Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 603 Let’s burn some glass

The best performance of Renn's field control was to kill a dozen god-level chaos demons with weak or weak divine power, but 'deliberately' left the ones with the most destructive power behind.

For example, the God of Fire, who was once a powerful god, and the God of Suffering, who was a moderately powerful god.

Fortunately, these two idiots were transferred by Chaos Warmaster Abaddon to beat Set.

Because the Chaos Warmaster himself is a product of Chaos. Chaos is notoriously unstable, and he is also a warmaster. The strong one can stabilize most powerful gods, while the weak one is only at the level of medium-power gods.

It was entirely because a certain Chaos Demon had the ability to command more than 100,000 elite Chaos Demons that he was directly thrust into the position of Warmaster by the Overlord.

Abaddon is the kind of man who can fight on his own, has considerable commanding skills, and can stand alone.

His appearance put Seth under considerable pressure.

A ten-story-tall Chaos Titan, Abaddon has a build similar to the legendary Titans. He wears a fierce dragon-horned helmet. The horns on the helmet come from the chaotic and evil dragon [God of Destruction] Karikas.

The visor of the helmet was open, revealing a swollen face like a floating corpse, with a few sparse hairs on the chin like weeds in the wind.

His giant left arm is covered with dried corpse spots, and his right chest and right arm are made of robot-like metal limbs. The rest of his body and lower limbs are composed of large clusters of crystal clusters and rocks, and his whole body exudes a hot chaotic aura. , flames, frost, thunder and lightning flashed from time to time.

Now, he has gained a new title [Destroyer] in the world of Imas!

Because he not only killed the God of Destruction of the Kaos Dragon Clan, but also just defeated the kingdom of Mohan Ad, the frog god Harquid. Harquid only survived with his divine body and fled in embarrassment.

It's a pity that his attack seems to be a little ineffective against Seth.

His big, swollen mouth suddenly opened ten times wider, and a cluster of terrifying chaos light cannons ejected from the mouth with sparse teeth.

When the dim cluster of chaotic light spanned a distance of a kilometer and was about to hit Seth's Kingdom of God on Earth, a ten-story giant virtual image with a leopard head and body appeared.

Seth, who was naked from the waist up, suddenly stretched out his left hand. There was obviously an invisible divine power in his hand that could restrain the rushing power of chaos together. The bursting chaotic turbulence is like the churning wine poured into a goblet. Although it looks chaotic, it can only flow within a certain range.

Finally, Seth pushed hard, and a huge amount of chaotic power bounced back in place.


The desert within a kilometer radius was affected, and strange jagged rocks, twisted tree roots, foul-smelling turbid springs, and all kinds of messy things appeared on the ground.

Only Abaddon himself had no influence.

"Tch!" Both sides spat in unison.

As an evil god with the [Corruption] priesthood, Set may be the one least afraid of the power of chaos among the gods of Mohan Ad. Direct chaos strikes are not very effective against him.

For Abaddon, this level of backlash from the power of Chaos is nothing more than a return of power to its origins. I saw his huge body trembling twice, but the power that would have been enough to destroy other existences was easily absorbed by him.

It's not that Abaddon can't charge hard. Firstly, it's too risky, and secondly, the effect may not be good.

He raised his swollen eyelids and looked elsewhere.

His Chaos General, as well as the two tool Chaos Gods, the God of Suffering and the God of Fire, were all blocked.

Seth wasn't the only one.

Seth is directly in charge of a small pantheon. His wife Sephitis is the god of fertility and the patron saint of houses and the dead. She is a weak god at any rate.

Seth has two sons, one is the less famous patron saint of the army, Upuot, and the other is the more famous patron saint of the underworld, Anubis.

They easily held the God of Suffering and the God of Fire, and even had time to beat the other Chaos generals.

This doesn't include Anubis' wife and daughter. In the Mohan Ade pantheon, they are considered gods.

In the eyes of an outsider like Ren, they don't count. After all, they have divinity and priesthood, but no fragments of divinity. They are not strictly defined gods.

In any case, Seth has a few core fighting gods, who can sometimes intimidate a few animal gods to run over and block the knives, plus a bunch of demigods, as well as tens of thousands of angels and angels with considerable strength. , Servant of God, Warrior of God, Abaddon is really hard to talk about.

This situation is just like on the mother planet of Chaos, where the Great Lord cannot eat Pelor and the others together.

Unless the source of divine power is cut off, these gods are so disgusting.

However, Seth, as the [God of Evil and Destruction], has very special vocations, including [Corruption], [Desert], [Destruction], [Drought] and [Night], which specialize in destruction.

To a certain extent, what the Chaos Legion did happened to provide Seth with a lot of divine power.

This makes Seth more energy-consuming than other colleagues.

In a sense, unless Chaos completely corrupts the entire planet, the more it destroys the planet, the stronger Seth's power will be.

The Chaos Legion is famous for being stubborn and will continue to fight if they can't defeat them.

This is very funny.

The two parties are fighting each other desperately, and the chaos erosion in the world of Imas still shows no sign of stopping.

Abaddon did it on purpose, Set didn't care.

Gods fight, bringing disaster to mortals.

The living environment on the planet Imas is becoming more and more harsh day by day.

As a director and screenwriter, Lane was happy to see this scene. This is the fear that the enemy will not die, but also the fear that the enemy will die too quickly.

If Seth is such a scourge, it will be difficult for the gods of Kaos to mobilize the gods under him unless he falls.

Looking at Anubis on the screen with a jackal head and holding the line, Ren suddenly felt like "gold, wood, water, fire, you".

right! There was a shortage of soil in his camp.

No, what Lei means is that there is a need for a gatekeeper. His disciples have their own great uses, and guarding gates is not suitable for them.

In the past, multi-armed giants were just fine as goalkeepers. Now this thing is not powerful enough. At most, it can guard the door of Downs' new temple.

I don't know why, but when I look at this dog head, I have the illusion that Anubis must be the ultimate social animal. It's the kind of feeling that even if he uses a pickaxe to mine, he can swipe out sparks all over the screen.

It's a pity that Brother Kotou's father Seth is still alive, so Ren can't poach him!

At this time, looking at the magic mirror in Master Ren's Tower (temple), and looking at the planet Imas that was gradually sinking into the power of chaos, Flora asked: "Master, if the entire planet turns into chaos, what will happen?" It will not further affect the surrounding shape.”

Ren replied casually: "Well, there is indeed a risk of spreading the power of chaos when it is cultivated. If necessary, burn some glass."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. After Xia Ruisi, who happened to be here, tasted the essence of these words, her whole body felt like being struck by lightning, and she was shocked and speechless.

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