Popular science physics, teach a magic god?

Chapter 601 Disintegration of the Evil Alliance

I remember you! God of Knights!

I remember you! The sleeping god of dwarfs!

I remember...

you%#@#! @

Remember a ghost!

The majestic Lord of Chaos angrily overturned the table of the soul!

Threatening one enemy is called a threat, threatening several enemies is called harsh words, and threatening a dozen enemies at the same time is called farting!

Both sides are at war, and you can't just kill the enemy just because you want to. That's not just talk.

This feels a bit like blame-free.

What's even more amazing is: Although Renn seems to be so generous, he pushed 16 gods up the valley in one breath and directly promoted them on the battlefield. In fact, he is really not very generous.

The total number of fragments of the godhead that Ren gave away amounted to just over twenty index points.

I can't stand it. These twenty or so points are all critical points!

According to the algorithm of godhead points and godhead index, the index is the square of the points, so 34 and 35 points are still weak divine power, and 36 has just crossed the threshold of weak divine power.

Don't look at the difference of just one or two points, it's not just a difference, it's a difference of life!

[I can be forcibly crushed by the Lord of Chaos at any time] vs [The Lord of Chaos cannot crush me until he exhausts my divine power]!

The difference in mentality is completely different from heaven to earth.

Along with the upgrade of the gods, there is also the expansion of the Kingdom of God and the expansion of the angel battle group, and the combat power has almost doubled.

Even for a pantheon with multiple gods, this means that the main god has one less person to take care of, and at least one more thug who can take charge of his own role.

There may not be many benefits from Ren's concession, but more than a dozen divine systems want to accept Ren's favor.

Don't look at Renn's aura of "I'll be the same with a bowl of water", but in fact, whoever takes which godhead fragment to advance to the next level has to be particular about it. For example, my girl Fiona has [War], a godhead fragment that is very practical and practical. A promotion can increase her combat power by more than 100%, and a rough estimate is 150%.

After all, the [War] priesthood means that even if she comes to the enemy's territory, she can draw a certain amount of divine power from the [War] phenomenon around her. This brings endurance that the [Knight] priesthood does not have.

As for Li'erla, the God of Singing who had given Ren En face before and sang at Downs' promotion ceremony, she was promoted with the [Literature] Godhead fragment of the God of Literature who was already on the street.

Just tell me, does this thing have any bonus to combat power?

It can't be said that it's useless. This at least helped Li Erla to be promoted to a weak divine power.

As for the familiar god Xia Ruisi, she took the fragment of the godhead of [God of Art and Reptiles] Fande.

Well, a godhead fragment named [Various Arts].

In addition to being promoted, it can theoretically make her dance better and have her own BGM.

In order to express their gratitude, Li Erla and Xia Ruisi specially played God's Drop and came to Rennes to give a private performance to the Physics School as a thank you.

The only audience was Ren, his girl, and a group of second-generation disciples.

If it weren't for Susanna, the goddess of love and beauty with powerful divine power, who was here as a thank you but actually as a supervisor, Ren was willing to bet that he could dance with Charis as he wanted.

A large number of Kaos' powerful gods have been promoted, eliminating a crisis of destruction, but the undercurrent within Kaos has not stopped.

Renn has balanced the good and neutral gods. Don't forget, there are still a group of evil gods who are looking at them coldly.

If Renne is arrogant enough, he can ignore them. At this point in time, they will not be able to make a difference.

As a senior P club player, it’s basic to trick your allies.

Some of the 'allies' knew clearly that these guys were not compatible with him and were eager to kill them. Due to the current enemy, Renn still had to grasp the main contradiction and let go of the secondary contradictions.

Just after this collective promotion incident, Renn first found the Lord of Hell and the Lord of Storms. After settling these two big bosses, he then found the orc god Gnus.

Gnus didn't even want to see him directly. Even though Ren called the spiritual 'phone', he could still only see Gnus's holy symbol - a scarlet one eye that never closed.

【What are you looking for me for? I don't think there's anything to talk about with you. If you threaten me with supply of the power of faith, you don’t have to supply it. 】

The harsh words proved that he already knew what happened to the orcs in Kaos continent.

Renn decisively dumped the blame: [Hi! You can't say that. It was the Barbarossa Empire that believed in the God of Knights. They counterattacked the orcs and took over the five northern provinces. I'm just making a start. 】

Fortunately, Fiona couldn't hear this, otherwise if she said anything, Ren would spread her thighs and write the word "miserable" on her thighs.

Genus was silent.

This actually makes sense. He didn't even know whether the God of Knights was a goddess, let alone know about Fiona and Ren's affair. At least on the surface, the knight goddess with weak divine power is carrying the banner, and the one who should take the blame is Tempus, the god of battle.

The orc pantheon and the human pantheon have been sworn enemies since ancient times. There is nothing to say and no need to clean up.

[If you have something to say, say it, and if you fart, let it go! 】Orcs handle things, from mortals to gods, in a simple and crude way.

[You can talk to Tempus about the matter of believers, it has nothing to do with me. I know all the shit the Spider Goddess has been up to lately. 】

These words immediately put Genus out of control.

No, what a female spider, you keep saying that only the four main gods know about it, and this has already reached Ren’s ears? You are famous for your conspiracy, is this how you do things?

What do you think you are doing? This is rebellion!

Maybe we will die first!

Genus didn't realize that Ren was deceiving him at all, and immediately lowered the Spider Goddess's evaluation to negative in his heart.

When Ren saw that Genus remained silent, he knew that he was right.

[I admit, I don’t like orcs. Virtually all human gods share this virtue. 】


[But for the overall purpose of defeating the Lord of Chaos, I can make certain concessions on behalf of Pelor and other good gods. 】

[You speak, I listen! 】

[You also know about the world of Imas, right? I can bring the crocodile god of Mohan Ad and one or two additional animal gods under your wing as your slave gods. 】

When Genus heard Ren's words, his first reaction was to laugh in anger.

It sounds so ridiculous.

Are you so generous to others to compensate me?

Renn's next words left Genus speechless: [Of course, if you oppose me wholeheartedly, I can also let the Crocodile God and others fall into the world of Imas. 】

Genus was silent again.

Ren's move is the same as America's 'Western Development' at the beginning of the founding of the country. Let new immigrants build railways from the 13 newly established North American states all the way to the west and build new pioneer territories. In exchange, the new immigrants will receive new land.

Well, Indian land.

Regardless of whether this matter lacks great virtue, just say whether it is successful or not, right?

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