Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

466 Ginger Oreburgh: My Champion


Hera Cross stood up again and looked at Metagross with dissatisfaction.

Hera Cross: Come on, I just slipped.

It’s already Mega Evolution, but he still can’t beat Metagross. This makes Mega Hera Cross extremely dissatisfied. The iron lump in front of him, I must beat it to scrap iron.

Metagross: The king of strong mouth.

One minute and thirty seconds had passed, Jiang Qing said three minutes to end the battle, but Metagross felt that he could end the battle in two minutes.

"Kang Jin"

I can't drag it down any longer, so hurry up and put it down.

As Metagross' eyes narrowed, a strong sense of oppression erupted from it.

At this time, Metagross seems to be completely two Pokémon with the previous Metagross.

"Mega Hera Cross Mega Horn" Mo Fei shouted.

Of course he noticed the changes in Metagross, and at the same time, Mega Hera Cross's Contest Condition was already "097" and it was not very good. If the battle was not ended in a short time, it would be very unfavorable for him to continue to drag it on.

The horn is the most powerful weapon of Hera Cross. After Mega Evolution, its horn seems to be doubled.

Mega Hera Cross lowered his head slightly, and pointed the ferocious horn on the top of his head at Metagross: Don't hide if you have the ability.

This guy also knows Taunt Metagross.

As Mega Hera Cross' legs exploded, Ground bangs, two pits appear, and its body turns into a dark blue streamer.

The horns on the top of its head pierced the air, the milky white airflow wrapped around the horns, and the sharp and piercing sound filled the entire space.

And an extremely sharp breath, until Metagross.

Even Jiang Qing, who was standing outside the protective cover, was affected by this aura, as if he felt that under this aura, both himself and Metagross would be pierced.

Being affected by Pokémon's move can only show that the Pokémon who uses this move has already used this move extremely proficiently.

To put it in a more fantasy way, it is already in the realm of transformation.

If it wasn't for the mental injury, the Mega Horn of Mega Hera Cross would definitely not be able to affect Jiang Zhi.

Although Jiang Qing's mind was affected, Metagross was not affected.

There is no fancy dodging, the right arm is raised, and the colorful light surrounds the right arm, like a comet twinkling.

Meteor Mash is Metagross' most used move.

If Hera Cross uses Mega Horn, it can affect Jiang Qing, and of course Metagross can do it too.

Could it be that his breathing was stagnant, and in his eyes, it seemed that the space had frozen, and everything around him disappeared, except for the colorful tail flame left behind like a comet falling into the sky.


Accompanied by a huge roar, gravel flew in the air, and terrifying air waves ravaged the entire venue.

Could it be that his dazed expression was pulled back by the roar.

First, he was taken aback for a moment, then he seemed to think of something later, and immediately looked towards the venue.

Just in time to see the scene where the Mega Hera Cross was knocked into the air, and in the process of flying upside down, the body has exited the Mega Evolution form.

As the Hera Cross hit the protective cover heavily.

After sliding down the ground, it didn't stand up again this time.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross stood still on the ground: one minute fifty-nine seconds.

"Hera Cross, stand up"

Mo Fei looked at Hera Cross who fell to the ground in disbelief, with an extremely unwilling expression on his face.

He can accept failure, but this kind of failure is really a blow to self-confidence.

It was agreed to end the battle in three minutes.

Looking at the timing board on the edge of the field, the time stayed at one minute and fifty-nine seconds.

Murphy: You liar.

He glared at Jiang Qing, which was successfully faked by the other party, and he and Hera Cross became the background board completely.

Jiang Qing: What look in your eyes, it seems like I have played with your feelings.

He took back Hera Cross and left without saying a word.

From being smug at the beginning to now being distraught, Could Fei perfectly interpret what dreams and reality are.

When he was fighting Jiang Qing, the remaining four had already decided the order of appearance.

Wen Xi, who was the second to appear on the stage, wanted to ask Mo Fei to see if the other party could give him any suggestions. Before he opened his mouth, he listened to Mo Fei.

"I haven't even fought, you four useless people should surrender voluntarily."

The four of them were furious when they heard the words.

Wen Xi: "That's because you are too useless, Mega Evolution can't beat the opponent"

"That Metagross is stronger than when it challenged the Rock-type Gym"

Could it be that he wasn't angry at all, after all he was the one who said he was useless, but he still hoped that these four people could defeat Jiang Qing.

Not because of anything else, but because I don't want to see Jiang Zhi pretend.

It has been half a year since Metagross defeated the Elite peak Pokémon in Fangzhong.

Over the past year, although Metagross' level is still at the pinnacle of quasi-Elite, its strength is improving, and Jiang Qing is constantly investing massive resources......

And Mo Fei's Hera Cross Mega Evolution has indeed reached the peak of Elite, but compared to Fang Zhong, who has stayed at the peak of Elite for many years, he is still inferior

"How about it, how strong is my grandson?"

Jiang Oreburgh saw that Jiang Qing ended the first battle so quickly, while the other four didn't end yet, although it was almost there.

"Knowing that your grandson is excellent, the show has failed"

The Rams looked at Jiang Oreburgh sullenly.

Since Jiang Qing's debut, Jiang Oreburgh has always told everyone that his grandson is a champion. In the past, everyone just listened to it and didn't take it seriously. After all, it is not so easy for a champion to appear.

And with Jiang Qing gradually showing his prominence.

The sentence that was originally used as a joke: My grandson has the posture of a champion.

Now it seems that this is really the case.

"Just a few juniors in your family, they are indeed excellent in other places, but they are still a little worse than my good grandson."

One sentence directly offended the four quasi-champions including Xia Shang.

In other words, Jiang Oreburgh was the champion, otherwise he would have been pushed to the ground and beaten by these four people.

Xia Shang said with a calm face as usual: "It's not what you cultivated."

Although the Jiang family has a strong background, it is still unable to cultivate such a monster as Jiang Qing. Jiang Qing's success must be due to his other adventures.

"So what, I gave him his Metagross"

Jiang Qing's Metagross was split from Jiang Oreburgh's Metagross. 2.7 "Old lady Qin, your granddaughter is just a little older, otherwise there might still be a chance"

Mrs. Qin is Qin Wu's grandma.

"Don't bother you, there are many people chasing after my granddaughter, even Xia's granddaughter is interesting."

Jiang Oreburgh pursed his lips, and said to Xia Shang: "Your son can't do it, of course men want to find women who are younger than themselves."

"The same goes for your granddaughter. She's in her twenties and hasn't married yet. Don't be unmarried and become a leftover girl. Do you want me to introduce one to your granddaughter? It's definitely better than Xia Fei."

"It's not like you don't know Xia Shang's virtues, you can't hold back a fart for a long time"

"His son must have been the same"

"You don't want your granddaughter to marry a mute either?"

Mrs. Qin: "How about Xia and Shang teaming up?"

Xia Shang: "Yes"

Jiang Oreburgh: "You can't beat me together, I am the champion"

Mrs. Qin, Xiashang: (ft.

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