Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

271 Qin Yun is about to make a comeback (Second Update)

"Qin Yun, the scale of victory seems to be tilted toward me, do you think you can still win?"

Although things didn't go as expected at the beginning, Liu Feng was satisfied in the end.

Liu Feng already felt that he had the chance to win.

Three to one, and his strongest Pokémon Slaking has been restored, the current Contest Condition is not bad, he really can't think of the possibility of losing in such a situation.

Qin Yun frowned slightly, he was very clear about his own disadvantages.

It is still too difficult for him to fight against these people now.

Fortunately, after the end of this battle, the preliminaries will end, and the finals will start in at least a month, and one month is enough time to grow up to the point where I can compete with these first battles.

"Come out, Bangira. 35

Qin Yun was completely unaffected by Liu Feng's words.


Bangira's figure appeared in front of everyone.

The corner of Liu Feng's mouth rose slightly, and the only Pokémon Qin Yun could send at the moment was Bangira.

"Who do you think I'm sending?"

Liu Feng deliberately held two Poké Balls and turned them in his hands. In addition to the one that was seriously injured on the field, he had three Pokémons that could only be used.

The reason why he said this was to humiliate Qin Yun.

"Forget it, it's up to you, Pidgeot!"

Pidgeot with 330,000 combat power is the Pokémon that Liu Feng has never sent out and is full of Contest Condition.

He was going to use this Pokémon to drain Bangira's stamina, so that Slaking would be able to defeat Bangira more easily.

Liu Feng's tactical arrangement was really good, not giving Qin Yun a chance to make a comeback.

President Jiang and Mo Manqi knew that when Liu Feng sent a new Pokémon, it was too difficult for Qin Yun to create a miracle. It seemed that they were destined to fail this time.

It's not a grain of nothing, it can only be said that the income is not within their expectations at all, and it is much less than their expectations.

"The battle begins!

At the beginning of the seventh game, Bangira still showed his Totem style. With the strength of Zhenzhenguo, he easily defeated Pidgeot.

It's really easy, and it's a little more relaxed than everyone expected.

Liu Feng was dumbfounded when he saw that Pidgeot was defeated with just a few moves.

"How can it be so fast...~~"

He really couldn't believe the ending.

"Pidgeot loses power, Bangira wins, ask Petalburg gym player Liu Feng to send a new Pokémon within ten seconds, and the battle will start in ten seconds."

The referee was stunned for a while before he realized that Bangira's power was too mysterious and evil, and without a certain strength, it was easy to be directly attacked.

"Come out, Slaking!"

Liu Feng's eyes became solemn, and he found that Qin Yun's Bangira seemed to be recovering better than he thought.

But even if Qin Yun recovers well, he will not lose, he believes in his Slaking.

Slaking is the strongest Pokémon of Lord Norman. He is completely based on Lord Norman. He has put a lot of effort into Slaking. He believes that Slaking is absolutely impossible to lose. This is his belief.

The eighth inning battle began.

Slaking's strength is indeed very fierce. At the beginning, Slaking suppressed Bangira with his powerful strength.

Seeing this scene, Liu Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, he should have won.

But over time, he found that things seemed to be different for Mikey.

His Slaking consumes a lot of physical strength, and some of the following movements have been deformed.

And although that Bangira's movements were deformed, the Contest Condition seemed to be pretty good, not worse than Slaking.

And he remembers his Slaking Contest Condition as the better one at first.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but have a bad feeling in his heart.

"My Slaking recovery ability and battle consumption are far higher than this Bangira, and if I continue to fight like this, I will most likely lose."


When he thought that he was likely to lose, Liu Feng's heart really panicked.

"Calm down, you must calm down, there will definitely be a chance.

Liu Feng took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

But the more he calmed down, the more he realized that he seemed to be caught in a big net.

When Liu Feng discovered this, a cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

At this time, Liu Feng turned his gaze to his senior brother, and found the disappointment in his eyes, and his heart became even colder.

Is he... really going to lose?

The audience outside the arena, including President Jiang, haven't found out yet, and they still think Qin Yun should lose.

But when Liu Feng discovered these things, there was also a problem with his command, and everyone suddenly realized that it seems that Bangira is currently in the upper hand?

Mo Manqi and President Jiang couldn't help rubbing their eyes, unable to believe what they saw.

Qin Yun is going to make a comeback?

So... so incredible.

It's really incredible.

Outside the venue, there are many people from the university admissions office, who are the tutors of nine famous schools.

They arrived yesterday, but they didn't find Qin Yun right away. They wanted to watch Qin Yun's battle and make a decision.

They won't fully believe what the outside world says until they see it with their own eyes.

But really when they saw Qin Yun's battle, they found that they underestimated Qin Yun by a lot.

Qin Yun's talent was stronger than they thought.

If Qin Yun is admitted to his school and cultivated seriously, he will definitely be a leader of the generation!

The leader of a generation, that is the strongest person in this segment.

Only the strongest person in a segment can be called a leader.

And Qin Yun, has a potential.

Thinking of this, their hearts couldn't help (Zhao Qian's) get hot.

Obviously, they are more interested in the current Qin Yun.

It seems that the benefits they said before are going to be mentioned again.

Otherwise, I'm sorry Qin Yun's potential is pure.

These famous schools will never deduct the benefits of geniuses. As long as you have this potential and ability, you can get everything you want.

It's that simple.

Therefore, the nine famous schools in Longguo also rank very high in the world, three of them are in the top ten in the world, and the other six are all in the top 30 in the world, which is quite impressive.

Slaking lost, but Slaking gave Bangira a fatal blow before losing his combat power, and was going to replace Bangira directly.

Bangira took this self-defeating blow and was a little shaky.

But Bangira still carried on with her amazing will, and her spirit was commendable.

The ninth game, the final game of life and death, also accompanies it.

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