Power and Wealth

Chapter 946: Met an acquaintance!

In the estate.

People celebrated a wedding, and a funeral song played in the background. It was like heaven and hell. Many families looked out of their windows due to the commotion. They were puzzled. They heard firecrackers, and red "Double Happiness" paper cuttings were hung everywhere. It should be a wedding, but why are they playing a funeral song?! Is this a wedding or a funeral? Is someone marrying a dying person?!

Everyone soon realized what was happening.

Someone had blocked the wedding convoy and played a funeral song.

Everyone was stunned. What is happening? Where did this asshole come from?

Dong Xuebing had always been an asshole, and no one could beat him.

"Stop the funeral song!"

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Stop it immediately! Are you trying to create trouble?!"

"You are too much! How can you play a funeral song? Are you trying to curse the couple?!"

The guests of Chief Meng's daughter's wedding started scolding Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing ignored them and leaned against his car. You all wanted to ignore me and continue with the celebrations, right?! I shall see how you are all going to celebrate. F**k! I have my ways of dealing with you all!

The trick was effective. Chief Meng and the guests stopped congratulating the couple.

Suddenly, police sirens sounded, and two police cars and a tow truck arrived.

Dong Xuebing turned. Oh, instead of apologizing, you all still call the police and tow truck?!

Shen Fei frowned. The police were here, and this was their territory. Secretary Geng and he do not have any say here, even if they were right. The police will side with Chief Meng and other City leaders. He wanted to back off, and he looked at Geng Yuehua.

Geng Yuehua stood firmly and did not plan to leave.

Dong Xuebing saw Geng Yuehua and knew she was furious. He looked at the police cars and did not say anything.

Six police officers came out.

Chief Meng stared at Dong Xuebing coldly and signaled to an officer.

Chief Meng's secretary walked to the entrance. "They are the ones who blocked the road. Tow that car away immediately. Don't delay Chief Meng's daughter's wedding."

The officer nodded and looked at Dong Xuebing. "Is this your car?"

Dong Xuebing replied. "Of course, it's mine." He knew these officers were called to assist Chief Meng, and he will not talk nicely to them.

The Officer smiled to himself. So, you are a tough guy?! Do you know the consequences of blocking the City Party Committee family quarters?!


"Move your car away now!"

"Haha…. What if I refused?!"

"Don't blame us for towing your car away if you refuse to move. Do you know where you are now?! You are causing a disturbance to the public!"

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Stop pinning charges on me. Chief Meng's son had tried to hurt me with a firecracker and injured Xiao Ma." He pointed at Ma Jian's legs and shoes. "Can you see that?! No one stopped him after that, and he fired another firecracker at us. If I did not react in time, Xiao Ma would be disfigured! They did not even apologize after what happened. Does the Audit Department Leader have special privileges?! Who gave him this right?!"

The officer frowned. "My team does not handle the things you claimed."

Dong Xuebing looked at him. "Then who is in charge? Get him here."

"I am asking you to move your car!" The officer was mad.

Dong Xuebing pointed at him. "Stop staring at me. I want that Meng fellow to apologize. Is it that difficult?! His son had injured us. Shouldn't he apologize? I will not move the car if he does not bow and apologize to us today. You all can try towing my car. If you all can tow it away, I will spell my name backward from today onwards!"

Many people were surprised that Dong Xuebing continued to be aggressive in front of the police.

"Tow!" The officer waved his hand and shouted.

Dong Xuebing said. "I advise you all not to do it. If I were you, I would return to where I come from."

The officer looked at him coldly. "You want to threaten us?!"

Dong Xuebing laughed. "This is not a threat, but you can try."

The officer was furious and took out his handcuff. "Bring all of them back!"

Chief Meng turned and shouted to his guests. "Get into the car and leave for the restaurant. Don't let such people affect our mood."

At this moment, a middle-aged woman came out of a police car. "Stop! Who asked you to arrest?!"

The officer paused. "Chief Hou."

"Chief Hou." The other officers stopped.

The uniformed middle-aged woman said. "Is this the way you settle a dispute?!"

The officer-in-charge replied. "But this guy…."

The woman shouted. "You are making things worse if you handle it this way."

The officer replied. "I understand, Chief Hou."

Dong Xuebing was surprised when he saw Hou Qing scolding her subordinates. He remembered her and walked over with a smile. "Hi, Sister Hou."

Ma Jian and Shen Fei were surprised. Director Dong has a friend here.

Hou Qing smiled and shook his hand. "It's been a while, Xuebing."

Dong Xuebing was amused. "Sister Hou, this is not right. You were in the car for so long. Are you trying to avoid me?"

Hou Qing replied. "No. Haha…. I was making a call."


Hou Qing and Dong Xuebing knew each other around two years ago. Dong Xuebing was still Yan Tai County's Public Security Bureau Deputy Chief during that time. He came to Lui An City and worked undercover at a bath house. Hou Qing was also investigating the stolen relics from the Provincial Museum case. Dong Xuebing saved her after her identity was exposed. At that time, Hou Qing was only a lowly officer at the City's Public Security Bureau. It seemed like she was promoted quickly because of that case. She is currently the City Public Security Bureau's Deputy Chief.

Chief Meng frowned when he saw Dong Xuebing chatting and smiling with Deputy Chief Hou, and he looked at her angrily.

After exchanging some pleasantries, Hou Qing said. "Xue Bing, let's put aside our friendship now and talk business. I was coming home to celebrate Lunar New Year with my family and took a lift from the police car. But since I happened to be here, I had to do something. Can you move your car for me? Your car is blocking cars from entering and exiting."

Dong Xuebing replied. "Since you want to talk about business, I will tell you this. If that Meng fellow does not apologize, no one can leave."


"Sister Hou, I cannot do this for you."

"But you had affected others now."

"It's all caused by that Meng fellow. He was the one who affected others."

"You are making things hard for me. How about this? You move your car first, and we will negotiate the apology and compensation. What do you think?"

Dong Xuebing shook his head. "He must apologize first."

Hou Qing smiled to herself. She had experienced Dong Xuebing's stubbornness before, and he was still the same after two years. However, she still sided with him in her heart. It was not because he had saved her before. It was Chief Meng, and his family was too arrogant.

Chief Meng's secretary was furious. "Chief Hou, this guy is being unreasonable. What if the Party Secretary or Mayor is going out? How can he block the way?!" The secretary was worried Chief Hou would side with Dong Xuebing because they were acquaintances. Everyone knew the seriousness if a high-ranking leader needed to leave and was blocked by Porsche. It would be a political problem, and many people would be implicated. No one wanted this to happen.

Dong Xuebing narrowed his eyes. "I am unreasonable?! Fine. I am unreasonable. What can you do?"

"Please calm down, everyone." Hou Qing looked at Chief Meng. "Chief Meng, what do you say?"

Chief Meng replied nonchalantly. "I had asked my secretary to apologize and offered compensation. They refused to accept it. What can I do?"

You asked your secretary to apologize?! Even Hou Qing was infuriated by Chief Meng's attitude. "Settle this among yourself. I still have something on. Bye."

The few officers were lost. What does Chief Hou mean? Should we arrest and tow the car?

The officers followed Hou Qing away, and one of them asked. "Chief Hou, how should we settle this? Can you advise us?"

Hou Qing looked at Dong Xuebing and said to the officers. "Try to settle this amicably and do not arrest anyone."

"But we cannot settle it if we don't arrest that guy."

"Arrest him?!" Hou Qing laughed. "Do you all know who he is? Even if you bring your whole team, you all are no match for him. Don't embarrass yourselves. It will only make things worse." She said and left.

The few officers exchanged looks.

"What does Chief Hou means?"

"Eh, wait a minute. Chief Hou addressed that guy as Xuebing."

"Xuebing?! Damn! Is he Fen Zhou City's God of Plague?!"

"Huh?! I heard about him from a former classmate. He was notorious in Fen Zhou City."

Shen Fei and Ma Jian were dumbfounded when they overheard the officers. Even people in Lui An City know about God of Plague."

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