"Tie Dumbbell, eat this candy first. It's your breakfast."

Shi Yu handed the remaining experience candy from last night to Tie Dumbbell.


Iron dumbbell, who doesn't like sweets, loves the taste of experience candy.

【Iron Dumbbell Eat candy that provides a small amount of experience points and the level is increased to level 13】

"Iron dumbbells. For now, there is no food you can eat in the ranch. It is not okay to always drink soup."

"So, you go to the mountain where the Serpentine Bear came back just now, and look for any edible ores, right?"

Shi Yu pointed to the southwest direction of the ranch and gave Iron Dumbbell a task.

This is actually a very important thing for the development of the ranch.

In the future, Shi Yu will definitely raise rock-type, ground-type, and steel-type elves in the ranch.

These elves prefer to eat rocks such as ores compared to traditional elf food.

If Iron Dumbbell can dig out an ore channel.

Then the food of these elves will be guaranteed.

In addition...If Iron Dumbbell accidentally digs out a secret treasure or a rare mineral, then Yu will be rich.

The construction of the ranch will save ten years of detours!...


After the iron dumbbells headed for the mountains, Shi Yu's stomach began to rumble.

"I was so busy working hard to get rich that I forgot to fill my stomach."

Shi Yu touched his hungry stomach through his T-shirt. He searched the ranch mall.

He could buy elf food, elf canned food, and tree fruit....But there is no food for humans

"I feel like I'm being targeted!"

Shi Yu complained, but he found a familiar figure on the quiet path.

"Shi Yuge~~"

From a distance, Xiaoyou waved to Shiyu.

Shiyu saw Xiaoyou walking towards him with something in her hand.

At the same time, the aroma of fried dough sticks filled his nose.

"Xiaoyou, you are such a good person!"

Shi Yu muttered and walked towards Xiaoyou.

Pushing aside the weeds nearby, Shi Yu walked in front of Xiaoyou.

"Here, this is breakfast for you."

Xiaoyou was a little considerate, knowing that Shiyu must not have eaten breakfast, so she brought it to him.

"Xiaoyou, you still understand me."

He took the plastic bag from Xiaoyou's hand.

Inside were two fried dough sticks, two meat buns, a tea egg and a cup of sweet soy milk.

Shi Yu inserted the straw into the soy milk cup, took a deep sip, and then put another fried dough stick into his mouth.

Fried dough sticks with soy milk, the more you eat, the more delicious it is.


Brother Shi Yu, it's only been one night and there are so many elves on your ranch?" Xiao You was a little surprised looking at the elves who were doing their work in an orderly manner.

Before this, Xiao You had secretly come to Shi Yu's ranch.

It was a desolate place with weeds everywhere, and the only thatched house was dilapidated.

But in just one night.

The thatched house was renovated, the weeds on a piece of land were cleared, and the haystacks were piled up.

There were also many elves working.

Could this scene really be renovated in one night? Xiao You couldn't even imagine it.


Shi Yu swallowed the fried dough sticks in an ungentlemanly manner, drank some soy milk, and peeled a tea egg.

He said to Xiaoyou,"Yes, maybe I am lucky. I captured a braided sheep and a snake-patterned bear yesterday. Those braided sheep were all captured by the braided sheep I captured...."

Shi Yu hesitated to speak, saying that he was kidnapped, wouldn't it be a bit strange

?...It seemed even more strange.

Shi Yu simply said:"Those braided sheep are the confidantes of the braided sheep I conquered. They came here because of his reputation."


As expected, Xiaoyou was stunned for a few seconds when she heard the word.

Then, her pretty face turned red.

As a lively girl who could hit the nail on the head during adolescence, she naturally understood what a confidante was.

But she didn't expect that Maobianyang would also be shy?!

For a moment, Xiaoyou's heart was beating fast.

"Come in."

After peeling the tea egg, Shi Yu took a bite, then swept away the weeds to make a path for Xiao You.

Shi Yu thought to himself that all these weeds must be removed.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to get in and out.

Xiao You followed Shi Yu to the thatched hut.

She was a little surprised and said,"Brother Shi Yu, did you live in the thatched hut last night?"


Shi Yu nodded and continued to eat the buns.

"Ah? Then...So, are you going to live in a thatched hut from now on?"

Xiaoyou glanced at Shiyu, thinking that there was still an empty room in her house. If Shiyu didn't mind, she could go back to Hualang Town at night and stay at her house.

But Shiyu said directly:"Probably not. I plan to build a wooden house in the next two days. It should only take one day."

Of course.

Shiyu was referring to...It will take one day to complete the ranch mission.

By then, the system will help you convert the thatched house into a wooden house.

"Log House...That's fine."

Xiao Youdian nodded, keeping the words in his heart.

"By the way, Brother Shi Yu, I came here to help you today. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Xiao You didn't wear her usual clothes today, nor did she wear her"dengdengdeng" leather shoes.

She was wearing a sports outfit and a cape, ready to go to work on the farm.

"Oh? Xiaoyou, are you really here to help me?"

Shi Yu originally thought that she was just talking yesterday.

"Of course it's true! Brother Shi Yu, if you want to rebuild the ranch, I will definitely help you."

Xiao You said seriously

"Well, I will use my ranch servant without hesitation.

Shi Yu took out a sickle from the thatched cottage and handed it to Xiao You.

"Then please help the screw mole weed."

This is what Shi Yu urgently needs to do.

Since Xiao You wants to help, Shi Yu will definitely not let go of this free labor.


Xiaoyou usually helps her mother weed at home, so she has some experience in weeding.

While she was mowing the grass,

Shiyu also finished his breakfast.

He spent 300 ranch coins to buy 10 orange fruit tree seedlings from the ranch store.

"As for orange fruit trees, ten should be enough, and I will plant some other fruit trees later."

Shi Yu thought about it and began to plan his own ranch orchard.

A qualified ranch must have its own orchard.

At that time, it will also be convenient for the elves in the ranch to pick and eat.

Shi Yu walked to the south of the thatched house and selected a piece of land.

The east is close to the river and the south is close to the forest.

Planting orange fruit trees in this area should be very suitable.

Moist soil is also more suitable for the growth of fruit trees.

After removing the weeds nearby, Shi Yu planted the orange fruit tree seedlings himself.

Shi Yu planted the ten orange fruit tree seedlings together.

It was about 10X10 meters in a circle.


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