base is so weak, not as good as me, how can they become the fellow daoist of the master?”

Azure Dragon:

“Don’t talk about the master, maybe they will do great things in the future, how can we know the master’s mind!”

Although the four people were talking outside, the people inside heard them, especially Hongyun and Zhunti. Although the others were all from the Cultivation Base of Daluo Jinxian Peak.

However, Zhunti and Hongyun are the late stage of Daluo Jinxian, and the four small Cultivation Bases are all the peaks of Daluo Jinxian. It is estimated that after the second sermon, the fourth small Cultivation Base will definitely have no problem in entering the quasi-sage.

And Zhun asked in shock:

“The four people just now?”

Ling Bao:

“Oh, you say them, they were brought out by me from the Dragon and Han Tribulation, they are all my maids!”

Hearing Ling Bao’s words, Zhunti really felt that this predecessor was simply full of malice. He was happy to find a mysterious apprentice. In people’s house, the maid’s Cultivation Base is higher than his own.

Zhunti didn’t answer the call, and Tongtian said in admiration:

“The fellow daoist dojo is really a good place, all of them are top spirit veins!”

Hou Tu’s retort:

“Tongtian fellow daoist, you can see it, this is not as simple as the top spirit veins! Here are all ancestral veins, Innate Spiritual Qi was transformed by Ling Bao fellow daoist, here are chaotic Spiritual Qi!”


Everyone was shocked!


[PS: Recommend the new book “Martial Arts Peerless Sword Demon”] Corpse.

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