Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 613 Welcome to the continent of Kaos

Sekhmet was silent.

If the brothers and sisters could work together to fight to the death, Hathor would not be the first to throw it.

No, she even had a strong urge. Wouldn't it be better for her to be the first one?

Everyone knows that the gods of Kaos are not gentle and cute little lambs. Their vast pantheon and many gods did not come about through peaceful negotiations.

In order to absorb the Mohan Ade divine system, it is natural to recruit one faction to fight against the other to prevent them from having a chance to make a comeback.

As long as Ren is not stupid, he must establish one or several examples and treat them well before using the most disobedient Mohan Ad to his death. As for how far Hathor can climb, it depends on the other side. mood.

Speaking of which, Hathor doesn't even need to bear the stigma of being the chief traitor, because according to the order, Bastet (Shares) who ran over during the last battle between the two camps was the first traitor.

There is a huge difference between the infamy of "betraying when the two sides are at war" and "changing jobs when the two sides have a common enemy and are not at war".

When she thought of this, Sekhmet quickly convinced herself that when she really couldn't bear it anymore, she would just change jobs through Hathor.

She asked tentatively: "He, that Ren is really that good?"

"I don't know. The information in the two worlds is blocked. Without any choice, I can only believe Bastet's words. Either don't vote, or vote for the strongest one. This is right."

Sekhmet hesitated to speak, and finally sighed: "Then, let me take a look at the situation on your side first."

As soon as Sekhmet left, Set's wife Nephthys came. Also asking about Hathor's actions.

Somewhat unexpectedly, she just asked Hathor why he did this and left without any expression.

Hathor was not surprised by this.

Nephthys must act from Seth's point of view. If Seth doesn't let go, any more words she says will make him angry.

Representatives from the two major camps came to hear the news, which can only be said to be an interlude of this transfer. It didn't take long for Hathor's 45,000 followers to be transferred.

The number of people dropped. On the one hand, some believers couldn't wait and died before the gathering.

On the other hand, there is the strict class stratification of the Imas people. There are roughly seven levels from the highest ruler, the Pharaoh, to the lowest slaves.

In addition to some nobles, bureaucrats and priests, most of Hathor's followers are farmers and other laborers, as well as slaves.

Those who consider themselves noble are unwilling to rely on others and choose to give up their faith in Hathor.

Hathor was not annoyed and left them to their own choice.

When all her followers passed through the portal and arrived at the world of Kaos several galaxies away, Hathor quickly contacted all the gods of Mohan'ad who could be contacted, only to receive silence.

She finally did something big - she simply gave up her kingdom.

The beautiful and resplendent kingdom of God on earth disappears in front of the believers' eyes at a speed visible to the naked eye like haze dispersed by the sun.

Seeing the kingdom of God on the other side of the door disappear, the Imas believers who didn't know how much love and beauty they had for a while cried sadly.

It carries too much joy and laughter, their countless dreams, and their best memories.

However, at this moment, it was not destroyed by foreign enemies, but erased by the goddess Hathor herself.

Standing in front of the portal, Hathor knelt on his knees and raised his hands high.

The golden ball of light that condensed the last of her divine power was squirming slightly less than ten centimeters away from the palm of her hand.

She was asking Ren for instructions.

Ren was a little stunned.

This divine power is actually not weak.

At least it cannot be sent back to the world of Kaos through the portal.

The only thing that Ren can do is to send it to the Chaos Mother Planet over a long distance through open methods.

In the past, the will of the world of Imas would have definitely prevented all of this, but unfortunately it has been driven insane by the power of chaos.

Ren sighed softly, and with a spiritual thought, this extremely concentrated divine power flew into the air in an instant.

The dazzling golden color penetrated the sky and attracted the attention of all Mohan Ad gods.

They watched helplessly as this powerful divine power, which originally belonged to the Goddess of Love and Beauty in their world, began its short interstellar journey, flying straight towards the mother planet of Chaos.

The hearts of the gods of Kaos who were fighting fiercely on the front line jumped. Everyone looked up into the sky in unison, watching as this extremely refined divine power was accurately injected into the kingdom of Kaos, the goddess of love and beauty Susanna.

No one is a fool.

This was not a scheduled supply day, not to mention that everyone was familiar with the wave of divine power that was completely different from Susanna's.

This is the magical power of Mohan Adelai!

Rose's eyes sharpened, and then she chuckled: "Oh, Ren Tesla wasn't fooling me. He really crippled those idiots in Mohan Ad and had to take refuge with us."

If the first one works, there will be the second one, the twentieth one...

This is the tragedy of Mohan Ade, but it is the luck of Kaos.

Although Rose hated the fact that Ren caused Ma En to rob her of her drow followers, but unable to retreat, she had to hypnotize herself to make her believe that Ren would really bring her god-level power. cannon fodder.

At first she was doubtful, but now it seems that she can't help but trust Ren a little more.

On the planet Imas, it was not until this moment that Seth suddenly realized: "No! Doesn't this confirm that our Mohan'ad God System has fornicated with the Kaos God System and is fighting against the Chaos Lord with all our strength? Bastard Ren *Tesla! You are so vicious——"

If all Ren had done before was to frame the situation, then from the moment Hathor dedicated his own kingdom of God and put this iconic divine power into the front lines of the Chaos Mother Star, all the crimes were fully realized.

In the final analysis, the reason why the Mohan'ad pantheon has been able to sustain for so long is due to the fact that the Lord of Chaos did not pay enough attention to it. Once the monarch is cornered, can they hold on?

A sky full of yellow sand suddenly rose up from the outside of the square in front of the portal, and a terrifying sandstorm tornado formed in the blink of an eye.

This is not unfamiliar to the Imas people. This is because the evil god Seth, who claims to be the king of gods, is angry.

His divine power poured into the desert, setting off a terrifying sandstorm that could destroy a city.

Unfortunately it was too late.

A giant hand made of lightning and ice vapor stood far away, allowing Hathor to slowly step into the portal with her last three hundred or so angels.

At the moment when the portal was about to close, Hathor turned around and showed a look full of pity.

I wonder, she pities Seth who is stubborn? Or herself?

There was a strange pulling feeling in the void, and she knew very well that even though she had given up her priesthood in the world of Imas and wanted to transmit the true god body of a weak divine power, this strength itself was exaggerated.

But what was even more exaggerated was the teleportation route. She vaguely felt that she had to go around several times before being teleported.

There was a trance, light came, and she heard a gentle male voice: "Welcome to the continent of Kaos."


ps: Sanyang is in full swing, and there will only be basic updates in the next two days.

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