Power and Wealth

Chapter 104 –Unexpected Incident!

Yan Liang does have the authority to withdraw Guo Shunjie from the Party School's training. As long as he was still the Branch Bureau's Chief, he could still make the final decision on such matters. Yan Liang had heard a lot about Dong Xuebing. But he did not think Dong Xuebing was capable. He had voted for Dong Xuebing during the Party Committee meeting was because he had no choice. This was why he refused to help Dong Xuebing.

Furthermore, he also does not think that Guo Shunjie would be so daring to frame his direct supervisor. Xu Yan did not become the next Political Commissar. Now, the situation had changed for Song Shoujie, Yang Yizhong, and the rest. They might not even be able to save themselves and will have no time to help Dong Xuebing with this incident. Even if they wanted to help Dong Xuebing, they also could not do so.

That's why Dong Xuebing was alone to handle this crisis.

The front compound of the Western Branch Bureau.

Yan Liang, Zhou Guoan, Xu Yan and all the top leaders of the branch were standing at attention in front. Dong Xuebing, Tan Limei, Guo Shunjie, and the rest were standing at the back. All of them were there to welcome Minister Lui, from the National State Security. Minister Lui was very old and had retired from the State Security many years back. Although he was no longer holding any portfolio, he still has an influence over the State Security. Many of the Bureau Directors were his former subordinates and students. Yan Liang was one of them.

The metal gates opened, and an ordinary old model Audi entered the Branch's compound.

The car stopped, and there was an old man around his sixties or seventies sitting at the back. His hair was almost all white, but he still appears to be in good health.

Yan Liang's promotion was actually because of his connection with Minister Lui. That's why Yan Liang was very respectful of him. He immediately walks forward to open the car's door for Minister Lui. Then, he helped Minister Lui alight from the vehicle. "Minister Lui, I represent the Branch Bureau to welcome you. Thank you for coming over to inspect and guide us." Yan Liang knew that Minister Lui do not like grand welcomes. But he still has to show his respect for him.

Minister Lui looked at the people standing behind Yan Liang and laughed: "You…… since when did you learn all these? Everyone get back to work. I am retired, and what's there for me to inspect? I was also from the Western District Branch. I am just coming back for a visit today." Minister Lui casually passed his bag to his driver and guard.

Yan Liang immediately moved over and grabbed the bag. "Let me carry it."

Minister Lui laughed and did not say anything. Many years ago, Yan Liang was the one who carried his bag for him.

Zhou Guoan, Xu Yan and the rest walked over and greeted Minister Lui politely. After everyone had greeted Minister Lui, Yan Liang asked everyone to disperse. Only the members of the General Affairs Office and a few young personnel from the other departments remained. Yan Liang accompanied Minister Lui for a stroll around the branch.

Minister Lui looked around and sighed. "That Chinese date tree is still there? Eh? The cafeteria is still the same? Nothing had changed. Xiao Yan, is the Political Section still in that corner on level 3?" Minister Lui asks when he walked around. Once in a while, he will speak to the young staffs. He did not have the air of a leader. Guo Shunjie, Guo Panwei and two members of the Public Security Sixth Bureau silently moved behind Minister Lui, hoping he would speak to them and leave an impression with him.

Dong Xuebing was not interested in this. He was the last person at the back and was staring at Guo Shunjie. He really wished he could give him a kick on his face.

Guo Shunjie could feel someone was staring at him from behind. He turned and gave Dong Xuebing a cold smile.

Actually, when Dong Xuebing was promoted to become the Deputy Chief of the General Affairs Office, many younger staffs were unhappy. How can someone who had joined the bureau for less than 2 months be promoted? They had been working there for 2 to 3 years, and it was not their turn. This was why when Dong Xuebing's career was coming to an end, they were gloating.

Not long later, Minister Lui entered Yan Liang's office. The rest of them waited outside.

Guo Shunjie looked around and walked over to Dong Xuebing. "Chief Xiao Dong, my training course at the Party is starting next week. I will be applying for two weeks of leave from work." He purposely emphasis on the words, Party School to spite Dong Xuebing. Even the leader could not get to attend the training, and his staff member will be participating. This was like a slap to Dong Xuebing's face.

Tan Limei, who was standing by the side, knew that it was Guo Shunjie who switched the documents and could not stand it: "Guo Shunjie! You are despicable!"

Chang Juan and Zhuang Zhi were also furious. This person could switch documents to frame his superior and colleagues! He was really a scum!

Guo Shunjie stared at Tan Limei in her eyes: "Who do you think you are scolding? Ah?"

The other people who were not from the General Affairs Department were watching this free show.

Suddenly, Yan Liang office's door opens. Guo Shunjie just let out a 'Hmph!' and looks away. Respect for Dong Xuebing? Guo Shunjie does not care about this anymore. He was not willing to show any respect to Dong Xuebing. He now has Zhou Guoan backing him. Once he attended the training course, he will be promoted to Dong Xuebing's supervisor!

Yan Liang walked out with Minister Lui.

Minister Lui laughed and said: "Let's go and visit the bureau's quarters. I had lived there for several years. I really miss that place."

Yan Liang smiled and replied: "Ok. Can I drive you there?"

"Let's take a walk. It is not far from here. We can also exercise."

After leaving the branch, they walked for about 100 meters and turned into a small alley.

Dong Xuebing followed behind with his fist clenched. He was thinking about what else he could do to stop Guo Shunjie from entering the Party School and his promotion.

After walking for about 10 minutes, there was a commotion in front.

"Minister Lui, how are you feeling?"

"Minister Lui, are you ok?"

Dong Xuebing, who was walking with Tan Limei and Zhuang Zhi at the back of the group, looked over. They saw Minister Lui panting heavily, but he was still smiling to Yan Liang. "Asthma. I got this condition about 2 years ago. It's ok. I have my inhaler with me. The inhaler is in my bag.

Everyone was relieved when they heard it was asthma.

But Yan Liang's following words shocked everyone. "Ah! Your bag is left in my office!" Yan Liang was used to be the leader for years. He had forgotten the habit of carrying someone else's bag. He was also troubled by his family problems recently and had forgotten about Minister Lui's bag. Although he had noticed that he had forgotten about Minister Lui's bag after leaving the branch, he thought nothing about it, as he did not know that Minister Lui had asthma and his medication was in his bag.

Minister Lui's breathing became faster when he heard Yan Liang. He grabs his chest and starts to gasp for air. His sweat was pouring down his face.

Yan Liang panicked. "Damn! Medicine! Who has medicine for asthma? Heart attack medication is also fine! Who have it?"

All the people there were below 30 years old. All of them were healthy, and who would bring these medicines around? The guard, who was following Minister Lui, was only his bodyguard. He did not bring any spare medicine!

Guo Shunjie was in a rush to impress the leaders: "I will call for an ambulance!" He shouted and immediately start dialing the number.

Yan Liang was holding on to Minister Lui with one hand, and the other was holding his phone, calling the branch. "Go to my office and bring me that brown colored leather bag! The second Hutong! Drive! I need it now! Hurry up!"

Minister Lui was struggling to breathe, and he was spasming!

Goddamn! The branch bureau was too far from here, and the ambulance will not be on time!

Yan Liang was panicking. "Sir! Hang in there! The medicine will be here!" Yan Liang then turned to the others and shouted: "Go and buy medicine from the nearest pharmacy! Go now!"

Dong Xuebing was also panicking. Pharmacy? The nearest pharmacy is also a distance from here. It was obvious that Minister Lui could not even last a minute! There will not be enough time!


Wait a minute!

Dong Xuebing stopped suddenly and could feel his whole body getting heated up!


This is my chance to save myself!


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