Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

497 Xiang Wutong: You Are Shameless

If it weren't for the two first-level gods sleeping in the central island, Jiang Qing would not have gone to the snow mountain with Yue Peng and the others. Now that things have changed, the central island will not go.

The snow-capped mountains are located at the easternmost point of Poni Island, and Poni Island is the name of the island where they are located.

The other three islands are Melemele Island, Karla Island and Ula'ula Island.

The names of these islands were also given to Jiang Qing by Tapu-Fin.

At the foot of the snow-capped mountain, the temperature has changed from more than 20 degrees at the beginning to minus one or two degrees now, and this is still the temperature at the foot of the mountain.

The higher the temperature, the lower the temperature.

This snow-capped mountain is about 5,000 meters high. According to the fact that the temperature drops by 6 degrees for every 1,000 meters, the temperature at the top of the mountain should be minus 30 degrees.

The down jackets that several people had already put on looked like thin down jackets, but they had a very good thermal insulation effect, and they were filled with fluff from Walrein Xia Tian.

It can withstand the extreme weather of minus 50 degrees, so this down jacket is enough for Jiang Qing and the others to not be afraid of the 08 temperature here.

There is very little snow here at the foot of the snow-capped mountains, and most of them are bare rocks and some gurgling streams.

Several Rattata from Alola Region can be seen drinking water by the stream, but they fled here in a panic after finding Jiang Qing and the others.

"Beware of the Rock under your feet," Yue Peng warned.

The Rock under his feet fluctuated, not because he was afraid of a few people falling, but because he was afraid that they would accidentally step on the Geodude Golem disguised as Rock and other Pokémon.

Many Geodudes like to rest in this Crag Area, and Geodudes are also social creatures. If there is one under your feet, there must be a group nearby.

In the Rock area, be careful of the Geodude disguised as a Rock. Almost every Trainer knows this, but even so, there are still many Trainers who step on the Geodude every year, so they don’t react in time and are killed by it. .


"Kang Jin"

Metagross nodded, under its Psychic scanning, the Geodude disguised as Rock was nowhere to be found. In a short while, Jiang Qing and the others had dozens of Geodudes floating in the air a few hundred meters away. mid-air.

Among them are several Gravelers.

There are so many Geodudes hiding around the good guy.

Instinctively took a look with probing eyes, Jiang Qing let out a "Huh".

"What's wrong?" Qin Wu asked.

She thought that Jiang Qing had discovered some danger.

"That Geodude's aptitude should be good, Yue Peng, you can subdue it"

Jiang Qing pointed to the Pokémon that was more than sixty meters away from him, and Metagross controlled this Pokémon to fly in front of Meiqing and the others.

Because he couldn't move, and was watched by Jiang Qing and five other Pokémon, a total of ten pairs of eyes.

Geodude: It's so stressful, I feel so flustered, they won't want to eat me.

Thinking of this, Geodude rolled his eyelids and fainted from fright.

Jiang Qing: "A bit timid"

Little one, a Geodude, which is only less than tenth level, was stared at by five Elite level Pokémon, and it didn't immediately faint from fright, which is already quite courageous.

The probing eye shows that this Geodude from Alola Region is cyan qualified.

Alola Region's Geodude is Rock and Electric Type, which is exactly in line with Yue Peng's Attribute.

The aptitude testing machine is relatively large, and it is not convenient to bring it into the secret realm at all. Therefore, when most Trainers subdue a Pokémon, they will roughly judge the aptitude of the Pokémon from the overall consideration of the Pokémon's own demeanor, physical health, and hair.

However, the accuracy of this judgment is not very high, and it is easy to get lost.

At the very least, the Geodude in front of me is thin and small, and obviously looks stunted. Among these Geodudes, this appearance is considered poor.

But Jiang Qing said that this Geodude has good aptitude, at least it has cyan aptitude, so Yue Peng was subdued by this Geodude.

In fact, he has an Elite-level Golem, but naturally there are not too many Pokémon with excellent qualifications, and this is a Regional Variant Geodude.

"You can see the aptitude of Pokémon," Qin Wu said differently.

"There is a vague feeling." Jiang Qing nodded.

Although he didn't tell the truth, he also said a general idea.

"True or not?" Xiang Wutong didn't believe it.

This time, Xia Fei who was next to him said contemptuously: "If you can't do it, it doesn't mean others can't do it"

"I can also roughly sense the aptitude of Pokémon, but it is only limited to the dragon type, because I have the calendar of dragons"

After speaking, he looked at Xiang Wutong proudly.

Xiang Wutong's jealous expression made Xia Fei very satisfied.

"What's so great about special abilities?" Xiang Wutong muttered.

"The special ability is nothing special, it just can improve the strength of Pokémon, it's just like normal, the key is that you don't have this ability"

That last sentence is the key.

You don't have it, I have it, and I'm happy.

"Hmph, what are you proud of? My ancestors of the Xiang family also have special abilities. Maybe I have them too, but I haven't awakened them."

Looking at Xia Fei's face, Xiang Wutong felt very uncomfortable.

"I know what ability it is, Psychic said with a round smile.

"Get out" Xiang Wutong stared at the other party.

There is a meme in the outside world, that is, everyone has the possibility of awakening Psychic.

Because among all known special abilities, only Psychic awakened people have a variety of occupations, including drivers, workers, white-collar workers, and of course trainers. The number of jobs is also the most among all special abilities B4.

When people are in extreme emotions, such as Rage, sadness, joy, fear, etc., there is a very small probability of awakening Psychic.

So Psychic is also called civilian ability.

It means that ordinary people also have this possibility. Of course, most awakened people are in the early stage all their lives.

And abilities like the power of waveguide, the power of Yulong, and the power of overcoming mainly depend on heredity.

If your ancestors have this ability, you might also have it. If your ancestors don't, then don't even think about it, unless you find a first-level god to give you this ability.

"Let's go, let's go directly to the top of the mountain to have a look," Yue Peng said.

The probability of treasures appearing at the foot of the snow mountain is very low. After all, there are many Pokémon around. If there are treasures, they have already taken them away.

"If there is a good Pokémon on the top of Jiang Qing Mountain, please tell me." Xiang Wutong came to Jiang Qing and whispered, and looked at Xia Fei after speaking, as if he didn't want the other party to hear.

On the top of the snow mountain, there must be water system Pokémon.

But obviously Xia Fei still heard it: "Jiang Qing, don't help him, this person is not worthy of your help"

"Do you want to fight?"

Xiang Wutong glared at Xia Fei, this guy might be itchy.

When did the Dragon Element Trainer dare to do such a Power Trip in front of his Ice Element?

Xia Fei: "If you don't use ice, I will fight with you"

Xiang Wutong: You are so fucking shameless. .

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