Power and Wealth

Chapter 584: Fight!


Long-distance bus station, west of Nan Shan District Square.

Dong Xuebing kissed Yu Meixia's forehead in the Cayenne. "It's quite late, and Qianqian should be home. You should get going."

Yu Meixia nodded but did not move.

"What's wrong?" Dong Xuebing looks at her. "You don't want to leave?"

"No…" Yu Meixia blushed.

"Then go back first. Both of you can move to the city after Qianqian finishes her exams."

"Ok." Yu Meixia looked at Dong Xuebing and kissed him on his cheeks. "I… I am going now."

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Be careful and give me a call when you reach home."

Yu Meixia nodded and tried to open the door. But she doesn't know how to open it. She started blushing and felt stupid.

Dong Xuebing helped her with the door and groped her butt. "Alright."

Yu Meixia quickly straightened her dress and got off the car. She turned and waved to Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing waved back. "You must be tired today. Go back and rest early."

"I'm not tired." Yu Meixia unconsciously squeezes her thighs together. "You should rest early too."

Dong Xuebing did not leave after Yu Meixia entered the station as he wanted to see her board the bus first. He lit a cigarette and looked at her back. Her long dress is crumpled and is different from this morning. Wet patches can still be seen on the dress helms. She seemed to know it and used her hands to cover that area.

Suddenly, someone whistled.

A Chevrolet Cruze drove past the bus station and slowed down beside Yu Meixia. The driver, a young man in his twenties, rolled down the window and whistled at her.

Yu Meixia turns around and sees that man. She quickly lowered her head and quickened her pace.

That young man saw Yu Meixia's reaction and whistled at her again. His eyes are scanning her from top to bottom.

Yu Meixia has a soft and weak character and dares not to retaliate when someone harass her.

Dong Xuebing cannot stand it and get out of his car. You dare to whistle at my Sister Yu?! You are F*CKING digging your grave!

At this time, the young man had driven away.

Dong Xuebing was about to get back into his car to chase him.

Yu Meixia saw it and ran over. "Xiao Bing, no… forget it."

Dong Xuebing replied. "Just go to your bus."

"I am fine." Yu Meixia hugged his arms. "Never mind."

Dong Xuebing looks at Yu Meixia. "Alright. I will not chase after him. Just go back."

"…… really?"

"Yes." Dong Xuebing thought for a while and felt it was meaningless to go after that young man.

Yu Meixia continued walking to the bus station.

After a while, Yu Meixia bought the bus ticket and boarded the bus to Yan Tai County. Dong Xuebing watched the bus leave before fastening his seatbelt. He drove back towards Guang Ming Subdistrict. He was still thinking about this afternoon. Yu Meixia's voluptuous body is too seductive. Other than lunch, dinner, and taking a short stroll in the park, they spent the rest of their time making love.

Five minutes……

Ten minutes……

Twenty minutes……

When Dong Xuebing was about to reach his quarters, he noticed the same Chevrolet Cruze, who had harassed Yu Meixia earlier, in the opposite direction. He immediately stops his car. He had driven past this junction several times and knew this was an accident-prone area. Two nearby lamp posts had broken down, and it's quite dark. There is a construction site next to the junction, and there are lots of big trucks around. That's why there are not many pedestrians around.

Two men are quarreling beside the Cruze.

"Get out of the car now!"

"Stop shouting at me!"

"Get out!"

Dong Xuebing realized that man shouting at the Cruze's driver was his Subdistrict Office Deputy Director, Guo Mingfeng. He is in charge of the Respect and Cares for the elderly's work.

"Is this the way you drive?" Guo Mingfeng shouted. "Are you blind?"

"How dare you accuse me? Why are you walking on the road?" That young man shouted back.

"I was crossing the road at this junction, and you are speeding! I would be dead if I didn't react fast!"

The young man points at Guo Mingfeng in his face. "You don't watch out for cars when crossing roads?! What are your eyes for?!"

"You brat! How dare you point at me?!"

"What's wrong with pointing at you?! I still dare to beat you up!"

Dong Xuebing knew what happened from their argument. Guo Mingfeng should have gone out for dinner and was nearly knocked down by this young man on his way back. That's how the argument started. The driver of the car will be held responsible if such accidents happen. But since there is no accident, he should just apologize to the pedestrian. But this young man refused to apologize and blamed Guo Mingfeng for not watching out for traffic when crossing the road. Dong Xuebing looked at the driver coldly and thought about how he harassed Sister Yu at the bus station earlier.

The argument got louder.

"You are so dark! Who can see you on the road?!"

"I dare you to say it one more time!" Guo Mingfeng shouted.

"I can say that to you ten times!" The young man replied. "I am warning you to get lost! I don't have time for you!"

Guo Mingfeng took out his phone and was about to call the Police.

"I am asking you to get out of my way! Did you hear me?" The young man saw Guo Mingfeng not moving and slapped him! "Get lost, Old Bastard!"

Guo Mingfeng was stunned for a second and realized that the young man had hit him. "You brat!"

"I dare you to scold me again!" The young man moved forward and slapped him again.

Guo Mingfeng has a small build and is not young. He is no match for that young man and was knocked down within seconds.

The young man laughed and took out an expandable baton from his car's glove compartment. He points at Guo Mingfeng with it. "I will break your legs if you still don't get lost!"

Dong Xuebing did not expect the argument to escalate into a fight so quickly. He had wanted to wait and see, but that brat hit Guo Mingfeng suddenly. He got mad and jumped out of his car. He conflicts with the Geng Faction because he let Zhou Yanru handle the Respect and Care for the elderly work model unit award. This is taking power away from Guo Mingfeng, and he showed his displeasure yesterday. But Dong Xuebing cannot walk away after seeing him getting beaten up.

"What are you doing?!" Dong Xuebing walks over quickly. "Drop that baton!"

The young man looks at Dong Xuebing. "Who are you?! Mind your own business!"

Guo Mingfeng did not expect the young man to hit him suddenly and could not react quickly. When he saw Dong Xuebing, he was relieved. He had seen Dong Xuebing's combat skills before. He got back on his feet and started scolding that young man.

"F*CK! You are asking for it!" The young man raised his arm and swung the baton at Guo Mingfeng!

Dong Xuebing will not stand there and watch Guo Mingfeng get beaten up. He moved forward and grabbed that hand, which was holding the baton, and twisted it!

Crack! It sounded like bones breaking!

The young man screams in pain. "Arrgh…! F*CK you!"

Dong Xuebing looks at that young man coldly. "I dare you to say it one more time!"

"F*CK you……." The young man cursed and kicked towards Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing sidestepped to avoid that kick and gave him a knee strike in his chest. The young man fell backward from the impact and landed on a rubbish bin beside. He struggled to get back on his feet but failed, and he lay there groaning in pain.

Dong Xuebing straightens his shirt as if nothing had happened.

Dong Xuebing had not held back against this young man because he felt he was too arrogant and harassed Sister Yu. Regardless of Dong Xuebing's relationship with Guo Mingfeng, the latter is still his subordinate. He will not allow anyone to hit his men. That young man is lucky if he did not suffer from any fractures.

"Old Guo." Dong Xuebing asked. "Are you ok?"

"Thanks to you." Guo Mingfeng rubbed his face lightly. "I'm fine. This brat had hit me hard."

"You should check out your injuries at the hospital. Come, I will send you." Dong Xuebing thought nothing about this incident. The other party had used a baton, and this is considered self-defense. That's why he did not even call for an ambulance for that young man.

The young man, who was still lying in the pile of rubbish, stares at Dong Xuebing. "You… F*CKING watch out! I will remember you!"

Dong Xuebing had heard such statements countless times. He ignored that young man and got into his car.

"You want to remember me?! Go ahead. I am not so free to remember you.

Chevrolet Cruze


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