Residents of Lancang City and surrounding cities evacuated urgently. Such a big move not only caused a stir on the Internet, but also spread all over the world.

[What's going on? Why did you have to evacuate suddenly? Is this going to be a war?]

[Not only Lancang City, several cities are evacuating]

[Damn, this movement can’t be the arrival of a first-level god, right?

[Brother, don’t scare me, I’m still in Lancang City]

[It is very possible that any country is trying to attack us now, so excluding war, the only one who can cause large-scale evacuation is a first-level god]

[As a citizen of Xiangjiang City, there is a high probability that a first-class god has come. Last time Groudon came to Xiangjiang waters, this is how we evacuated.

[Don’t be afraid, we have a ginger champion]

[If we really fight, the aftermath won’t matter whether you have Champion Jiang or not]

[Please refer to Baga Kingdom]

Some smart people have already thought that Xia Kingdom's large-scale evacuation of people was most likely because of the first-level gods. As people who were evacuated from the city, they were naturally very scared after knowing this.

Chaos will inevitably occur, but fortunately there are a large number of government personnel to maintain order.

If anyone dares to buy for zero yuan at this time, don't blame them for using violent methods.

Of course, all countries knew what happened in Xia Kingdom.

Many countries hope in their hearts that the first-level god will have a fight with Meiqing in Xia Kingdom.

The pressure that Xia State puts on them is too great. If Jiang Qing stays alive in the future, then if nothing happens, all countries will live in the shadow of Zhen State.

The only one who can break the situation is the first-level god. The powerful first-level god can kill Jiang Qing's black and white Opelucid.

Although Jiang Qing also has a stronger Mewtwo.

However, after research by various countries, the relationship between Mewtwo and Jiang Qing should be a cooperative relationship, so this cooperative relationship may end in the future.

Unlike the black and white Opelucid, who is truly a first-level god belonging to Jiang Qing, the threat level is much higher than that of Mewtwo, who has a cooperative relationship.

Even if Jiang Qing's black and white Opelucid cannot be killed, it is still possible to destroy Xia State's Lancang City. In this way, most of Xia State's energy will be focused on the reconstruction of Lancang City.

[What happened? Why did two suns appear?

【Ah, my eyes】

[The sun has turned into a lion, so handsome]

[Is this guy a first-level god? 】

[It is rumored that there are two first-level gods sleeping in the Alola secret realm, and the Alola secret realm is on the outskirts of Lancang City. This first-level god could not be one of them]

[Jiang Guanjun’s black and white Opelucid is also out]

[Why did that big lion suddenly run away]

[Then are we safe? They don’t fight]

This is indeed the case. With the disappearance of Solgaleo, the evacuation operations of Lancang City and several surrounding cities have stopped.

You can go back to your respective homes and find your guest mother.

Although the battle did not start, the feeling of surviving a disaster still existed.

Having seen the scene of the battle between the gods in Baga Kingdom, I guess no one except the extremists would want a battle of gods to happen in their own place.

The evacuation operation has been cancelled, but the guard force at the Alola Secret Realm Gate still exists because Jiang has not come out yet.

So even if Solgaleo has left, they cannot leave without knowing the specific situation.

"Solgaleo is awake, so is the other Lunala also awake?" Ram Jun asked curiously.

Jiang Qing had already informed Xia Guo's senior officials about the existence and names of these two first-level gods before, telling them not to go to the central island when exploring the secret realm.

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Jiang Oreburgh rolled his eyes and then said: "You go first, I'll watch from here."

His beloved grandson hasn't come out yet, so Jiang Oreburgh is still a little worried, so he wants to wait here for Jiang Wei to come out.

"I'll wait here for Jiang Qing to come out."

The Gongyang Army still wanted to ask Jiang Qing many things.

And Jiang Qing has now reached the depths of the altar where Solgaleo was sleeping, and saw the good things that the other party left for him.

Divine Stone: The aura emitted unconsciously by the first-level god when he was sleeping was absorbed by the surrounding rocks, and over time, a stone with divine nature was formed.

After using a Pokémon, its soul strength can be increased.

Note: The super and steel types are best used, and the one with the lowest strength will be the winner.

“Really good stuff”

Seeing the specific function of the Divine Stone, Jiang Qing was pleasantly surprised. This thing could actually increase the soul strength of Pokémon.

Jiang Qing has obtained a lot of treasures, most of which have the effect of increasing the Pokémon's background, enhancing the power of moves, or reducing damage.

He doesn't have any treasures that can increase the strength of his soul.

Soul strength is equivalent to mental strength. This thing basically can only increase as the strength of Pokémon increases, and it also depends on your Attribute.

If it is a super or Ghost Type Pokémon, its natural soul strength is higher than that of a Normal Pokémon, so these two Attribute Pokémon are very good at using hypnosis.

As for the hypnotized Pokémon, if its soul strength or mental strength is lower than the opponent's, it will be easily attacked.

The increase in soul strength can not only resist many mental moves, but also control one's own strength more easily.

However, although this thing does not require Attribute, it is also said that the super and steel types have the best effect, which is probably related to Solgaleo's Attribute.

This guy is super and Steel type.

Therefore, the most suitable stone for absorbing its divinity is a Pokémon that matches its Attribute.

Then Jiang Qing looked at Metagross, this guy totally fits the bill.

There are enough of these 507 Divine Stones. It looks like they are estimated to be two or three tons. Jiang Qing doesn’t know how much he can eat to be useful.

Anyway, give it to Metagross first, and then feed the rest to other Pokémon after it eats it.

As for stones, Metagross actually doesn't eat them. It's not in its recipe at all, so the ginger still needs to be taken out and processed.

If you chew it dry, Metagross will definitely not eat it.

Let Metagross dig out all these stones and put Jiang Qing in the system space.

Then they excavated the altar where Lunala was sleeping, and sure enough, they also found the divine stone. The Attribute is suitable for superpowers and ghosts. The number of emperors is similar to that of Solgaleo.

"Hmph, luckily I'm smart, this guy Solgaleo has a hidden trick." Jiang Qing smiled proudly.

Solgaleo only said that there was something for him where it slept, but he did not say that Lunala had the same thing there.

"Jiang Qing, Master Solgaleo cannot decide to give you Master Lunala's things," Tapu·Mingming explained.

If it hadn't been inferior to Jiang Qing, it would have beaten Jiang Qing long ago when Jiang Qing dug up Lunala's sleeping place.

Even though Lunala has now become Little Nebula and was adopted by Jiang Qing, one code is the same.


Seeing Xiao Xingyun helping Jiang Qing dig out the divine stone where Lunala sleeps, what else can Tapu-Mingming say. .

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