The seventh person from the Western Zhejiang Dragon Academy came on the field, but his face was not very good, he was crying, and he had no fighting spirit at all.

The opposing Pokémon is a quasi-Elite Haxorus.

As far as appearance is concerned, Haxorus is in the dragon category, and his shape is fierce and handsome. Compared with Garchomp, he just looks like he is not easy to mess with.

If you see Dragonite, under the premise of not knowing that it is a quasi-god, you will probably think Dragonite is a fool at first glance.

The number one honest face in the Pokémon world is Dragonite.


Be prepared to fail.

Haxorus opens with a Taunt bit of Metagross, who doesn't seem to know what's going on with the first six.

And the answer to it is Metagross' Teleport plus Bullet Punch.

Metagross appeared to the left of Haxorus, Bullet Punch burst the air, Haxorus felt as if his cheek was run over by a big truck.

The audience at the scene saw that Haxorus had just come on stage, roared, and then Metagross, a Teleport and Bullet Punch, smashed Haxorus out after roaring.

Bullet Punch didn't knock Haxorus down 18. After the latter's bullet flew 100 meters away, he inserted his arm into the Ground, which made Rollout's body stop.

"Haxorus Outrage"

Metagross's "sneak attack" just made Haxorus very unhappy, his face was so painful that he couldn't feel it, and the fire in his heart rose with the energy of Outrage.

His eyes were blood red, and a stream of hot steam-like gas emanated from Haxorus.

Under the Outrage, Haxorus' anger occupied the high ground of reason, and his strength was vaguely approaching the Elite level.

The effect of Outrage's strength increase is definitely not comparable to the Mega Evolution stone.

"Dragon Diving"

"Final Impact"

"Boom!! 35

The two sides' moves violently Tackle together, nearly half of the field is broken, and the sky is constantly impacting the protective cover.

"Haxorus is incapacitated, Metagross wins"

The seventh person of Zhejiang West Dragon Academy was defeated.

The trainer of the other party took back Haxorus very simply, gave Jiang Qing a back that was eager to leave the venue, and hurried off the stage.

"Xia Zhu defeated him"

In the Linxiu Villa of Imperial College, Hu Yi, Yang Feifan, Xia Yu, Shen Yu, Wang Yan, Wu Fan, and others are all here, and they are watching Jiang Qing's game.

"Seven, Brother Jiang deserves to be Brother Jiang"

"Boss Jiang is too good, I can't beat any of these seven"

"Call me the eighth, just surrender, anyway, I know the result."

It was Lin Xiu and Wu Fan who were talking, so they would call Jiang Qing so shamelessly.

A few others, their shame stopped them.

"The eighth person of the Dragon Academy in West Zhejiang should be their captain, right?" Hu Dao, a sharp dagger was turning in his hand.

He was born in a wild game, and the dagger never leaves his body all the year round, holding it around, in addition to training, the most important thing is to act in front of them.

"Yes, it's called Xia Zhu. He participated in the third year of high school last year. I also watched his games in the third year of high school."

"Xia Yu, he should be your Xia family."

The Dragon Department College in West Zhejiang has a deep relationship with the Xia family. Most of the Xia family choose to go to the Dragon Department College in West Zhejiang. There are very few Xia family members like Xia Yu who come to Imperial University.

Facing Wu Fan's question, Xia Yu nodded with a slightly unhappy expression.

"He is very strong, Jiang Qing may not be his Rival" Xia Yu said.

A few people were not surprised when they heard Xia Yu's words. It's no wonder that they were not strong enough to be the captain of the Dragon Department Academy in West Zhejiang.

Just listening to Xia Yu's tone, it seems that it has something to do with this Xia Zhu.

"What's the matter with your love-hate expression, Xia Zhu won't do anything to you, right?"

Lin Xiu has the power of a wave guide. Although he can only reach the primary level and cannot sense too many emotions, but when Xia Yu said Xia Zhu just now, his emotions fluctuated greatly, and he felt it.

Xia Yu didn't answer, just looked at the screen.

Lin Xiu was also very sensible and did not ask any further questions. If he angered this guy, he would not be the unlucky one.

Although I wanted to ask in my heart, I forcibly restrained it.

This side of the playing field.

Jiang Qing looked at Xia Zhu opposite, who was also looking at him.

There is no other meaning, just glances at each other, and there is no emotional inner drama.

If there is, Jiang Qing thinks that this guy is actually quite handsome, giving people a feeling of heroism.

The face is firm but soft, and the facial features are also in place, such as eyes, just two.


Jiang Qing's indifferent expression solidified slightly, looking at Salamence who spread blood-colored wings in midair.

Elite level, the opponent is unscrupulously releasing the breath of Elite level Pokémon.

Pokémon: Salamence (Dragon/Flying)

Level: 71

Qualification: blue

Ability: Intimidate

Item: Dragon Fang

Gender: Male

Moves: Dragon Tail, Bite, Dragon Breath, Headbutt, Scary Face, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Zen Headbutt, Focus Energy, Flamethrower, Outrage

Skill CD: Break Relationship, Ultimate Impact, Protection, Steel Wing, Air Slash, Earthquake, Brick Break, Hydro Pump, Shadow Ball

Genetic Skills: Dragon Rush, Twister, Dragon Swarm, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse

Not only the Elite level, but also the blue qualification.

A senior Elite Trainer, the information about Salamence appeared on the big screen of the venue, which instantly ignited the audience.

Elite, this is Elite.

690 If the quasi-Elite is the end that most trainers can reach in this life, then the Elite is the end of their dreams.

Just the word Elite is enough to make countless Trainers fight for it all their lives.

There are more than 100 million registered trainers in Xia Guo, and nearly 100 million professional trainers, and on such a huge basis, there are only more than 500 Elite-level trainers.

Every Elite Trainer, even if it is just a beginner, will receive a high reception wherever he goes.

The conditions for becoming an Elite Trainer are naturally very harsh, and the cyan qualification Pokémon is enough to stop 99% of the people.

Xia Zhu is currently a senior, should be 21 years old, a 21-year-old Elite, which is really scary.

Pokémon 70 to 71 is a huge hurdle, even a cyan-qualified Pokémon wants to go from the 70 quasi-Elite peak to the 71-level Elite.

It takes at least three or four years in the middle, and as many as seven or eight years or even more than ten years.

This time is used to save energy.

Elite is a process of breaking a cocoon into a butterfly, in which you need a huge amount of energy, and how this energy comes, naturally, it is accumulated slowly by the usual Pokémon.

Of course, the Trainer can invest the corresponding resources to speed up the process, but there are not many resources that can speed up the quasi-Elite to break through the Elite time.

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